Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:16, 21.04.2021

Guesthouses in the Danube Delta, up to 95 pct booked for Easter mini-holiday

Booking rates for tourist accommodation establishments in the Danube Delta for the Easter mini-holiday is up to 95%, but some economic agents, especially those whose incomes depended on foreign tourism, claim that,…

15:50, 09.04.2021

Approximately a quarter of hoteliers receive Easter reservations, 19% of units fully booked

Almost a quarter of hoteliers (23%) have already received the first reservations for the Easter period, and over a third (37%) say that they registered the first reservations for the summer holidays season, according…

19:40, 02.04.2021

Over 4,200 border police officers on duty during Catholic Easter holidays

Over 4,200 police officers will be deployed daily at the state border during the Catholic Easter holidays for surveillance and control, cross-border crime prevention and combat activities, the Border Police General…

22:31, 10.02.2021

PM Citu: Holiday vouchers that should have been issued this year will be issued in 2022

The holiday vouchers that should have been issued this year will be issued in 2022, Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Wednesday, announcing that an emergency ordinance on a number of structural measures was discussed…

15:41, 08.02.2021

PNL's Orban: Holiday vouchers to no longer be issued in 2021

National Liberal Party (PNL) Chairman Ludovic Orban on Monday informed that the coalition government at the meeting on the same day discussed the broad lines of the budget for this year and certain measures meant…

13:20, 11.01.2021

Romanians to be more cautious with money this year, but will not give up holidays

Romanians will be more cautious with their budget this year, but will indulge their denied desires from last year, such as traveling, according to a market survey done by Wisemetry Research, sent to AGERPRES on…

13:36, 10.01.2021

Pupils resume online classes on Monday

Pupils will resume online classes in the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year on Monday, after the winter holiday. The school year 2020-2021 is structured over two semesters, amounting to 34 weeks. The first…

15:21, 06.01.2021

PSD asks clearly for schools to reopen when holiday ends

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) is calling for the reopening of schools once the holiday ends, the Social Democrat MP Alexandru Rafila said on Wednesday, arguing that a postponement "has no justification", according…

12:55, 29.12.2020

Salaries, bonuses of public workers to freeze in 2021, holiday vouchers in electronic format only (project)

The salaries and bonuses of public workers will maintain throughout 2021 at the same level with the one granted for December 2020, the value of fine point will remain at 145 RON, and the holiday vouchers worth…

18:45, 24.12.2020

Senate's President Dragu: May Christmas holidays bring light, balance and strength to our hearts

The President of the Senate, Anca Dragu, conveys to the Romanians, on the occasion of the Christmas holidays, "the most sincere wishes of health, good luck, fulfillments and many joys with all those close to them".…

18:45, 24.12.2020

PMCitu: We welcome Christmas holiday with hope and trust that we will get through

Prime Minister Florin Citu sends Romanians a message that the Christmas holiday is welcomed with hope and trust that this difficult period will be overcome and highlights that these days we should observe the protection…

15:40, 15.12.2020

UNTOLD lansază campania ”Be the headliner of the holidays”! Cum poți lua lecții muzicale de la unii dintre cei mai buni DJ

Sărbătorile de iarnă din acest an sunt cea mai bună ocazie pentru pasionații de muzică electronică să devină DJ-ul petrecerii de acasă. ,,Be the headliner of the holidays” este o campanie pornită de organizatorii…

16:50, 14.12.2020

Interim PM Ciuca recomends citizens to reduce travel during winter holidays, to limit COVID-19 spreading

Interim Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said that, given the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, he recommended that citizens reduce travel during the winter holidays to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus and…

09:10, 14.12.2020

Raed Arafat, on holidays: Respecting rules and limiting mobility to the maximum

The head of the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU), Secretary of State Raed Arafat, recommended, for the holidays to follow, the observance of sanitary rules and the limitation to the maximum of mobility…

14:50, 13.11.2020

Eddie Vedder, James Hetfield, Jon Bon Jovi şi Alice Cooper sar în sprijinul veteranilor - Vor susține alături de alți artiști un concert caritabil online

Eddie Vedder, James Hetfield, Jon Bon Jovi şi Alice Cooper se numără între artiştii care vor participa, în decembrie, la concertul caritabil online „VetsAid 2020: Home for the Holidays”, organizat de Joe Walsh,…

19:50, 10.11.2020

President Iohannis: Not taking into account full quarantine for holidays

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Tuesday at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace that a full quarantine of Romania is not being taken into account currently or for the holidays."We are not taking into consideration…

14:20, 29.10.2020

HealthMin Tataru on quarantine during the winter holidays: We haven't discussed this

Minister of Health Nelu Tataru on Thursday stated in Constanta that the authorities "have not discussed" anything about the possibly of introducing quarantine measures during the winter holidays, according to AGERPRES."We…

21:05, 28.10.2020

Iohannis: I believe this year we'll go back to what Christmas means, a holiday in and with family

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday evening said in a press conference at the Cotroceni Palace that declaring a state of emergency has not been considered during the winter holidays, adding that this year "we…

22:06, 19.10.2020

Holiday D'Sign Consult din Ploiesti reabiliteaza Liceul Tehnologic de Electrotehnica si Telecomunicatii din Constanta

Primaria Constanta a incheiat procedura de achizitie publica pentru atribuirea documentatiei tehnico economice aferenta proiectului Reabilitarea, modernizarea si dotarea Liceului Tehnologic de Electrotehnica si…

23:05, 25.09.2020

Constanta Șantierul“ de la Liceul cu Program Sportiv Nicolae Rotaru“. Serviciu nou achizitionat de autoritatea contractanta

l Contractul i a fost atribuit firmei castigatoare Holiday D 39;Sign Consult SRL, cu sediul in Ploiesti.Pe licitatiapublica.ro, a fost publicat anuntul de atribuire la procedura simplificata "Achizitionarea serviciului…

13:55, 07.09.2020

Ce spune un expert despre descalificarea lui Djokovic de la US Open. Și o poveste cu Ilie Năstase din 1975

&"Felicitări arbitrului Soeren Friemel de la US Open. Novak Djokovic, jucătorul nr.1 din lume, l-a pus pe Friemel în fața unei decizii dificile după ce a aruncat o minge și a lovit neintenționat o arbitră…

14:20, 20.08.2020

Holidays on Romanian Black Sea coast get cheaper by 20 pct from this weekend

Accommodation prices on the Romanian Black Sea coast decrease by 20 pct, starting on 23 August, and from the end of the last month of summer, hotel rooms will be cheaper by an average of 40-50 pct, a press release…

21:50, 05.08.2020

Versiunea finală dactilografiată a romanului "Breakfast at Tiffany's", vândută la licitaţie cu 377.000 de lire sterline

Versiunea finală dactilografiată a romanului "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (1958), care include adnotări ale scriitorului Truman Capote, a fost vândută cu 377.000 de lire sterline (417.177 de euro) la o licitaţie…

18:55, 05.08.2020

Versiunea finală dactilografiată a romanului 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' a fost vândută cu 377.000 de lire sterline la licitaţie

Versiunea finală dactilografiată a romanului "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (1958), care include adnotări ale scriitorului Truman Capote, a fost vândută cu 377.000 de lire sterline (417.177 de euro) la o licitaţie organizată…

07:45, 05.08.2020

Prince Charles pleads with Romanians to spend holidays in their homeland, discover Romania's incredible riches

In a recent video presented on Tuesday at his house in Valea Zalanului - Covasna County, Prince Charles pleads with Romanians to spend their holidays in their homeland and discover its "incredible riches", noting…

12:20, 31.07.2020

Two of ten Romanians are interested in acquisition of holiday home within next year

Nearly two thirds of Romanians (64 pct) will choose, this summer, the Romanian littoral for spending holidays, while two in ten persons have said they are interested in buying a holiday home within a year, show…

21:31, 24.06.2020

Ambassador Ramis says July 14 holiday at France's Embassy to be "sober, symbolic ceremony"

The French Ambassador in Bucharest, Michele Ramis, announced on Wednesday that the traditional July 14 holiday will be, this year, in the context of the pandemic, "a sober and symbolic ceremony".The diplomat spoke…

15:27, 07.06.2020

More than 15,000 Romanians arrive to Romanian resorts at the Black Sea on Pentecost holiday (study)

More than 15,000 Romanians arrived to Romanian resorts at the Black Sea during the Pentecost mini-holiday, although the initial estimates of tour operators were between 10,000 and 12,000 people, according to a…

19:55, 05.06.2020

FAPT's Martin: 90pct of Romanian tourists choose internal destinations, looking for new places, experiences

The head of the Federation of Romania's Tourism Promotion Associations (FAPT), Corina Martin, says approximately 90 per cent of the Romanian tourists will choose internal destinations this year and that they are…

16:16, 21.05.2020

Romanians want local seaside holidays, but require hotel safety precautions (survey)

Over 78 percent of Romanians want to return to the Romanian seaside this summer despite the coronavirus pandemic, found an online survey conducted between May 10 - May 19, 2020 by the online agency Litoralul Românesc.ro…