Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:43, 30.04.2020

Romanian Police: Traditional 1 May seaside holiday not registered in military ordinances as reason to travel

The traditional 1 May seaside holiday is not registered in the military ordinances as a reason to travel, on Thursday said the Romanian Police in a release on their Facebook page.The Police urges the Romanians…

11:02, 30.04.2020

Doi soți, căsătoriți de 63 de ani, au murit unul după celălalt în aceeași zi. Aveau coronavirus. „Viața lor nu a fost întotdeauna un pat de trandafiri”

Un soț și o soție au murit în aceeași zi după mai bine de 60 de ani împreună, a anunțat familia lor, informează BBC.Bill Dartnall, în vârstă de 90 de ani, a murit la câteva ore după ce soția sa Mary, în vârstă…

14:52, 16.04.2020

Iohannis: We'll spend Easter holidays away from our loved ones, let's make it together

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that the Easter holidays would be spent in "atypical conditions", away from their loved ones, and called on Romanians to make this effort. "We are on the eve of Easter…

12:52, 15.04.2020

President Iohannis: Stay home. Otherwise, after the holidays, we'll have funerals Bucharest

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday made a call on Romanians to stay home, otherwise "after the holidays, we'll have funerals." "Stay home. Otherwise, after the holidays, we'll have funerals," Iohannis said.Romania's…

19:58, 10.04.2020

PM Orban counting on wise contribution of Jewish communities in Romania to fight coronavirus pandemic

In a Pesach message, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban says that he is counting on the wise contribution of the members of the Jewish communities in Romania in the fight against the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the…

21:29, 08.04.2020

Incep lucrarile de reabilitare termica a Școlii Gimnaziale nr. 8 din municipiul Constanta

Primaria municipiului Constanta a atribuit contractul de elaborare documentatie tehnico economica aferenta proiectului Cresterea eficientei energetice a imobilului Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 8, Constanta PT, DTAC, avize,…

15:11, 03.04.2020

Iohannis asks Romanians from abroad not to come home for Easter holidays

President Klaus Iohannis made an appeal on Friday to the Romanians from abroad not to come home this year for the Easter holidays. Iohannis added this necessary appeal saddens him."My dear ones, do not come home…

15:18, 19.03.2020

Iohannis: We transmit to Romanians living abroad not to come home this year for Easter

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday asked the prefects and the heads of the decentralized public institutions to transmit to Romanians living abroad not to come home this year for holidays, because, in the context…

14:38, 16.03.2020

Propuneri USR-PLUS pentru Ludovic Orban: Tax holiday + mix de credite fiscale și reduceri de taxe, impozite și contribuții

În contextul pandemiei de coronavirus și al efectelor economice ce încep să se resimtă la nivel internațional și național, Alianța USR PLUS cere Guvernului Orban II adoptarea de urgență a unor măsuri menite să…

23:18, 28.02.2020

Documentatia pentru reabilitarea si modernizarea Gradinitei Mugurel“ din Constanta, elaborata de Holiday D'Sign Consult (document)

Municipiul Constanta a anuntat numele societatii comerciale care si a adjudecat contractul "Serviciul de elaborare documentatie tehnico economica aferenta obiectivului de investitii laquo;Reabilitarea, modernizarea…

21:09, 11.02.2020

Holiday D'Sign Consult SRL va elabora documentatia tehnico-economica privind reabilitarea, modernizarea si dotarea a doua unitati scolare din Constanta…

Municipiul Constanta a atribuit societatii Holiday D 39;Sign Consult SRL doua contracte privind elaborarea documentatiei tehnico economice aferente obiectivului de investitii privind reabilitarea, modernizarea…

21:56, 23.01.2020

Un nou contract pentru Holiday D'sign Consult SRL. Gradinita cu program prelungit Amicii va fi modernizata

Primaria Constanta a atribuit prin procedura simplificata serviciul de elaborare documentatie tehnico economica aferenta obiectivului de investitii Reabilitarea, modernizarea si dotarea Gradinitei cu program prelungit…

17:14, 08.01.2020

Official statistics: Romanian tourists prefer short trips, accommodation at relatives or friends

Romanian tourists prefer short trips of four nights at the most and seek accommodation at relatives or friends, shows data centralized by the National Institute of Statistics (INS), which reveals that most of the…

16:18, 03.01.2020

More than 2.5 ml travelers crossed Romania's border these winter holidays

Over 2.5 million travelers were cleared at Romania's border checkpoints during these winter holidays (December 20 - January 3), the Border Police informs in a Friday statement.According to the cited source, approximately…

12:56, 25.12.2019

Patriarch Daniel: Christmas is holiday of spiritual and material gifts

Christmas is the holiday of spiritual and material gifts, Romanian Orthodox Church Patriarch Daniel said in the sermon of the Holy Liturgy officiated at the Patriarchal Cathedral, on the occasion of the Birth of…

16:56, 24.12.2019

Over 21,000 MAI staff to be on duty in holiday season

Over 21,000 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) will be on duty, daily, throughout the country, to increase the degree of citizens' safety in the context of holiday season and during the cold season.…

11:37, 19.12.2019

Additional measures to ease border traffic flow during winter holidays

The Romanian authorities have taken additional measures to ease the traffic flow through the border crossing points during the winter holidays, when it is estimated that there will be a significant increase in…

15:00, 18.12.2019

Alexandra Craciun lanseaza “Holiday”, un cover dupa Madonna!

Alexandra Craciun lanseaza un super cover dupa piesa Madonnei, “Holiday”, ce transmite o energie pozitiva, invitandu-ne sa ne lasam purtati cu gandul la vacanta. “Holiday” este single-ul Madonnei, lansat in 1983,…

10:18, 06.12.2019

Cronică de film | „Crăciun în sălbăticie” e ca un vin ieftin. Fiert și condimentat, te unge totuși pe suflet

Încă puțin și te vei trezi într-o sufragerie plină cu rude nerăbdătoare să vadă un film drăguț de sărbători! Dacă telecomanda e la tine, le poți pune „Crăciun în sălbăticie” pe Netflix. Nu-i vreo capodoperă, dar…

19:23, 13.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/ Iohannis: In five years I was three times away on holiday, but with work folder

President Klaus Iohannis Wednesday told a press conference, that during his five years in office he was three times away on holiday, but even on those occasions he took his work folder to carry out various activities…

13:36, 29.10.2019

Dismissed PM Dancila talks to protesters in Ocna Dej Salt Mine

Dismissed Prime Minister and Social Democratic Party (PSD) candidate in the presidential elections Viorica Dancila discussed on Tuesday with miners' representatives of Ocna Dej Salt Mine, who are protesting because…

17:06, 28.08.2019

Marriott va elimina sticlutele de sampon din hotelurile sale pana in 2020

Grupul american Marriott International, cel mai mare lant hotelier din lume, a anuntat miercuri ca va elimina toate sticlutele de plastic care contin sampon, balsam si gel de dus din camerele sale de hotel, pana…

13:54, 06.08.2019

Romanians use holiday vouchers to pay for 192,000 overnights in summer 2019

Romanians have used holiday vouchers to pay for 192,000 overnights so far this summer season, up 269 percent from 2018, with the Black Sea coast, Prahova Valley, the spa resorts and the main cities being the main…

11:46, 31.07.2019

Un grup mare de hoteluri din România renunţă la recipientele de plastic cu cosmetice din camere

Articole de toaletă miniaturale vor dispărea din toate hotelurile administrate de InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) din motive de mediu, aceasta fiind prima companie hotelieră globală care întreprinde o…

14:47, 11.07.2019

Cetatea, marea vedetă a Zilelor Ineului 2019

Ineu. De vineri până duminică. Trei zile sunt invitaţi ineuanii să petreacă de Zilele Ineului 2019 de către Primăria de aici. Concerte, vernisaje, lansări de carte, filme, toate vor pune stăpânire pe oraş în weekendul…

17:22, 07.07.2019

TourMin Trif: Holiday vouchers bring to light much of economy on black market; licensing applications, up 60pct

Holiday vouchers have brought to light a large part of the economy that was functioning on the black market, given that last year the number of operators who submitted applications for licenses at the Ministry…

11:25, 25.04.2019

Seaside hotels ready 40,000 accommodation places for upcoming May 1 mini-holiday

Representatives of the Romanian Tourism Employers Federation (FPTR) told a press conference on Wednesday evening in Eforie Nord that 40,000 out of a total of 101,000 accommodation places in classified hotels at…

13:36, 19.03.2019

Alertă cu bombă la Bruxelles, lângă Ambasada Marii Britanii. Zona a fost evacuată

Poliția a închis o zonă vastă din apropierea Ambasadei Marii Britanii din Bruxelles, Belgia. Departamentul de pompieri a raportat că a primit un telefon prin care cineva a semnalat că o bombă va exploda, notează sputniknews.com.…

17:22, 21.02.2019

Tourism is priority sector, current Government has taken concrete steps

Tourism is a priority sector in Romania, and the current Government has taken concrete steps that have led to its substantial growth, Deputy Prime Minister Viorel Stefan said on Thursday at the opening of the 41st…

17:52, 19.02.2019

Holiday tickets worth EUR 250 million issued in 2018 in Romania

The holiday tickets' value issued in 2018 in Romania parked at EUR 250 million, roughly nine times higher than in 2017, yet below the EUR 400 million threshold initially estimated for 2018, show the data released…