Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:35, 18.12.2018

President Iohannis: We're ready, we'll demonstrate we can exercise good presidency of EU Council

Romania is ready to exercise the presidency of the Council of the European Union, President Klaus Iohannis said Tuesday.  "We are ready and we will demonstrate that we can exercise a good presidency of the EU Council,"…

12:45, 11.12.2018

President Iohannis to attend High-Level Forum Africa-Europe

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis will attend the High-Level Forum Africa-Europe in Vienna on December 17 and 18.According to the Presidential Administration, the forum aims to strengthen the EU's long-term partnership…