Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:31, 12.06.2024

We wont hesitate to further take decisions to protect the populations living standard, PM Ciolacu says

We won't hesitate to further take decisions to protect the population's living standard, PM Ciolacu says

The government will continue to take decisions to protect the population's standard of living, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday, also mentioning that inflation dropped to almost 5 percent in May,…

18:21, 04.06.2024

Liderul mondial în tenis, Novak Djokovici, s-a retras de la Roland Garros din cauza unei accidentări

Sârbul Novak Djokovici, locul 1 mondial, s-a retras de la Roland Garros după ce s-a calificat în sferturile de finală, unde urma să îl înfrunte pe danezul Casper Ruud, a relatat news.ro.Potrivit organizatorilor,…

19:16, 17.10.2021

The Government Program / USR proposes a National Pact for Vaccination

The Save Romania Union (USR) proposes, in the governing program of the Ciolos Cabinet, a series of urgent measures for the management of the COVID-19 pandemic. "We need courage to bring the epidemic back under…

17:45, 13.07.2021

Senate's Dragu: Many women hesitate to pursue a public office because of the aggressiveness

:23 Nr afisări buton paus. Senate President Anca Dragu says many women are reluctant to pursue a public office because of the "aggressiveness" that comes along with such position, as their personal lives are invaded…

14:10, 04.04.2021

MAE, on NATO Day: Romania fulfills consistently, without hesitation, its commitments of responsible ally

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) welcomes the marking of NATO Day in Romania and emphasizes that in the last 17 years since accession, "our country has made sustained efforts and demonstrated the will and…

22:00, 05.01.2021

Immunization campaign head: 30 - 30 pct of population hesitate, want to push back inoculation date

Military doctor Valeriu Gheorghita, chairman of the National Committee for the coordination of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, said today that surveys have found that between 30 and 35 percent of the population…

20:00, 14.08.2020

PM Orban: Police and Gendarmerie must strengthen fight against criminal groups

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Friday that the Police and Gendarmerie must intensify, "without hesitation", the fight against criminal networks. "Minister Vela, (...) I want to encourage you to urge the Police…

15:52, 30.08.2019

PM Dancila: I stood my ground for seven months without hesitating, when others resigned on Facebook

PSD (Social Democratic Party) leader Viorica Dancila on Friday stated PSD won't step down from rule, for this is not "the party of those who always change their minds," and specified she won't ever answer to a…

16:53, 05.03.2018

Dragnea: I support Minister Toader; his report cannot be combated by someone of good faith

PSD President Liviu Dragnea said on Monday that he has no hesitation in supporting Justice Minister Tudorel Toader, and his report [on the DNA management] cannot be combated by someone of good faith. "To avoid…

08:33, 06.10.2016

Tariceanu: Speaking of integrity criteria, the President had no hesitation about running for office

Co-chair of Romania's Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, also the chairman of the Romanian Senate, said Wednesday that as of now he does not know of any ALDE member facing juridical…

16:41, 29.06.2015

Cum se distreaza Andrei Leonte in vacanta! VIDEO

In noul sau clip, cel al piesei „Hesitate to love”, Andrei Leonte apare plimbandu-se in mai multe locuri exotice, unul mai frumos ca altul. „Videoclipul e ca un mare Instagram de vara… cu soundtrack! Asa a fost…

15:40, 29.06.2015

Andrei Leonte lansează primul single in limba engleza (Videoclip)

In noul sau videoclip, cel al piesei „Hesitate to love”, Andrei Leonte apare plimbandu-se in mai multe locuri exotice, unul mai frumos ca altul.„Videoclipul e ca un mare Instagram de vara... cu soundtrack! Asa…

15:10, 29.06.2015

Andrei Leonte e pe val! Câştigătorul show-ului X Factor lansează primul single în engleză: "Hesitate to love"

In noul sau clip, cel al piesei &"Hesitate to love&", Andrei Leonte apare plimbandu-se in mai multe locuri exotice, unul mai frumos ca altul. &"Videoclipul e ca un mare Instagram de vara... cu soundtrack! Asa a…

18:16, 25.06.2015

Andrei Leonte – Hesitate To Love (videoclip nou)

Desi e vara, nu toata lumea e in vacanta, asa ca multi dintre noi ne gandim la mare si la soare inca din birouri. Dar se pare ca Andrei Leonte a trecut deja la fapte in noul sau videoclip, in care il vedem plimbandu-se…

20:55, 24.06.2015

Iata cum sparge banii Andrei Leonte in strainatate (VIDEO)

„Videoclipul e ca un mare Instagram de vara... cu soundtrack! Asa a fost gandit de la inceput si asta ne-a inspirat si piesa inca de cand a fost compusa de baietii de la Deepside Deejays. Ne venea sa plecam la…