Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:15, 25.06.2024

Cu ce să te îmbraci pe caniculă

Cu ce să te îmbraci pe caniculă

În ultimele zile, România s-a aflat sub mai multe avertizări de caniculă după ce temperaturile au urcat până spre 40 de grade Celsius mai ales în sudul țării. În aceste condiții, este bine să ținem seamă de sfaturile…

14:35, 24.06.2024

This years set goal - 70 km of district heating pipes modernized (Bucharest general mayor)

This year's set goal - 70 km of district heating pipes modernized (Bucharest general mayor)

The General Mayor of Bucharest, Nicusor Dan, announced on Monday that the works for the modernization of the district heating system with non-reimbursable European funding are progressing, with the goal set for…

16:16, 10.06.2024

HEATING & COOLING ENGINEERING S.R.L. din Ilfov își păcălește clienții și acumulează datorii la stat

HEATING & COOLING ENGINEERING S.R.L. din Ilfov își păcălește clienții și acumulează datorii la stat

HEATING & COOLING ENGINEERING S.R.L din Ilfov își păcălește clienții și acumulează datorii la stat. Firma, care este deținută de Laurențiu Stoica (foto), a devenit recent subiectul mai multor plângeri și controverse.

18:15, 17.05.2024

Energy minister Burduja: In December well have Iernut-based heating plant running on gas ready

Energy minister Burduja: In December we'll have Iernut-based heating plant running on gas ready

The heating plant in Iernut will be ready in December, with other investments such as Neptun Deep and Mintia on the schedule, the Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, informed on Friday at a specialized event.

16:45, 11.05.2024

Look whos talking: Gabriela Firea, Nicusor Dan failed to solve heating problem (PNLs Burduja)

Look who's talking: Gabriela Firea, Nicusor Dan failed to solve heating problem (PNL's Burduja)

The National Liberal Party (PNL) candidate for the Bucharest City Hall, Sebastian Burduja, criticized the general mayor, Nicusor Dan, and his predecessor, Gabriela Firea, for the fact that the heating network rehabilitation…

19:01, 24.04.2024

Investments in rehabilitation of Bucharests heating network - too few, too slow, PNLs Burduja says

Investments in rehabilitation of Bucharest's heating network - 'too few, too slow', PNL's Burduja says

Leader of the National Liberal Party's Bucharest branch Sebastian Burduja, who is running for Bucharest Mayor, is critical of the current local administration for making "too few and too slow" investments in the…

15:35, 22.04.2024

Switching all consumption to electric leads to the highest costs for citizens (study)

Switching all consumption to electric leads to the highest costs for citizens (study)

Switching all consumption to electric leads to the highest costs for citizens, while the lowest costs are obtained in the situation of partial switching to electric cars, heating with heat pumps of new buildings…

12:05, 20.10.2022

Prime Minister advocates urgent expansion of natural gas network, to replace fuel oil as heating agent

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca advocated, on Thursday, at a video conference with the county prefects, the urgent expansion of the natural gas network, so that fuel oil is replaced as a heating agent. Fii la curent…

11:31, 20.10.2022

PM Ciuca: I do not accept transition of schools to online because of the lack of heating in schools

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca emphasized, on Thursday, during a video conference with the county prefects, that the transition of schools to the online program during the cold season due to the "heating" is not…

14:05, 01.09.2022

PM Ciuca: The government has taken all measures to secure the necessary heating stockpiles

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca says that the government has taken all measures to secure the necessary stockpiles for heating, and it is prepared to adopt a legislative framework to protect citizens from rising energy…

15:21, 02.08.2022

EU approves 3 billion euro German green heating scheme

The European Commission said on Tuesday it had approved the German government’s 3-billion-euro scheme to support renewable energy and waste heat-based district heating programmes, which it said would help Germany…

22:05, 29.12.2021

Ministry of Development provides support to local authorities for natural gas heating

The joint order for establishing the procedure for granting the subsidy to compensate the costs related to the acquisition of natural gas necessary for the production of thermal energy in a centralized system was…

16:30, 12.11.2021

Bucharest heating, different opinions from two district mayors

The Bucharest heating is seen differently, by at least two of the six district mayors, namely district 6 and 3 mayors, the Capital's most populated districts. District 6 mayor (second most populated district),…

18:11, 01.11.2021

Citu: Gov't will subsidise steam production for district heating based on clearly established principles

The government will subsidise steam production for district heating, but based on clearly established allocation principles, interim Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Monday, agerpres reports. "This is a special…

22:15, 26.10.2021

Hugh Grant a donat 10.000 de lire sterline unei fundații care oferă gratuit instalații sanitare bătrânilor și persoanelor vulnerabile

Un fondator de caritate spune că „nu-i venea să creadă” când a observat că actorul Hugh Grant a donat 10.000 de lire sterline (14.000 de dolari) paginii sale GoFundMe, scrie BBC. James Anderson conduce o organizație…

17:15, 24.08.2021

Prime Minister Florin Citu asks prefects to start preparations for cold season

Prime Minister Florin Citu asked prefects to start preparations for the cold season, that is to ensure stocks for snow removal, heating of buildings and to take measures to identify and protect vulnerable people."For…

15:10, 07.06.2021

(P) Adevarata relaxare incepe din 7 iunie. La Therme

Therme, cel mai mare centru de relaxare și wellness construit greenfield din Europa se redeschide din 7 iunie Therme Bucuresti anunta redeschiderea pentru public, din 7 iunie, a celui mai mai mare si avansat tehnologic…

20:00, 04.06.2021

Adevărata relaxare începe din 7 iunie. La Therme (PUBLICITATE)

Therme, cel mai mare centru de relaxare și wellness construit greenfield din Europa se redeschide din 7 iunie Therme Bucuresti anunta redeschiderea pentru public, din 7 iunie, a celui mai mai mare si avansat tehnologic…

14:25, 23.02.2021

Aid worth EUR 254 million for Bucharest heating system's rehabilitation from European Commission

The European Commission approved, on Tuesday, under EU state aid rules, Romania's plans to support the modernisation of the heating system of the municipality of Bucharest, informs a press release of the Community…

19:41, 19.01.2021

Mayor Dan: We need all those capable of working on modernization of Bucharest heating system

Bucharest general mayor, Nicusor Dan, declared, after a meeting with specialized companies in the field of thermal network construction, that there is a need for all those capable of working on the modernization…

16:35, 10.01.2021

449 apartment blocks without heating, hot water in Bucharest

As many as 449 apartment blocks in Bucharest's District 3 have been left without heating and hot water, and in the case of several hundred other blocks of flats in Districts 2 and 3 heating and hot water are provided…

10:15, 31.12.2020

Bucharest Mayor Dan: Public transport subsidy, natural, heating subsidy, an anomaly

The general mayor of Bucharest, Nicusor Dan, said in a TV broadcast on Wednesday evening that the subsidy for public transport is "a natural matter", a subsidy that is paid all over the world, while the heating…

14:25, 05.12.2020

President Iohannis tackles Bucharest problems with General Mayor Nicusor Dan

Bucharest heating, traffic, waste management and pollution were among the issues tackled Saturday at the Cotroceni Palace by President Klaus Iohannis and the Capital City's General Mayor Nicusor Dan, according…

19:35, 05.11.2020

Bucharest City Mayor Nicusor Dan discusses online with ambassadors of EU member states

The General Mayor of the Capital City, Nicusor Dan, had an online meeting with the ambassadors of the EU member states, an event in which he showed interest in taking over successful experiences in road traffic…

11:10, 05.11.2020

Bucharest Mayor Dan talks with EC representatives regarding heating system

Bucharest's General Mayor, Nicusor Dan, wrote, on Facebook, that he had an online discussion with representative of the European Commission regarding the heating system in Bucharest and the financing of necessary…

10:40, 06.10.2020

ELCEN: Gabriela Firea lies and misinforms about supply of hot water in the Capital

Gabriela Firea continues to misinform and lie to the public opinion in order to hide the inability to manage the district heating in Bucharest and the disaster she finalized during her term, the electricity and…

19:55, 29.09.2020

Bucharest Mayor elect Nicusor Dan: Heating system, in a difficult situation

The Bucharest General Mayor elect Nicusor Dan, said on Tuesday that he had met with the special administrator of ELCEN, Claudiu Cretu, and that the heating system in Bucharest is in a "very difficult" situation."I…

19:05, 27.03.2019

Schneider Electric a realizat soluția BMS pentru The Bridge 1 – clădirea Leed* Platinum, certificată cu cel mai mare punctaj din România

Schneider Electric , liderul global în transformarea digitală a managementului energiei și al automatizării, a furnizat soluția de Building Management System (BMS) pentru clădirea “The Bridge 1” realizată de Forte…

11:44, 12.09.2018

Opțiuni practice pentru camerele de server de mici dimensiuni și micro centrele de date

Schneider Electric, specialistul global în transformarea digitală a managementului energiei și al automatizării, oferă clienților din România atât soluții de infrastructură fizică, cât și software pentru managementul…

15:08, 11.04.2018

Clădirile de birouri inteligente, parte integrantă a orașului inteligent

În ultima perioada auzim din ce în ce mai des sintagmele smart city, smart grid, smart buildings și IoT. Chiar dacă sunt foarte la modă și ne aduc promisiunile tehnologice ale viitorului, este bine…