Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:24, 02.07.2020

Spectacolul 'Citadela' deschide, joi, stagiunea de vară a Teatrului Nottara

Spectacolul „Citadela” deschide, joi, stagiunea de vară a Teatrului Nottara și se va juca pe terasa Teatrului Țăndărică. „Citadela” spune istoria tulburătoare a femeilor-pilot din România, potrivit Mediafax.Organizatorii…

10:09, 29.06.2020

Teatrul Nottara deschide stagiunea estivală

Teatrul Nottara revine în faţa publicului cu o stagiune estivală, care se va desfăşura pe mai multe scene în aer liber, unde spectatorii se vor putea reîntâlni cu câteva dintre cele mai îndrăgite spectacole din…

09:00, 18.06.2020

PM Orban: On what grounds would PSD table censure motion, as Gov't has done its duty?!

Social Democratic Party (PSD) has no motivation to table a censure motion, given that the Government has done its duty, PM Orban said on Wednesday evening on the private television station Realitatea Plus, adding…

16:59, 24.02.2020

PM Orban: If we find that we have solid grounds, we will notify CCR on absenteeism

Prime Minister-designate Orban on Monday stated that, if there are solid grounds, the Liberals will notify the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) on the absenteeism during the vote on the investiture of the…

09:27, 03.02.2020

Celebra marmotă Phil a prezis că primăvara va veni mai devreme

După o ceremonie care a durat mai bine de o oră, preşedintele Clubului Marmotei din Punxsutawney, a anunțat că Phil şi-a văzut umbra, astfel că primăvara va veni mai devreme, în America de Nord. Celebra marmotă…

13:07, 13.01.2020

Authorities prepare ground for entry into Romania of rail multinationals, national companies to be "shattered" (union)

The Government Decision Draft for the approval of the public service contracts for the 1 January, 2020 - 31 December, 2023 period in public passenger transport services by rail is a disaster for all six companies…

22:22, 18.10.2019

Razvan Cuc: I did not ask Mezei to ground any plane

Interim Minister of Transport, Razvan Cuc, said on Friday evening that he did not ask the former general manager of TAROM, Madalina Mezei, to hold planes on the ground, but said that he asked her what MPs were…

15:52, 30.08.2019

PM Dancila: I stood my ground for seven months without hesitating, when others resigned on Facebook

PSD (Social Democratic Party) leader Viorica Dancila on Friday stated PSD won't step down from rule, for this is not "the party of those who always change their minds," and specified she won't ever answer to a…

00:04, 25.06.2019

Festivalul de Film de la Roma - Actorul Bill Murray va primi un premiu pentru întreaga carieră, iar Ron Howard va prezenta un documentar despre Pavarotti

Actorul american Bill Murray va primi un premiu pentru întreaga carieră la Festivalul de Film de la Roma (17-27 octombrie), unde regizorul Ron Howard va prezenta un documentar dedicat tenorului italian Luciano…

19:17, 24.06.2019

Festivalul de Film de la Roma - un premiu pentru Bill Murray şi un documentar despre Pavarotti regizat de Ron Howard

Actorul american Bill Murray va primi un premiu pentru întreaga carieră la Festivalul de Film de la Roma (17-27 octombrie), unde regizorul Ron Howard va prezenta un documentar dedicat tenorului italian Luciano…

17:12, 20.06.2019

AmCham President: Fiscal amnesty without justified ground creates major imbalance, encourages unhealthy behaviour

President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AmCham Romania) Ionut Simion stated on Thursday that a major imbalance and the encouragement of an unhealthy behavior would be created when bringing a fiscal…

14:36, 26.04.2019

Carte scrisă doar cu emoticoane. „Este prima carte pe care o poate citi toată lumea”

‘Book from the Ground’ este o carte scrisă doar cu emoticoane, prin care artistul chinez Xu Bing doreşte să reflecteze la acest mod neobişnuit de a crea un limbaj universal cu ajutorul simbolurilor grafice.

19:04, 25.04.2019

Cartea (doar) cu emoticoane

Opera  artistului chinez  Xu Bing, cartea scrisa doar cu emoticoane este un mesaj neobisnuit de a crea un limbaj simplu si universal cu ajutorul sinbolurilor grafice. ‘Book from the Ground’ a fost editata pana…

12:42, 25.04.2019

O carte doar cu emoticoane, speranţa lui Xu Bing într-un limbaj universal

'Book from the Ground' este o carte scrisă doar cu emoticoane, prin care artistul chinez Xu Bing doreşte să reflecteze la acest mod neobişnuit de a crea un limbaj universal cu ajutorul simbolurilor grafice,…

11:25, 25.04.2019

Demographic ageing gains further ground in 2018, in Romania

Demographic ageing gained further ground last year, as the elderly population aged 65 and above exceeded by 434,000 the number of the young aged 0 - 14, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) said in a release…

21:58, 13.03.2019

Piloți americani au povestit că s-au confruntat cu incidente grave pe 737 MAX, înainte de tragedia Ethiopian Airlines

După accidentul Lion Air, dar înainte de cel al Ethiopian, piloți americani au povestit, pe o bază de date anonime, incidente grave cu care s-au confruntat la comenzile Boeing 737 MAX 8, mărturii care alimentează…

18:47, 22.01.2019

CAUTĂ DUPĂ: Căutare … Theresa May nu se lasă!

 Premierul britanic Theresa May a anunţat că se va întoarce la Bruxelles pentru a-şi salva acordul Brexitului respins de deputaţi, cărora nu le-a oferit luni planul alternativ pe care-l cereau, relatează…

17:22, 05.01.2019

Police check security of Bucharest traffic light systems

The Romanian Police ordered checks into the security of the Bucharest above-ground and Metro traffic light systems following the recent tampering with the traffic management program in a Bucharest quarter, authorized…

08:56, 24.08.2018

Proiect inedit la Târgoviste: Citadela – instalaţie performativă dedicată femeilor-pilot din România

Consiliul Judeţean Dâm-boviţa, Complexul Naţional Muzeal „Curtea Domnească” Târgovişte, în calitate de parteneri, Doctor’s Studio şi Unteatru organizează marţi, 28 august 2018, la ora 21.00, în cadrul Ansamblului…

17:42, 23.08.2018

Emergency Department head on post-rally response: No false, erroneous, over-the-top data, but just reality-grounded information

Head of the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU) Raed Arafat said in an interview with AGERPRES that the information provided by the Department on the effects of tear gas exposure in the context of the August…

14:05, 12.06.2018

Iohannis says he rules out being suspended: There are no grounds

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday maintained that the Social Democrats rushed to speak of his suspension from office, in the context of making a decision on the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) head…

15:25, 12.03.2018

Competition Council: Bucharest City Hall must strongly ground works to own firms without tender

Bucharest City Hall (PMB) can grant works to its own firms without tenders, they must however ground them very well and the level of corresponding costs must be similar to the market prices, representatives of…

20:41, 04.02.2018

Zvon: Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 este viitorul titlu al seriei

Marcus Sellars, un zvonist cu o istorie destul de solidă, spune că următorul titlu Call of Duty va fi Black Ops 4, urmând să fie lansat în acest an pe PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One și Switch. Povestea va avea loc…

17:07, 02.02.2018

Marmota Phil anunţă şase săptămâni de iarnă

Ziua marmotei, sărbătorită pe 2 februarie, a devenit un fenomen mediatic în Statele Unite ale Americii, unde mii de persoane şi câteva zeci de jurnalişti se reunesc în satul Punxsutawney din statul Pennsylvania…

17:09, 21.11.2017

Patriot missile systems purchase adopted in Deputies Chamber's plenary sitting

The Chambers of Deputies' plenary sitting adopted on Tuesday with 279 votes "in favour", one "against" and one abstention the bill on the "Ground-based Air Defence Capability" to be accomplished under the key endowment…

15:46, 20.11.2017

Senate's Defence Committee greenlights bill on Patriot missile systems purchase

The Senate's Defence Committee on Monday unanimously greenlighted the government's Army endowment bill providing for the purchase of seven Patriot surface-to-air missile systems.  The government's bill on the Ground-based…

13:56, 15.11.2017

JusMin Toader: We are asking all parties involved for loyal constitutional cooperation

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader on Wednesday asked all the parties involved for loyal constitutional cooperation, as well as real debates that are grounded in the needs of the judiciary.  "We are asking all the…

10:03, 14.11.2017

PSD's Dragnea says ALDE's Tariceanu told him to stand his ground and continue coalition

Social Democratic Party (PSD) leader Liviu Dragnea says he had a conversation on Monday with the Chairman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE), Calin Popescu-Tariceanu who asked him "to stand his ground." …

17:25, 08.11.2017

Gov't approves draft on buying first Patriot missile system

The Government on Wednesday approved the draft law on the achievement of the "Ground based air defence capability" related to the "Long range surface-to-air missile systems (HSAM)" endowment programme that is essential…

16:06, 08.11.2017

First Patriot system to be contracted by the end of 2017, according to bill discussed by Gov't

The first of the seven Patriot long-range surface-to-air missiles systems that Romania will purchase from the US will be contracted until 31 December 2017, according to a bill regarding the "Ground based air defense…