Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

09:55, 10.11.2023

Ukraine raises grain deliveries to Black Sea ports

The number of rail wagons heading to the ports of Ukraine‘s Odesa region continued to rise over the past week thanks to the successful operation of the alternative Black Sea exports corridor, a senior railways…

10:20, 03.11.2023

(video) Maia Sandu, după scandalul de la TRM, când a fost dată afară de la dezbateri candidata PCRM, pentru că vorbea în rusă: A fost o decizie greșită

Șefa statului, Maia Sandu, a venit cu un comentariu cu privire la scandalul din studioul Radio Moldova, de unde deputata Diana Caraman, candidata PCRM la șefia capitalei, a fost dată afară de la dezbateri, pentru…

15:30, 26.10.2023

Ukraine suspends Black Sea grain corridor over threat from mines, warplanes

Ukraine has suspended the use of its new Black Sea grain export corridor due to a possible threat from Russian warplanes and sea mines, the Kyiv-based Barva Invest consultancy and a British security firm said on…

14:15, 23.10.2023

Jandarm găsit împușcat în piept, în fața unui depozit de armament

Un jandarm în vârstă de 56 de ani s-a sinucis luni dimineață cu pistolul din dotare în timpul serviciului, el asigurând paza la un depozit de armament din Cehu Silvaniei. Bărbatul prezenta mai multe răni provocate…

17:05, 18.10.2023

PM Ciolacu: Romania will double transit capacity for grain from Ukraine by the end of 2023

PM Ciolacu: Romania will double transit capacity for grain from Ukraine by the end of 2023By the end of the year, Romania will double the transit capacity for grain from Ukraine, Romanian Prime Minister Marcel…

16:35, 15.10.2023

Mare adevăr grăiește acest cititor: E gradul de deznădejde al românilor

Cititorul Mihai Qigong comentează astfel pe Facebook a lui Cornel Nistorescu articolul Cotidianul.ro Puhoi la pelerinaj – Și încă nu s-a încheiat  : Un fin indicator al gradului de deznădejde umană al românilor,…

11:20, 11.10.2023

UDMR's Hunor: Romania supports Ukraine, but it cannot destroy its own farmers

The President of UDMR (Democratic Union of Hungarians of Romania), Kelemen Hunor, on Tuesday evening stated that Romania supports Ukraine, "but it cannot destroy its farmers," and the transit of grain must be ensured…

14:35, 03.10.2023

Warsaw, Kyiv make breakthrough on Ukrainian grain transit

Warsaw and Kyiv announced on Tuesday they had agreed to speed up the transit of Ukrainian cereal exports through Poland to third countries, a first step in resolving their grain war, according to Euractiv. The…

10:20, 25.09.2023

Zelenskyy seeks to rebuild bridges with Poles amid dispute over grain and weapons

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy tried to rebuild bridges with Poland late on Saturday, seeking to take the sting out of a political dispute with Warsaw by giving awards to two Polish humanitarian volunteers…

09:20, 21.09.2023

Poland stops sending weapons to Ukraine amid grain fight, Warsaw says

Warsaw has stopped supplying weapons to Kyiv and is focusing on arming itself instead, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Wednesday, amid a dispute over Ukraine’s agricultural exports, according to Politico.…

08:45, 19.09.2023

Farmers will have no problems regarding grain imports from Ukraine for 30 days (Agriculture minister)

The minister of Agriculture, Florin Barbu, on Monday night gave assurances to Romanian farmers that for 30 days no grain of wheat or corn from Ukraine will enter Romania, and the only ones who will benefit from…

14:35, 18.09.2023

Ukraine asks Romanian port to allow ship-to-ship grain transfers

Ukraine‘s Danube Shipping Company (DSC) has asked Romania‘s Constanta Black Sea port to allow ship-to-ship grain transfers which would almost double its barge export capacity, the company said on Monday, according…

15:40, 16.09.2023

Romanian gov't waiting for export control measures from Ukraine to prevent distorsion of grain market

The Government of Romania is waiting for the relevant Ukrainian authorities to come up with the Action Plan regarding effective export control measures designed to prevent the distortion of the grain market in…

09:26, 14.09.2023

Gov't to consider aid scheme for Romanian farmers affected by rising grain imports from Ukraine

Gov't to consider aid scheme for Romanian farmers affected by rising grain imports from UkraineFeaturing on government's agenda at today's meeting is a decision on emergency aid to Romanian agricultural producers…

08:55, 07.09.2023

Most EU countries oppose Polish-led calls to keep Ukraine grain curbs

Most EU countries are against extending an import ban on Ukrainian grain beyond mid-September, four EU diplomats told Politico, pushing back against calls by five eastern member countries to keep the restrictions…

21:00, 06.09.2023

Ukraine's Zelensky: Any restrictions against Ukrainian exports contribute to destruction by Russia

Ukraine's Zelensky: Any restrictions against Ukrainian exports contribute to destruction by RussiaAny restrictions against Ukrainian grain exports contribute to the destruction caused by Russian terrorists, President…

11:45, 01.09.2023

UN chief sends Russia bid to revive Black Sea grain deal

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said on Thursday that he had sent Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov “a set of concrete proposals” aimed at reviving a deal that allowed the safe export of…

11:00, 01.09.2023

EU Commission experts visit Romania to improve EU-Ukraine grain links

A team of EU Commission experts will visit the Romanian cities of Constanța and Galaţi from Friday to Saturday as part of the EU Executive’s quest to find solutions to improve transit and commodities flow along…

11:55, 31.08.2023

Ziua Limbii Române. Lucruri inedite despre graiul românesc. Cuvintele care conțin toate literele cu semne diacritice din alfabet

Începând din 1990, avea să se sărbătorească Ziua Limbii Române în Republica Molodva. Ulterior, dincoace de Prut, avea să fie introdusă din 2011, la propunerea unor scriitori și senatori PNL. Așadar, pe 31 august…

20:00, 23.08.2023

ForMin Odobescu: Russian troops intentionally harming Ukrainian civilians, targeting critical grain export infrastructure

ForMin Odobescu: Russian troops intentionally harming Ukrainian civilians, targeting critical grain export infrastructureRussian troops are intentionally harming Ukrainian civilians and targeting critical grain…

18:15, 18.08.2023

Ukraine and Romania sign accord to boost Kyiv’s grain exports through Romanian territory

Ukraine and neighboring Romania signed an agreement Friday to work together to boost Kyiv’s export of grain through Romania after Moscow broke off a key wartime shipping agreement that allowed safe passage through…

10:15, 15.08.2023

Romania aims to double Ukrainian grain transit capacity says minister

Romania aims to double the monthly transit capacity of Ukrainian grain to its flagship Black Sea port of Constanta to 4 million tonnes in the coming months, particularly via the Danube river, Transport Minister…

10:51, 14.08.2023

Russian warship fires warning shots at cargo ship in Black Sea

A Russian warship on Sunday fired warning shots at a cargo ship in the southwestern Black Sea as it made its way northwards, the first time Russia has fired on merchant shipping beyond Ukraine since exiting a landmark…

15:55, 07.08.2023

Romania decries ‘cynical’ Russian grain infrastructure attacks

Romania is working to find more ways to help transport Ukrainian grain, the country’s foreign minister said Monday, describing the security situation in the Black Sea region as “quite serious,” according to Politico. …

11:15, 03.08.2023

EU warns that Russia aims to create new dependencies with cheap grain

The European Union has warned developing countries that Russia is offering cheap grain “to create new dependencies by exacerbating economic vulnerabilities and global food insecurity,” according to a letter seen…

17:15, 30.07.2023

Tranziția energetică are o problemă: cererea pentru infrastructură depășește oferta

Traversând peste 700 km pe fundul mării între Isle of Grain, în sud-estul Angliei, și Fedderwarden, în nord-vestul Germaniei, cablul electric NeuConnect planificat va permite pentru prima dată celor două economii…

13:45, 28.07.2023

Key Ukrainian grain route to boost capacity amid Black Sea risks

Romania plans to rapidly expand one of the key transit routes for grain from neighboring Ukraine as Russia’s escalating attacks in the Black Sea are exacerbating risks for the global food trade, according to Bloomberg.…

13:45, 21.07.2023

Erdogan says Putin talks could lead to restoring Black Sea grain deal

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said his planned talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin could lead to restoration of the Black Sea grain initiative, and called on Western countries to consider Russia’s demands,…

12:01, 19.07.2023

Așa grăit-a profetul CR7

Cine îndrăznește să dea într-o statuie care vorbește despre ea însăși la persoana a 3-a singular? Poate nostalgicii vremurilor când trăiam mai puțin sănătos? Atac fulgerător pe centrul terenului. Cristiano Ronaldo…

18:55, 17.07.2023

Iohannis: Half of Ukraine's grain exports were via Romania, and this will stay like that

Half of the Ukrainian grain exports were via Romania, and this process will continue, President Klaus Iohannis said on Monday, in the aftermath of the Russian Federation's announcement that it is withdrawing from…