Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:15, 31.10.2023

Wife of Romanian-Israeli citizen Tal Haimi, kidnapped in Gaza Strip asks PM Ciolacu for help, information

Wife of Romanian-Israeli citizen Tal Haimi, kidnapped in Gaza Strip asks PM Ciolacu for help, informationElla Haimi, the wife of the Romanian-Israeli citizen Tal Haimi, kidnapped in the Gaza Strip, met Tuesday…

12:16, 31.10.2023

Montenegro votes in new government with Milojko Spajic prime minister

After weeks of negotiations, Montenegro‘s parliament on Tuesday appointed a new government, a coalition of pro-European and pro-Serb parties expected to lead the small Balkan country in its bid to join the European…

18:51, 27.10.2023

Mayor of Timisoara appeals to all mayors to oppose Ordinance on reduction of budget expenses

The mayor of the municipality of Timisoara, Dominic Fritz, from Save Romania Union (USR), criticized the emergency ordinance adopted by the Government on Friday regarding measures to reduce budget expenditures…

16:15, 25.10.2023

Government is prepared to adopt ordinance with new minimum wages in construction, agriculture and food industry

The government is prepared to adopt the emergency ordinance regarding the new minimum wages in construction, agriculture and the food industry, prime minister Marcel Ciolacu wrote on Wednesday on Facebook."We agreed…

10:31, 25.10.2023

Slovakia’s Fico to take government reins in time for EU summit

Slovakia’s president will appoint a new government on Wednesday led by three-time leftist prime minister Robert Fico, who won a 30 September election with pledges to end military aid to Ukraine and battle illegal…

16:51, 20.10.2023

Capping trade taxes for basic foodstuffs, extended for 90 days, 9 other foodstuffs added

Capping trade taxes for basic foodstuffs, extended for 90 days, 9 other foodstuffs addedThe measure to cap the trade surplus for basic foodstuffs will be extended for 90 days, while nine other products, namely…

22:35, 19.10.2023

Government: Romania to send foodstuffs and bed items to Gaza Strip

Government: Romania to send foodstuffs and bed items to Gaza StripRomania will send free international assistance to the Gaza Strip, consisting of foodstuffs and bed items, the Government announces.According to…

19:10, 18.10.2023

VIDEO - Romanian prime minister M. Ciolacu: 'The first joint meeting of the Romanian and Ukrainian governments is truly a historic moment'

Prime Minister M. Ciolacu: 'The first joint meeting of the Romanian and Ukrainian governments is truly a historic moment'The first joint meeting of the Romanian and Ukrainian governments, which took place on Wednesday…

17:15, 18.10.2023

European Commission welcomes Memorandum of Understanding on solidarity coridors between Romania and Ukraine

European Commission welcomes Memorandum of Understanding on solidarity coridors between Romania and UkraineThe European Commission welcomes the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government…

16:40, 17.10.2023

PM Ciolacu: Romanian community in Israel can count on the support of the Government in Bucharest

PM Ciolacu: Romanian community in Israel can count on the support of the Government in BucharestThe Romanian community in Israel can count on the support of the Government in Bucharest, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu…

13:50, 14.10.2023

S&P affirms Romania's rating with stable outlook

S&P affirms Romania's rating with stable outlookS&P rating agency, on October 13, 2023, affirmed Romania's rating at BBB-/A3 for long-term and short-term government debt in foreign currency, as well as…

11:00, 13.10.2023

Romanian government mulls extending price cap on essential foods

Romania’s recent decision to introduce a price cap on basic foods has resulted in inflation dropping to 8.8% in September and should, therefore be extended, said Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, according…

21:26, 12.10.2023

Romanian-Ukrainian agreement for mutual recognition of study documents, ratified by government

On Thursday, the gov't adopted a draft law for the ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding the mutual recognition of educational documents.The…

19:05, 12.10.2023

Cereal imports from Ukraine, only on the basis of a marketing agreement, issued by Agriculture Ministry

Imports of wheat, corn, sunflower and soybeans from Ukraine will only be allowed on the basis of a marketing agreement issued by the Ministry of Agriculture (MADR) and only for farmers and processors who demonstrate…

19:15, 11.10.2023

Buying Romanian is the most authentic gesture of economic patriotism, says Ciolacu

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu declared, on Wednesday, that "buying Romanian" is the most authentic gesture of economic patriotism and will mean the "resistance structure" of all the economic programs that the current…

12:30, 11.10.2023

Governments send planes to Israel to airlift citizens from war

A growing number of governments are sending aircraft to Israel to airlift their citizens out of the country, after many commercial airlines suspended operations following the surprise attack by Hamas militants…

09:06, 11.10.2023

Zelensky: Kyiv gov't to make decision on Moldovan language in a week or two

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Tuesday that the Ukrainian government will make a decision on the recognition of the non-existence of the Moldovan language in a week or two. Personally I don't see…

21:20, 10.10.2023

World Bank, over 110 million euros in support for Romania to countering nutrient pollution

The World Bank has supported Romania in its efforts to combat nutrient pollution for the past two decades, with over 110 million euros invested in local communities and with assistance given to the Government to…

17:40, 09.10.2023

PM Ciolacu: Government could propose new fiscal-budgetary instruments regarding expenses

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu, who was in Varna, Bulgaria on Monday, said that the Government could propose new fiscal-budgetary instruments regarding expenses, but emphasized that it is not about new taxes.He…

16:55, 09.10.2023

13th primary offering of Fidelis retail government securities raises almost 1.5 bln RON

The Finance Ministry raised 534.8 million RON and 191.3 million euros, respectively (almost 1.5 billion RON in total) through the thirteenth primary offering of Fidelis retail government securities carried out…

15:40, 07.10.2023

Romania's gov't debt widens to 49pct of GDP in July 2023

Romania's public administration debt (government debt) widened in July 2023 to RON 733.87 billion from RON 724.76 billion in the previous month, according to data published by the Ministry of Finance, Agerpres…

17:40, 05.10.2023

Urmările atacului cu rachete efectuat de ruși asupra unui magazin alimentar din Harkov, unul dintre cele mai sângeroase de până acum | FOTO

Forțele ruse au atacat joi, 5 octombrie, o cafenea şi un magazin alimentar din regiunea Harkov, iar autoritățile ucrainene au anunțat că cel puțin 49 de oameni și-au pierdut viața, inclusiv un copil de 6 ani.In…

11:15, 05.10.2023

FinMin: Gambling industry reform, an imperative

The gambling industry has a huge economic force, which needs a more rigorous legal and fiscal regime, which ensures a legal, stable, competitive and predictable climate, considers the Minister of Finance, Marcel…

10:16, 05.10.2023

Inundații de proporții în nord-estul Indiei după revărsarea unui lac glaciar. Cel puțin 14 morți și peste 100 de dispăruți

Cel puțin 14 oameni au murit și alte 102 sunt date dispărute în statul Sikkim, o zonă muntoasă din nord-estul Indiei, în urma unor viituri provocate de spargerea malurilor unui lac glaciar. Armata indiană a declanșat…

12:56, 03.10.2023

Ciolacu: Teaching of "The History of Jews. The Holocaust" in schools will contribute to strengthening resilient democracy

The teaching of the course "The History of Jews. The Holocaust" in schools will contribute to a better knowledge and understanding of the history, culture and traditions of the Romanian Jews and to preserving the…

19:05, 02.10.2023

UBB și Universitatea George Mason – parteneriat strategic pentru dezvoltarea

Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca (UBB), România, și  George Mason University, SUA, (prin Schar School of Policy and Government) au încheiat un parteneriat strategic pentru stimularea inovației și excelenței…

09:26, 02.10.2023

Government should have established a Waste Tracking System (Environmental Guard head)

Octavian Berceanu, former head of the Environmental Guard, appreciates that the searches carried out in five counties in the file regarding illegally introducing waste originating from the intra-community space…

11:06, 30.09.2023

Law for which Ciolacu pledges responsibility increases taxes, impoverishes Romanians (PNL MP Vilceanu)

Liberal MP Dan Vilceanu, former minister of finance, stated on Friday night that he signed the notification to the Constitutional Court on the package of laws for which the Government pledged responsibility in…

17:05, 28.09.2023

Romania will become the largest gas producer in Europe, once the Black Sea is exploited

Romania will become the largest gas producer in Europe, with the exploitation of gas from the Black Sea, and all these investments must be protected and there should be a predictable climate for investors, the…

11:00, 28.09.2023

Scheduled events for September 28

Scheduled events for September 28POLITICS:- The 2nd edition of the Euro-Atlantic Resilience Forum, event organized by the Euro-Atlantic Centre for Resilience takes place on September 28, with the President of the…