Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:35, 03.06.2024

Geoana: I am getting closer to a decision on my comeback to Romanian politics

Geoana: I am getting closer to a decision on my comeback to Romanian politics

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana said on Sunday in Botosani that he is "getting closer to making a decision" on his comeback to Romanian politics and maybe a candidacy for the Romanian Presidency.

18:30, 29.05.2024

Bucharest Chamber of Commerce getting involved in the developing Romania-Brazil business ties

Bucharest Chamber of Commerce getting involved in the developing Romania-Brazil business ties

The Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIB) is involved in the development of business ties between Romania and Brazil, offering its members, and the business community in general, opportunities for new…

23:50, 16.04.2024

Premiera nationala: Jazz in the Park aduce in fata cinefililor "The Story of Cymande: Getting it Back" (2024).

Documentarul care spune povestea uneia dintre cele mai samplate trupe din istorie are premiera in luna mai, la cinema Victoria. Jazz in the Park anunta premiera nationala a documentarului "The Story of Cymande:…

10:40, 01.02.2024

Gov't, healthcare unions getting closer to agreement

Health minister Alexandru Rafila said on Thursday that most of the demands of the Sanitas healthcare trade unions will be resolved "for sure" and that the two sides are "close to reaching an agreement.""We will…

14:20, 30.11.2023

Each one of us can contribute to cleaner Romania by getting involved in guarantee-return system (Senate president Ciuca)

The guarantee-return system (SGR) for packaging is intended to cover the collection and recycling of approximately 7 billion PET bottles per year, said the president of the Senate, Nicolae Ciuca, stressing that…

14:55, 26.10.2023

Investiţiile hoteliere în Polonia, Cehia, România, Ungaria, Bulgaria, Slovacia au totalizat 464 milioane euro în ultimul an. Piaţa investiţiilor cu spaţii…

”Activitatea de investiţii hoteliere în regiunea ECE – 6 (Polonia, Cehia, România, Ungaria, Bulgaria, Slovacia) a totalizat  464 milioane euro în ultimele 12 luni – iunie 2022 – iunie 2023, în ciuda creşterii notabile…

12:45, 25.10.2023

EU says “shocking and shameful” racism is getting worse

The European Union said endemic discrimination against people of African descent is getting worse, with Black communities facing especially high hurdles to access jobs and apartments, according to Bloomberg. The…

13:05, 25.09.2023

MP Orban: Social Democrats expelled Buzatu for getting caught not for taking bribery

MP Orban: Social Democrats expelled Buzatu for getting caught not for taking briberyDumitru Buzatu got expelled from the PSD not because he took bribery, but because he was caught, independent Deputy Ludovic Orban,…

15:20, 12.06.2023

UDMR's Kelemen: Without getting the development portfolio we cannot move forward

The Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) will leave the ruling coalition unless it gets the Ministry of Development in the future government, UDMR national leader Kelemen Hunor said on Monday at the end…

14:20, 05.06.2023

President Iohannis, on World Environment Day: Plastic getting into oceans can be reduced by 80pct by 2040

President Iohannis, on World Environment Day: Plastic getting into oceans can be reduced by 80pct by 2040. President Klaus Iohannis said, on the occasion of the World Environment Day, that by implementing measures…

10:50, 13.03.2023

Sărăcia extremă poate fi eradicată la nivel global până în 2050 – raport

Noile previziune economice indică faptul că sărăcia extremă poate lua sfârșit cu stimulul creșterii economice din țările cu venituri mici, până în anul 2050, potrivit The Guardian . Deși pandemia Covid a început…

06:50, 29.09.2022

(VIDEO) Uraganul Ian – imagini apocaliptice

Puternicul uragan Ian a măturat Florida miercuri, înregistrându-se deja inundaţii „catastrofale” şi pene de curent pe scară largă. Aproape 2 milioane de case au rămas fără curent, miercuri seară, în Florida, în…

15:10, 26.05.2022

„Trust Me!”, film despre fake news, într-un eveniment organizat de Centrul ”American Corner Bacău”

Ambasada SUA și Centrul ”American Corner Bacău” vă invită vineri, 27 mai, începând cu ora 11.00, la proiecția filmului documentar „Trust Me!”, în regia lui Roko Belic (Președintele Wadi Rum Films), producător executiv…

12:46, 18.03.2022

NATO wants to avoid getting dragged into a war with Russia by mistake

Military commanders from NATO countries are working the phones with their Russian counterparts to make sure the U.S. and its allies don’t get dragged into a war over a misunderstanding on the Ukrainian border,…

10:10, 03.02.2022

DefMin Dincu self-isolates after getting infected second time with SARS-CoV-2

Minister of National Defence Vasile Dincu on Wednesday informed that he is self-isolating after getting infected, for the second time, with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and that he will continue working remotely, Agerpres…

18:55, 22.10.2021

Musoiu: Romania supports R. Moldova on irreversible path to getting a place among EU members

Romania supports the Republic of Moldova on the "irreversible" path to getting a place among the members of the European Union, said the chairman of the European Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Stefan…

15:01, 12.10.2021

Înlocuitorul lui N’Golo Kante la naţionala Franţei, pe lista lui Real Madrid

Aurelien Tchouameni, mijlocaș de 21 de ani care l-a înlocuit în Liga Națiunilor pe N’Golo Kante la naţionala Franţei, este dorit insistent de Real Madrid. Marca a scris luni că Tchouameni ar putea…

14:25, 11.10.2021

German source: G20 only achieved global tax deal unanimity at last minute

Not all members of the G20 group of leading economies were on board with a global tax overhaul agreed by 136 countries until shortly before it was concluded on Friday, a German government source said on Monday,…

18:20, 04.10.2021

EduMin Cimpeanu: Getting vaccinated against COVID, only effective thing if we are interested children's health

Education Minister Sorin Cimpeanu said on Monday that the "only" effective thing that can be done to keep children healthy is for everyone around them to get vaccinated against COVID-19. "We understand very well…

10:40, 01.10.2021

PSD's Ciolacu: Citu is getting ready to give money again exclusively to PNL mayors

Social Democratic Party (PSD) national chairman Marcel Ciolacu claims that, "on the last leg of disastrous governing," Prime Minister Florin Citu is getting ready to give money from the government reserve fund…

11:11, 29.09.2021

Cimpeanu: Only by getting vaccinated will we be able to put an end to this health crisis

The Minister of Education, Sorin Cimpeanu, highlighted, on Wednesday, the importance of the anti-COVID vaccination for overcoming the health crisis, so that the schools remain open and the losses in terms of education…

15:25, 10.09.2021

Romanians getting fully vaccinated against COVID-19 from August 31 to get 100-lei meal vouchers

Interim Health Minister Cseke Attila signed an order on Friday on awarding meal vouchers to Romanians who are about to get fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Under the document, these persons qualify for five meal…

15:45, 07.09.2021

RADR2021/Iohannis: Romania is getting involved alongside its partners to reduce effects of recent developments in Afghanistan

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Tuesday that Romania is getting involved, alongside its partners, in reducing as much as possible "the effects in terms of security" of the recent developments in Afghanistan.…

17:05, 19.08.2021

USR PLUS co-chair Ciolos: We have no intention of getting out of governing

The co-chairman of USR (Save Romania Union) PLUS (Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity) alliance Dacian Ciolos, declared on Thursday, during a press conference in central Sibiu, that his party does not intend…

12:16, 17.08.2021

Romanian Cities Association supports new investment programme complementary to objectives not getting European funds

The Association of Romanian Cities (AOR) supports a new national investment programme, complementary to the objectives that cannot be achieved through European funds or through the National Recovery and Resilience…

11:30, 13.08.2021

Taliban capture Afghanistan’s Kandahar, Herat; embassies getting staff out

The Taliban have captured Afghanistan‘s second and third-biggest cities, officials said on Friday, fuelling fears the US-backed government could fall to the insurgents as international forces complete their withdrawal…

12:40, 23.07.2021

Persons getting COVID-19 vaccine to have a day off for each dose, says new law

On Friday, President Klaus Iohannis promulgated the law according to which the persons who get vaccinated against COVID-19 will benefit, upon request, from a paid day off, outside the annual leave, for each dose…

09:00, 08.07.2021

Official Gheorghita: By getting vaccinated we are protected from the Delta variant

The anti-COVID vaccine also offers protection against the Delta variant, and without increasing the vaccination rate it will be very difficult to avoid later an increase in the number of SARS-CoV-2 virus infections,…

12:26, 01.06.2021

LiveBLOG: Ziua a treia de la Roland Garros - Irina Bara și Horia Tecău joacă în aceste momente

Pe terenul 4 a început duelul dintre perechea Horia Tecău / Kevin Krawietz și dublul Gonzalo Escobar / Ariel Behar. Irinei Bara (122 WTA) joacă în aceste momente împoriva sportivei Astra Sharma,…

16:46, 08.05.2021

Romanian servicemen on mission in Afghanistan start getting back home

The first contingent, consisting of about 70 Romanian soldiers who were on a mission in Afghanistan, arrived on Saturday at 90th Air Transport Base aboard a C 17 Globemaster III aircraft of the US partner, informs…