Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:20, 11.04.2023

Polish leader heads to US to further strengthen defense ties

Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki flew Tuesday to the United States for meetings aimed at strengthening the economic and defense cooperation of the two nations, according to AP News. Morawiecki is due…

11:35, 05.04.2023

EU seeks to conclude Australian free-trade deal by summer

The European Union is seeking to conclude a free-trade agreement with Australia by the summer, even as the two sides still need to work through some of the more contentious issues, according to Bloomberg. Further…

14:00, 17.03.2023

President Iohannis to pay official visit to the United Arab Emirates, Saturday to Tuesday

President Klaus Iohannis will pay an official visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saturday to Tuesday, at the invitation of the President of the Emirates, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan."Further developing…

10:15, 03.02.2023

President Iohannis: Romania - an important producer of hydrocarbures in Europe

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Friday that Romania is an important producer of hydrocarbures in Europe at this moment and that our country intends to further strengthen this role by further developing the gas…

16:15, 10.01.2023

BNR further increases key interest rate to 7pct p.a.

The Board of Directors of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) decided on Tuesday to increase its monetary policy rate to 7% per annum, from 6.75% per annum previously, from January 11, 2023, according to the bank.…

19:00, 04.01.2023

PM Ciuca: Investments in the economy must be further supported

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca announced, on Wednesday, at the beginning of the Government meeting, that investments in the economy must be further supported. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

21:31, 12.12.2022

Klaus Iohannis: Vote on Schengen upset me; I am determined to take things further

President Klaus Iohannis declared on Monday evening that he was "upset and disappointed" with the fact that Romania did not obtain all the votes in order to join the Schengen area and mentioned that he is determined…

17:00, 12.12.2022

How to Find the Best Essay Writing Help

If you’re a student, academic professional or simply needs help with a paper, there are a number of reasons to seek assistance with professional essay writing service your essay. There are a lot of options available…

08:25, 01.12.2022

Marius Nicoli, national Informatics group's coordinator: Children's joy makes me go further

Teacher Marius Nicoli, from the Fratii Buzesti National College of southern Craiova, one of the coordinators of the national Informatics team of Romania, took the Romanian tricolour to almost all corners of the…

17:20, 25.11.2022

Term Paper Writing Service Reviews

Although it is possible to find a variety of reviews of term paper writing companies online but not all of them are reliable. Take care when reading reviews. Some companies employ illegal techniques to get customers…

21:16, 19.10.2022

Cyber Security Application

Cyber protection software helps protect your computer right from cyber dangers by finding and preventing malicious program and websites. It is also helpful for companies, mainly because it improves restoration…

12:25, 18.10.2022

‘Powerful explosions’ behind Nord Stream leaks, Danish police say

A preliminary investigation of damages to the two Nord Stream gas pipelines in the Danish part of the Baltic Sea shows that the leaks were caused by “powerful explosions”, Copenhagen Police said in a statement…

14:35, 13.10.2022

PM Ciuca reassures that 'Rabla' Programme shall further support purchase of electric and hybrid cars

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca reassured on Thursday, after touring the Dacia Plants in Mioveni, that, through the "Rabla" Programme, the procurement of electric and hybrid cars will further be supported. Fii la…

14:55, 07.09.2022

Româncă ucisă de soţ în casa lor din Germania

O româncă, de 36 de ani, a fost ucisă de soţ, după ce între cei doi a izbucnit o ceartă violentă. Românul a sunat apoi la poliţie să anunţe ce a făcut. La momentul crimei în apartament erau şi cei doi copii ai…

13:36, 11.08.2022

Three-month interbank offered rate dips further to 8.02 ppa on Thursday

Romania's three-month interbank offered rate ROBOR, which is used for pricing floating rate consumer loans in RON, dipped on Thursday to 8.02 ppa from 8.06 ppa on the previous day, the National Bank of Romania…

21:15, 22.06.2022

ForMin Aurescu expresses interest for furthering cooperation in certain areas with United Arab Emirates

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu on Wednesday expressed the "firm interest" for continuing the development of collaboration in areas of importance for Romania and the United Arab Emirates, namely economic,…

12:05, 16.06.2022

Russian gas flows to Europe fall further amid diplomatic tussle

Russian gas supply to Europe fell further on Thursday, sparking concerns about refilling storage for winter and igniting a diplomatic tussle as Russian supplier Gazprom blamed Western sanctions for hampering maintenance…

14:20, 24.05.2022

Senate President Florin Citu, in Helsinki: Finland's accession to NATO will further strengthen the alliance

Senate President Florin Citu believes that Finland joining NATO will further strengthen the alliance, proving the importance and the role of the North-Atlantic organisation in ensuring peace and security. Fii la…

15:51, 19.05.2022

Iohannis: Current reality determines us to further consolidate NATO defence in Black Sea region

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday said that the current reality, determined by Russia's war against Ukraine, makes the allied states go further in the common efforts to consolidate NATO defence in the Black…

23:31, 11.04.2022

PM Ciuca announces further analysis of deferral of bank installment payment

Chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca, announced on Monday evening that it was decided in the governing coalition not to take the measure of deferring the payment of bank installments…

21:16, 29.03.2022

Prime Minister Ciuca, WB Director for EU Vincelette agree to further talks of major interest to Romania

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca and Gallina A. Vincelette, the World Bank's Country Director for the European Union, have agreed to further talks between the government and the World Bank on issues of major interest…

08:55, 06.03.2022

Presa adevărată demască Fake-news-urile propagandei în războiul din Ucraina

Celebra deja gafă a lui Mihai Gâdea, în care a comentat la Antena 3, alături de „analistul militar” Radu Tudor și de purtătorul de cuvînt al MApN, o secvență dintr-un joc pe calculator ca fiind o scenă din războiul…

17:11, 22.02.2022

EU further relaxes rules to enter the 27-nation bloc

European Union member countries agreed on Tuesday that they should further facilitate tourist travel into the 27-nation bloc for people who are vaccinated against the coronavirus or have recovered from COVID-19,…

11:35, 21.02.2022

Another five BVB listed companies to be included in FTSE Emerging Markets indices

Five companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) - specifically MedLife (ticker symbol M), Purcari Wineries (WINE), Conpet (COTE), Impact Developer & Contractor (IMP) and Sphera Franchise Group (SFG)…

18:40, 20.02.2022

Bundesliga: Bayern Munchen, spectacol contra ultimei clasate, deși la pauză a fost condusă

Bayern Munchen a avut probleme în prima repriză contra ultimei clasate din Bundesliga, Furth, fiind condusă la finalul acesteia. În a doua jumătate, liderul a revenit și a învins cu scorul de 4-1, într-un meci…

14:50, 10.02.2022

FOTO/ Un tir condus de un șofer beat a spulberat 31 de mașini într-un oraș din Germania

Trei persoane au fost rănite și cel puțin 31 de mașini avariate, după ce șoferul unui TIR a provocat un accident rutier grav în timp ce conducea beat într-un oraș din Germania, informează Euronews.…

12:20, 10.02.2022

VIDEO | Un șofer de TIR a distrus 34 de mașini, a incendiat o casă și a rănit trei oameni, în centrul unui oraș german: „Parcă a căzut o bombă”

Un șofer de TIR beat a produs un accident imens pe o stradă din centrul orașului german Furth. În urma lui au rămas 34 de mașini avariate, unele arse complet, o casă incendiată și trei oameni răniți, scrie cotidianul…

06:05, 10.02.2022

Germania: Un şofer de camion aflat sub influenţa alcoolului a avariat 31 de vehicule

Un şofer de camion aflat sub influenţa alcoolului a lovit peste 30 de vehicule şi a rănit două persoane marţi seară în oraşul bavarez Fürth, înainte de a fi arestat, a anunţat poliţia locală. La finalul unei curse…

22:01, 09.02.2022

VIDEO | Un șofer de TIR beat a făcut prăpăd pe o stradă din Germania: 31 de mașini avariate

Un şofer de camion aflat sub influenţa alcoolului a lovit peste 30 de vehicule şi a rănit două persoane marţi seară în oraşul bavarez Fürth, înainte de a fi arestat, a anunţat poliţia locală, informează AFP.La…

21:05, 09.02.2022

Video - Șofer de TIR rupt de beat a provocat haos într-un oraș din Germania: 31 de vehicule avariate, dintre care mai multe au luat foc

Un şofer de camion aflat sub influenţa alcoolului a lovit peste 30 de vehicule şi a rănit două persoane marţi seară în oraşul bavarez Fürth, înainte de a fi arestat, a anunţat poliţia locală, informează AFP. La…