Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:26, 07.06.2024

JUNE 9 ELECTIONS: Participation in voting is essential, says the Central Electoral Bureau president

JUNE 9 ELECTIONS: Participation in voting is essential, says the Central Electoral Bureau president

Voting is essential, and renouncing the exercise of this constitutional right would not have any kind of beneficial effect, but would only reduce the capacity of the community to impose its own will, the president…

20:20, 07.06.2024

City of Brasov has been awarded organisation of winter edition of European Youth Olympic Festival

City of Brasov has been awarded organisation of winter edition of European Youth Olympic Festival

The city of Brasov was awarded on Friday the organisation of the 18th edition of the European Youth Olympic Winter Festival (EYOF) in 2027, a decision made at the European Olympic Committees (EOC) General Assembly…

20:15, 07.06.2024

Ministry of Finance borrows 75 million RON from commercial banks, in addition to Thursdays auction

Ministry of Finance borrows 75 million RON from commercial banks, in addition to Thursday's auction

The Ministry of Finance borrowed, on Friday, 75 million RON from commercial banks, in addition to Thursday's auction, when it borrowed 480 million RON through an issue of benchmark state bonds with a residual maturity…

19:10, 31.05.2024

ForMin Odobescu: Russia has intensified hybrid actions against NATO members

ForMin Odobescu: Russia has intensified hybrid actions against NATO members

Russia has intensified its hybrid actions against NATO members, Romanian Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu told AGERPRES on Friday.She attended the informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Prague.One topic…

14:50, 28.05.2024

Presiuni pe OMV. „Noi toţi trebuie să plătim factura”

Presiuni pe OMV. „Noi toţi trebuie să plătim factura”

Greenpeace cere oprirea imediată a exploatării zăcământului de gaze Neptun Deep din Marea Neagră, deoarece acesta ameninţă biodiversitatea marină şi alimentează criza climatică, potrivit unui comunicat al organizaţiei…

11:50, 28.05.2024

Protest Greenpeace în Karlsplatz, Viena: „Nu distrugeți Marea Neagră!”

Protest Greenpeace în Karlsplatz, Viena: „Nu distrugeți Marea Neagră!”

Cu ocazia Adunării Generale anuale a OMV de astăzi, activiștii Greenpeace avertizează cu privire la consecințele fatale ale proiectelor planificate de exploatare a gazelor fosile cu ajutorul unui turn de foraj…

16:06, 27.05.2024

Greta asmute activiștii de mediu pe gazele din Marea Neagră

Fridays for Future Austria, activiștii climatici ai suedezei Gretei Thunberg, și Greenpeace CEE au luat în vizor gazele din Marea Neagră și încearcă să stopeze exploatarea acestora. ONG-urile au depus și o plângere…

22:20, 23.05.2024

Romanians Everywhere Day/ 7th edition of Aici-Acolo Festival to start on Friday with over 500 participants

Romanians Everywhere Day/ 7th edition of "Aici-Acolo" Festival to start on Friday with over 500 participants

The 7th edition of the "Aici-Acolo" [Here-There] Festival will take place between May 24 and 26, on the occasion of Romanians Everywhere Day, with more than 500 Romanians from the diaspora and from historical communities,…

12:35, 23.05.2024

Greenpeace CEE şi Fridays for Future Austria cer oprirea proiectului „Neptun Deep”

Greenpeace CEE şi Fridays for Future Austria solicită, într-o plângere adresată OCDE, oprirea extinderii combustibililor fosili şi a dezvoltării proiectului Neptun Deep, invocând faptul că s-ar încălca Liniile…

07:20, 22.05.2024

Râși capturați în pădurile din Bacău vor ajunge în Germania

Primul râs capturat în România, pe fondurile cinegetice gestionate de Romsilva, a fost eliberat în Pădurea Thuringiană din Germania. Viorel, vedeta transferului, a fost însoțit de Frida, un exemplar femelă născută…

17:10, 21.05.2024

Râșii din România vor repopula Germania. Masculul Viorel, eliberat recent în Pădurea Thuringiană

Zece exemplare de râs din România, care vor fi capturate din Suceava, Neamţ, Bacău şi Vrancea, vor fi transferate în Germania, până la finalul anului 2027, pentru refacerea speciei. Primul mascul, numit Viorel,…

07:20, 18.05.2024

LIVETEXT Război în Ucraina, ziua 815 | Atac cu drone ruse asupra mai multor regiuni ucrainene

LIVETEXT Război în Ucraina, ziua 815 | Atac cu drone ruse asupra mai multor regiuni ucrainene

Forțele ruse au lansat în noaptea de vineri spre sâmbătă mai multe drone de atac asupra Ucrainei, au anunțat Forțele Aeriene ale armatei ucrainene. Atacul a fost lansat în valuri, spre regiunile Sumî, Dnipropetrovsk,…

22:11, 17.05.2024

We fear that democracy is weakening and extremism is growing

We fear that democracy is weakening and extremism is growing

Chair of the National Liberal Party Nicolae Ciuca said on Friday, in Targu Mures, on the occasion of the launch of the PNL candidates for the June 9 local elections, that people fear democracy is weakening and…

20:35, 17.05.2024

„Atacul fulger al lui Putin trezește Europa”. Cum s-a transformat invazia rusă în Ucraina într-o „provocare epocală” pentru regiune | Analiză

„Atacul fulger al lui Putin trezește Europa”. Cum s-a transformat invazia rusă în Ucraina într-o „provocare epocală” pentru regiune | Analiză

„Oricât de tensionată ar fi situația, este timpul să ne pregătim urgent, pentru că s-ar putea să se înrăutățească mult mai mult”, scrie jurnalista Frida Ghitis într-un articol de opinie publicat de CNN, în care…

20:15, 17.05.2024

Romanias mens national volleyball team makes good debut in Golden League

Romania's men's national volleyball team makes good debut in Golden League

Romania's men's national volleyball team made a good debut in the new season of the Golden League competition after defeating Azerbaijan 3-0 (25-16, 25-16, 25-19) in Baku on Friday.The tricolores got the victory…

18:50, 17.05.2024

Institute for investigating communist crimes refers Siret Hospital case closure decision to Constitutional Court

Institute for investigating communist crimes refers Siret Hospital case closure decision to Constitutional Court

The Institute for the Investigation of the Communism Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile (IICCMER) announced on Friday that a judge of the Bucharest Court of Appeal admitted a request to refer the matter…

18:15, 17.05.2024

Energy minister Burduja: In December well have Iernut-based heating plant running on gas ready

Energy minister Burduja: In December we'll have Iernut-based heating plant running on gas ready

The heating plant in Iernut will be ready in December, with other investments such as Neptun Deep and Mintia on the schedule, the Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, informed on Friday at a specialized event.

17:46, 17.05.2024

Head of telecommunications holding company DIGI Popoviciu: Were not behind with implementing 5G in Romania

Head of telecommunications holding company DIGI Popoviciu: We're not behind with implementing 5G in Romania

The implementation of 5G technology is not behind in Romania, but at the moment the main applicability is that of improving the capacity of the networks, said Valentin Popoviciu, vice-president of DIGI, at a specialized…

13:05, 11.05.2024

Northern Lights, visible from Romania, at never documented intensity for hundreds of years

Northern Lights, visible from Romania, at never documented intensity for hundreds of years

The Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) was visible from Romania, on the night of Friday to Saturday, at an intensity that has not been documented for hundreds of years, says Dr. Adrian Sonka, astronomer at the Amiral…

20:30, 10.05.2024

Crown Custodian Margareta: Here we are together again, for national holiday celebration

Crown Custodian Margareta: Here we are together again, for national holiday celebration

Custodian of the Crown of Romania, Margareta, expressed on Friday her satisfaction at being able to host again, after a four-year gap, the traditional garden party organized at the Elisabeta Palace on the occasion…

19:31, 10.05.2024

Aerostar ends Q1 2024 with net profit of 25 million RON

Aerostar ends Q1 2024 with net profit of 25 million RON

Aerostar Bacau recorded a net profit of 25.133 million RON in the first quarter of this year, down 16.47% compared to the same period last year, according to the financial data submitted to the Bucharest Stock…

13:00, 10.05.2024

President Iohannis: Romania is a respected member of NATO and the European Union

President Iohannis: Romania is a respected member of NATO and the European Union

Romania is a respected member of NATO and the European Union, a status that offers us security guarantees at the highest level, but also a solid platform for collaboration with international partners who share…

11:40, 10.05.2024

DefMin Tilvar: State-of-the-art air-to-air missiles significantly increase national airspace safety

DefMin Tilvar: State-of-the-art air-to-air missiles significantly increase national airspace safety

The Romanian Air Force getting equipped with state-of-the-art air-to-air missiles significantly increases the safety of the national and NATO airspace and ensures a high degree of interoperability with similar…

19:45, 06.05.2024

Oglinda lui Dan Negru pentru politicieni

Oglinda lui Dan Negru pentru politicieni

Dan Negru a răbufnit pe Facebook, după ce a rămas blocat în trafic pe Valea Oltului. „Ăsta e cel mai bun afiș electoral anul ăsta Drumurile României. Azi,a doua zi de Paște, la fel de ticsite ca oricând. Țara cu…

14:10, 04.05.2024

Eurostat: Romania has third lowest life expectancy in EU, Spain ranks first

Eurostat: Romania has third lowest life expectancy in EU, Spain ranks first

Spain is the country in the European Union (EU) with the highest life expectancy, at 84 years, and is above the Community average, which is 81.5 years, while Romania has the third lowest life expectancy from the…

08:30, 03.05.2024

Joshua Dean, al doilea denunțător Boeing care moare brusc după ce a susținut că defectele de siguranță ale aeronavelor au fost ignorate

Joshua Dean, al doilea denunțător Boeing care moare brusc după ce a susținut că defectele de siguranță ale aeronavelor au fost ignorate

Joshua Dean, fost auditor al calității Spirit AeroSystems, un denunțător care a acuzat Boeing că ignoră defectele de siguranță ale avioanelor 737 MAX, a murit brusc, la doar 45 de ani, relatează Metro și Time.…

21:56, 27.04.2024

Un Boeing 767 îşi pierde toboganul de urgenţă după decolare şi se întoarce pe Aeroportul JFK la New York. La bordul aeronavei se aflau 176 de pasageri, doi piloţi şi cinci membri ai echipajului

Un Boeing 767 îşi pierde toboganul de urgenţă după decolare şi se întoarce pe Aeroportul JFK la New York. La bordul aeronavei se aflau 176 de pasageri,…

O serie neagră care afectează constructorul american de avioane continuă – după o cală de marfă deschisă, o uşă smulsă, un reactor în flăcări – cu un tobogan de urgenţă. Vineri, avionul de linie s-a întors din…

21:45, 26.04.2024

President Iohannis, Turkish VP Yilmaz address Middle East situation, bilateral economic cooperation

President Iohannis, Turkish VP Yilmaz address Middle East situation, bilateral economic cooperation

President Klaus Iohannis on Friday evening received the Vice-President of the Republic of Turkey, Cevdet Yilmaz, who was on an official visit to Romania, in which context the two discussed the situation in the…

21:41, 26.04.2024

Memorandum of Understanding between Romania and the UAE in the field of trade

Memorandum of Understanding between Romania and the UAE in the field of trade

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR) signed, on Friday, a Memorandum of Understanding with the Federation of Chambers of Commerce of the United Arab Emirates, on the sidelines of the third session…

19:30, 26.04.2024

Romania reaches 80 athletes qualified for Paris 2024, after Ebru Bolat secures ticket

Romania reaches 80 athletes qualified for Paris 2024, after Ebru Bolat secures ticket

Romania's delegation for the Olympic Games Paris 2024 (July 26-August 11) has reached 80 athletes, the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee announced Friday, after Ebru Bolat secured her presence in the sailing…