Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:20, 25.03.2024

France raises security alert to max level after attack in Moscow

French authorities have raised their security alert level to the maximum following the deadly Friday attack in a Moscow concert hall, according to Bloomberg. Prime Minister Gabriel Attal said the increased countrywide…

22:45, 24.03.2024

Primii doi suspecți în cazul atacului de la sala de concerte au fost aduși la un tribunal din Moscova și inculpați. Unul a ajuns cu ochiul vânăt | FOTO

Primii doi bărbați suspectați de comiterea sângerosului atac de la sala de concerte Crocus City Hall din apropiere de Moscova și reținuți între timp au fost aduși duminică seară la un tribunal rus pentru a fi acuzați…

17:45, 23.03.2024

Moscow attack/ MAE: Romania strongly condemns any form of terrorism

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) on Saturday conveyed condolences to the families of the victims of the terrorist attack in Moscow that killed more than 100 people. ''Romania strongly condemns all forms of…

14:00, 23.03.2024

„Multe mame au fost găsite moarte ţinându-şi copiii în brațe”. Noi detalii despre atacul terorist de la Moscova

Peste 100 de oameni au fost uciși în atacul armat urmat de un incendiu la o sală de concerte de la periferia Moscovei. O parte dintre ei au fost împușcați mortal, în vreme ce alții au murit în incendiul uriaș care…

12:21, 23.03.2024

Romania's path in EU materialized through large infrastructure projects, says PNL head Ciuca

The president of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Nicolae Ciuca, declared on Friday, in Timisoara, that the course of our country as a member of the European Union was materialized through large infrastructure…

12:21, 23.03.2024

PM Ciolacu: There is an investment gap between regions, we're trying to balance it

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), said on Friday in Timisoara that there is an investment gap between certain regions of the country, but expressed the hope that it will…

11:16, 23.03.2024

President Iohannis tells European summit Romania will actively, constructively participate in EU efforts to support Ukraine

President Klaus Iohannis participated on Thursday and Friday in Brussels in the European Council meeting and the Euro Summit in an extended format, saying that Ukraine must remain a priority on the European agenda,…

22:30, 22.03.2024

Medvedev amenință după atacul de la sala de concerte din Moscova. „Moarte pentru moarte”

Fostul președinte rus Dmitri Medvedev a amenințat vineri, la scurt timp după atacul cu zeci de morți de la o sală de concerte din Moscova, că "Rusia îi va ucide pe liderii ucraineni dacă au legătură cu atacul de…

19:21, 22.03.2024

National funds decentralisation, regardless of funding source, to follow EU funds decentralisation (minister)

Investment and European funds minister Adrian Caciu in Craiova on Friday said that after the decentralisation of European funds, the next step will be the decentralisation of national funds, regardless of the source…

19:10, 22.03.2024

PSD's Ciolacu on coalition with PNL: We are doomed to continue together this project for Romania

National leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu, currently Romania's prime minister, said on Friday in Bihor County that the current governing coalition ensures the political stability of the…

19:05, 22.03.2024

ForMin Odobescu, AmCham Romania representatives discuss Ukraine reconstruction, Visa Waiver

Foreign minister Luminita Odobescu welcomed a delegation of the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AmCham Romania), led by its president, Cristian Sporis, the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) announced on Friday.…

14:35, 22.03.2024

Germany makes cannabis possession and cultivation legal from April

Cannabis possession and home cultivation will be decriminalized in Germany from April 1 after the law passed the final hurdle in the Bundesrat, the chamber of the federal states, said on Friday, according to Politico.…

12:30, 22.03.2024

Russia attacks Ukrainian electrical power facilities, including major hydroelectric plant

Russia attacked electrical power facilities in much of Ukraine, including the country’s largest hydroelectric plant, causing widespread outages and killing at least three people, officials said on Friday, according…

20:35, 21.03.2024

Ministry of Finance draws almost 1.28 billion lei from banks

The Ministry of Finance (MF) borrowed on Thursday 1.279 billion lei from banks through a benchmark government bond issue with a residual maturity of 73 months and an average yield of 6.54% per annum, according…

09:50, 19.03.2024

Cele mai frumoase modele de sandale de damă. Cum să fii la modă în 2024

Astăzi îți prezentăm topul celor mai frumoase modele de sandale de dama, cu care o să fii sigur la modă în 2024. Extrem de versatile, aceste piese se potrivesc într-o multitudine de combinații vestimentare. Pot…

13:50, 16.03.2024

Four men detained for poaching

Four men were detained for 24 hours for poaching, the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police (IGPR) announced on Saturday. According to a press release from the IGPR, sent to AGERPRES, during the day on Friday…

21:20, 15.03.2024

Bucharest stocks close Friday session in the red

The Bucharest Stock Exchange closed the Friday session in the red, with the main BET index recording a 0.30% depreciation, up to 16,246.54 points. BET-Plus, which shows the evolution of the 43 most liquid stocks…

19:25, 15.03.2024

We do not get involved in electoral campaign in Romania, keeping fingers crossed for UDMR (minister Szijjarto)

The Hungarian minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Peter Szijjarto, said on Friday, in Sfantu Gheorghe, the Covasna County that the government from Budapest will not get involved in the electoral campaign…

19:25, 15.03.2024

ForMin Odobescu reiterates need to continue supporting Ukraine, Moldova at meeting with EU ambassadors

The minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, had a meeting, on Friday, with the ambassadors of the European Union member states accredited in Bucharest, on which occasion she emphasized the need to continue…

19:25, 15.03.2024

Judge Vasile Bicu, elected chairman of Central Electoral Bureau for European Parliament, local elections

Vasile Bicu, judge at the High Court of Cassation and Justice - Administrative and Fiscal Litigation Section, was elected on Friday as president of the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) for the European Parliament…

19:10, 15.03.2024

Romanians to have unique application to get rid of counters in relation with state

Romanians will have, by the end of this year, a unique application to get rid of counters and papers in the relationship with the state, the contract for the implementation of the application will be signed next…

19:10, 15.03.2024

Minister Szijjarto: We have every interest in having a better relationship with Romania

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Hungary, Peter Szijjarto, said on Friday, in Sfantu Gheorghe, the central Covasna County, at a press conference, that his country has every interest in having a…

19:00, 15.03.2024

Glad that we finally have a candidate from Central Europe for NATO head (Hungary's Szijjarto)

Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade minister Peter Szijjarto said on Friday in Sfantu Gheorghe, central Covasna County that it is gratifying that Central Europe finally has a candidate for NATO Secretary…

18:56, 15.03.2024

We are trying to give Romania all support to join Schengen area, Hungarian ForMin says

The Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade minister, Szijjarto Peter, said on Friday, in Sfantu Gheorghe, central Covasna County, that his country, which is going to take over the presidency of the Council…

16:30, 15.03.2024

Rușii au incendiat cel puțin trei secții de votare și au turnat cerneală verde în urne, în prima zi a alegerilor prezidențiale | VIDEO

Cel puțin trei persoane au efectuat vineri în diferite regiuni din Rusia atacuri prin incendiere la secțiile de votare, în prima zi de desfășurare a alegerilor prezidențiale din 15-17 martie, informează The Moscow…

15:05, 15.03.2024

Finance ministry borrows additional 75 million lei from banks

The Ministry of Finance attracted on Friday 75 million lei from banks, in addition to Thursday's auction, when it borrowed 800 million lei through a benchmark government bond issue with a residual maturity of 115…

15:05, 15.03.2024

Aid ship reaches Gaza coast; Israel rejects Hamas truce offer

The first ship carrying food aid reached the coast of the Gaza Strip on Friday, where hopes for a ceasefire to rescue the population from starvation suffered a new blow after Israel rejected the latest truce counter-proposal…

13:45, 15.03.2024

Euro trades at RON 4.9707

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Friday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows: CURRENCY SYMBOL RON1 Euro EUR 4.97071 US…

13:45, 15.03.2024

Drula: 15 March, important celebration of Hungarian community; together we build a modern Romania

Save Romania Union (USR) Chairman Catalin Drula sent a message on Friday on the occasion of the Day of Hungarians Abroad, stressing the importance of mutual respect. "15 March is the Day of Hungarians Abroad, an…

13:45, 15.03.2024

PM Ciolacu on Hungary's National Day: Our unity is the key to our common success

Our unity is the key to our common success, and the future belongs to all of us, regardless of ethnicity or origin, Romania's Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Friday in a Hungary's National Day message. "It…