Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:30, 14.12.2023

Another hostage with dual Israeli and Romanian citizenship dead in Gaza Strip

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Thursday the death of another person with dual citizenship, Israeli and Romanian, hostage in the Gaza Strip.''Further to the clarifications sent by the Ministry of Foreign…

19:00, 12.12.2023

M Ciolacu, Kazakh Deputy PM Nurtleu discuss cooperation in Europe interconnection with Caspian Sea area

M Ciolacu, Kazakh Deputy PM Nurtleu discuss cooperation in Europe interconnection with Caspian Sea areaPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu welcomed at the Victoria Governmental Palace on Tuesday Deputy Prime Minister…

13:46, 12.12.2023

Romania is a top partner in terms of investments, trade, Kazakh deputy prime minister says

Romania represents a "top partner" of Kazakhstan in terms of investments and trade, the minister of Foreign Affairs of this country, deputy prime minister Murat Nurtleu, declared on Tuesday, during a press statement…

13:00, 12.12.2023

We agreed to deepen cooperation in transport and energy with Kazakhstan, important partner of Romania (ForMin Odobescu)

Foreign affairs minister Luminita Odobescu underlined on Tuesday at a meeting with the foreign minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, deputy prime minister Murat Nurtleu, who is visiting Romania, the importance…

11:30, 12.12.2023

Over 76,000 travelers, including arond 8,600 Ukrainians, enter Romania on Dec 11

Approximately 147,700 people, Romanian and foreign nationals, and over 44.200 means of transport underwent border checks at all of Romania's crossing points on December 11, on both the inbound and the outbound,…

21:16, 11.12.2023

ForMin Odobescu: Romania entering Schengen with its airports a plausible scenario

ForMin Odobescu: Romania entering Schengen with its airports a plausible scenarioRomania entering Schengen with its airports first is a plausible scenario, but the file of our country's accession to the European…

20:20, 09.12.2023

Misterul comploturilor de asasinat ale Indiei. De ce ar risca guvernul indian totul pentru a elimina niște lideri sikh?

Pe 29 noiembrie, Departamentul de Justiție (DOJ) al SUA făcea un anunț șocant: un oficial din guvernul indian a încercat să asasineze un cetățean american pe teritoriul american, se arată într-o analiză semnată…

16:50, 08.12.2023

Romania - active role in facilitating transit of Ukrainian grain (ForMin Odobescu)

Romania remains actively engaged and has an important role in facilitating transit of Ukrainian grain through Romanian ports on the Danube and the Black Sea, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu,…

23:10, 07.12.2023

Romania joins efforts to condemn Russian attempts to interfere in political processes in democratic states (Foreign Ministry)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs joins the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the effort to publicly expose and condemn the repeated attempts of the Russian Federation to interfere in the political…

12:35, 07.12.2023

EU auditors slam 12 EU states for failing to report on direct investments

Twelve EU member states did not report relevant foreign direct investment inflows in 2020 and 2022, the European Court of Auditors revealed on Wednesday, warning of possible risks, according to Euractiv. On Wednesday,…

14:25, 06.12.2023

China rejects EU’s trade deficit complaint

Beijing has rebuffed a complaint by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen over the EU’s trade deficit against China, a day before her summit meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, according to…

09:10, 06.12.2023

Un virus se răspândește agresiv în țările democratice: libera exprimare e în declin / ANALIZĂ

Peisajul global al liberei exprimări s-a confruntat cu probleme grave în 2023. Până și democrațiile deschise au impus restricții pentru a combate o gamă de riscuri precum discursul urii, dezinformarea, extremismul…

08:50, 05.12.2023

Foreign Affairs: Partidul de război al lui Putin. Cum vor valida alegerile din Rusia autocrația și conflictul permanent cu Occidentul

„Dacă există Putin, există Rusia; dacă nu există Putin, nu există Rusia”, declara, în 2014, Viaceslav Volodin, actualul președinte al Dumei de Stat, un loialist agresiv, scrie analistul Andrei Kolesnikov în Foreign…

08:35, 05.12.2023

ForMin Odobescu: Communication with Austria on the Schengen file has improved lately

Communication with Austria on the Schengen file has improved lately, Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu said on Monday.The head of Romanian diplomacy is part of the delegation of Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu,…

12:00, 03.12.2023

Cum au ajuns alegătorii tineri să susțină partidele de extremă dreaptă în mai multe țări din Europa

Cercetătorii și politologii citați de The Guardian spun că nu toți alegătorii extremiștilor din Olanda, Franța sau Austria sunt xenofobi, unii fiind doar îngrijorați de greutățile economice, atrași de factorul…

08:05, 01.12.2023

Foreign Policy: America este la un pas de un război mondial pe care nu este pregătită să îl câștige

Conflictele s-au extins în două dintre cele mai importante regiuni strategice din lume, care necesită atenția Statelor Unite – în cazul în care China se decide să lanseze un atac împotriva Taiwanului, situația…

11:15, 29.11.2023

Number of foreign workers to be able to work in Romania will reach 140,000 next year (platform)

The number of foreign workers who will be able to come to work in Romania in 2024 will reach 140,000, 40% more than the threshold allowed for the current year, according to an analysis published on Wednesday by…

16:55, 27.11.2023

Romanian Parliament to consider resolution on European perspectives of Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Western Balkans

Romanian Parliament to consider resolution on European perspectives of Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Western BalkansThe Romanian Parliament will debate and pass a resolution regarding the European perspectives of…

16:05, 27.11.2023

Immigration Inspectorate: More than 55 foreigners detected in illegal situations last week

More than 55 foreigners were detected in illegal situations in the last week, the Immigration Inspectorate General (IGI) announced on Monday.According to an IGI press release sent to AGERPRES, between 20 and 26…

15:36, 27.11.2023

ForMin Odobescu meets EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Lajcak

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, on Monday had a meeting with the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues, Miroslav Lajcak.According…

15:05, 25.11.2023

Women's rights promotion - a priority commitment of Romania's, Foreign Ministry says

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the observation, on November 25, of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and reaffirms its commitment to promoting the rights of all women…

15:30, 24.11.2023

Albanian Ambassador Ilir Tepelena, received by ForMin Luminita Odobescu on farewell visit

Minister of Foreign Affairs Luminita Odobescu received on Friday H.E. Mr Ilir Tepelena, Ambassador of the Republic of Albania in Bucharest, on a farewell visit, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) said.According…

11:35, 24.11.2023

12 Romanian citizens and family members evacuated from Gaza Strip arrive in Romania

12 Romanian citizens and family members evacuated from Gaza Strip arrive in RomaniaA group of 12 Romanian citizens and family members evacuated from the Gaza Strip arrived in Romania on Friday aboard a flight operated…

15:25, 22.11.2023

Discussions on Romanian-Czech relations, security situation, EU enlargement, addressed by ForMin, Czech Senate's head

Minister of Foreign Affairs Luminita Odobescu had a meeting on Wednesday at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) headquarters with the President of the Senate of the Czech Republic, Milos Vystrcil, on a visit…

22:05, 21.11.2023

ForMin Odobescu, online intervention at G7+ Foreign Ministers' Meeting on Ukraine Energy Sector Support

Foreign affairs minister Luminita Odobescu participated on Tuesday in the G7+ Foreign Ministers' Meeting on Ukraine Energy Sector Support, co-hosted by Foreign Minister Hayashi Yoshimasa and Secretary of State…

11:45, 20.11.2023

Foreign Ministry takes steps in case of Romanian aboard commercial ship captured by Houthi militias

Foreign Ministry takes steps in case of Romanian aboard commercial ship captured by Houthi militiasThe Inter-Institutional Task Force at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) was activated after the Bahamas-flagged…

10:15, 20.11.2023

Scheduled events for Nov 20

Scheduled events for Nov 20PRESIDENCY- President Klaus Iohannis is paying an official visit to the Republic of Cabo Verde; he is set to meet president Jose Maria Neves DIPLOMACY:- The Minister of Foreign Affairs,…

12:35, 18.11.2023

Over 89,000 people enter Romania on November 17, including 7,873 Ukrainian citizens

As many as 89,600 people, including 7,873 Ukrainian citizens, entered Romania on Friday, November 17, the General Border Police Inspectorate (IGPF) reported on Saturday.According to IGPF, at the border crossings…

08:35, 15.11.2023

Yet another 17 Romanian citizens with their families from Gaza Strip, evacuated to Egypt

Yet another 17 Romanian citizens with their families from Gaza Strip, evacuated to EgyptThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) announces that 17 Romanian citizens and their family members left the Gaza Strip on…

18:45, 14.11.2023

DefMin Tilvar says Romania's support for Ukraine, firm and constant

DefMin Tilvar says Romania's support for Ukraine, firm and constantNational Defence Minister Angel Tilvar attended Tuesday's meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) in the format of EU Defence Ministers, which…