Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:01, 16.10.2023

Romania tries to get its citizens out of Gaza

Romania has initiated efforts to evacuate its citizens from the Gaza Strip, with some 200 Romanian nationals requesting assistance from the authorities in Bucharest to leave the area, according to Euractiv.  The…

19:05, 14.10.2023

Two more persons with dual Israeli-Romanian citizenship die

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) confirmed on Saturday the death, in the context of the security situation in the State of Israel and the Gaza Strip, of two more persons with dual Israeli-Romanian citizenship…

17:35, 14.10.2023

Another 58 Romanian citizens return home from Israel

Another 58 Romanian citizens returned home from Israel on Saturday, on an aircraft operated by a private company. ''Further to the information provided in the context of the deteriorating security situation in…

14:05, 14.10.2023

Foreign Minister Odobescu welcomes UK Ambassador Noble on farewell visit

Foreign Minister Odobescu welcomes UK Ambassador Noble on farewell visitAmbassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Romania Andrew Noble was welcomed by Minister of Foreign Affairs…

13:50, 14.10.2023

Nearly 200,000 people cross Romania' borders on Friday

Nearly 200,000 people cross Romania' borders on FridayNearly 200,000 people - Romanian and foreign citizens - crossed Romania's borders on Friday. According to the Border Police Inspectorate General (IGPF), on…

22:15, 13.10.2023

ForMin Odobescu receives representatives of UN agencies in Romania

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, received on Friday, on a courtesy visit, the representatives of four specialized UN agencies and funds in Romania - Anna Riatti, representative of the United…

13:25, 13.10.2023

Two people with dual Israeli-Romanian citizenship confirmed dead

Romania's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informed on Friday that so far two people with dual Israeli-Romanian citizenship residing in Israel have been confirmed dead after the outbreak of the deadly conflict…

12:10, 11.10.2023

Qatar takes the lead in negotiations to free Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas

Qatar takes the lead in negotiations for the release of Israeli hostages kidnapped by the terrorist group Hamas. The information is confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, headed by Mohammed bin…

11:11, 11.10.2023

Another 283 Romanian citizens return from Israel, including through Jordan

Another 283 Romanian citizens returned safely to Romania on Tuesday night on three Tarom flights - two from Tel Aviv, Israel, and one from Amman, Jordan - as well as on a flight operated by a private company, the…

15:35, 10.10.2023

LIVETEXT Israelul anunță un atac de amploare împotriva unor ținte din Gaza, Hamas respinge respinge orice negociere privind ostaticii până la finalul…

Confruntările armate dintre Israel și gruparea Hamas continuă pentru a patra zi. Pe timpul nopții, Israelul a bombardat Fâșia Gaza. Grupările palestiniene au lansat, de asemenea, rachete. Marți dimineață, sirenele…

09:15, 10.10.2023

Other 115 Romanian citizens return to Romania from Israel

Other 115 Romanian citizens returned to Romania from Israel on Monday, on a flight operated by a private airline, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informs. "Further to the information provided in the context…

09:55, 09.10.2023

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Private airline brings 115 Romanians back home from Israel

A number of 115 Romanian citizens were brought home from Israel by a private airline, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informed on Sunday evening. "Considering the deterioration of the security situation in…

09:35, 08.10.2023

346 Romanian, foreign citizens brought to Romania from Israel with two TAROM flights

Following the moves made by the Crisis Cell, 346 Romanian and foreign citizens were repatriated from Israel, on the night of Saturday to Sunday, with two flights operated by TAROM company - 189 first flight, respectively…

14:10, 07.10.2023

Populism, fragmentare politică și un pamflet antisemit. Alegerile din Bavaria de duminică reflectă haosul politic din Germania

Germanii votează duminică în alegerile din două landuri, Bavaria și Hessa, iar dezbaterile din campania electorală reflectă situația complexă de la nivel federal, care se manifestă printr-o erodare a sprijinului…

13:10, 07.10.2023

Romania condemning terrorist attacks on Israel's territory

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) strongly condemns the rocket attacks by Hamas against Israel, including against the civilian population, along with terrorist infiltrations and hostage-taking, MAE…

13:25, 06.10.2023

Kosovo-Serbia tension threatens the Balkan path to EU integration, German foreign minister warns

Germany’s foreign minister on Friday expressed the European Union’s deep concerns following the recent shootout between masked Serb gunmen and Kosovo police that left four people dead and sent tensions soaring…

12:45, 06.10.2023

Putin șterge linia roșie care ”a fost în inimile și mințile rușilor”. Ideea ”pământului sfânt” este moartă

În decembrie 2014, președintele rus Vladimir Putin a stat în mijlocul Sălii Sf. Gheorghe a Kremlinului, ținând discursul său anual în fața Adunării Federale a Rusiei. La nouă luni de la anexarea sa oficială a regiunii…

12:25, 03.10.2023

Industrial producer prices drop 3.3 percent YoY in August

Industrial producer prices (domestic and foreign market) were 0.7 percent down in August 2023 compared to the previous month, and 3.3 percent lower year-over-year, shows data released on Tuesday by the National…

09:25, 03.10.2023

ForMin Odobescu, in Kyiv, sustains importance of furthering on EU multidimensional support for Ukraine

The minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, supported, on Monday, in Kyiv, the importance of the continuation of the EU's multidimensional support for Ukraine and highlighted the need to accelerate the…

13:45, 02.10.2023

ForMin Odobescu attending in Kyiv informal meeting of EU top diplomats

Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu is in Kyiv on Monday, where she attends the informal meeting of the EU to diplomats, according to the agenda of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Odobescu posted on Twitter…

13:30, 02.10.2023

Unii dintre miniştrii de Externe din UE nu participă la reuniunea ”istorică” de la Kiev

Unii dintre miniştrii de Externe din Uniunea Europeană nu se află la Kiev, în pofida convocării tuturor celor 27 de către şeful diplomaţiei europene la o reuniune ”istorică” în capitala Ucrainei, relatează News.ro.…

12:10, 02.10.2023

Război în Ucraina, ziua 586: Reuniune istorică la Kiev. Cum ar putea schimba ea soarta conflictului cu Rusia - LIVE TEXT

UPDATE 12:00 - O mamă și fiicele sale, rănite într-un bombardament rusesc la HersonCel puţin trei persoane, membre ale aceleaiţi familii, au fost rănite într-un bombardament rusesc în oraşul Herson (sud) duminică…

11:15, 02.10.2023

Borrell: Uniunea Europeană va spori ajutorul militar pentru Ucraina

Şeful diplomaţiei europene, Josep Borrell, a promis duminică, 2 octombrie, la Kiev sporirea ajutorului militar al UE pentru a susţine Ucraina în războiul cu Rusia, după ce Congresul SUA a votat o măsură care evită…

09:00, 25.09.2023

President of Georgian Parliament Papuashvili is paying a visit to Bucharest

President of Georgian Parliament Papuashvili is paying a visit to BucharestThe President of the Georgian Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, will be paying an official visit to Bucharest on Monday. He will meet the…

22:35, 22.09.2023

ForMin Odobescu, at Bucharest 9 meeting; emphasizes importance of keeping developments in the Black Sea in NATO's attention

ForMin Odobescu, at Bucharest 9 meeting; emphasizes importance of keeping developments in the Black Sea in NATO's attentionThe Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, participated on Friday in the ministerial…

10:35, 22.09.2023

ForMin Odobescu, meeting with Jewish organizations, in New York

Foreign affairs minister Luminita Odobescu held bilateral meetings with a coalition of international and American Jewish organizations and the leadership of the American Jewish Committee on Thursday on the sidelines…

13:11, 21.09.2023

Foreign Affairs: A anticipat diplomatul George F. Kennan în 1951 apariția lui Vladimir Putin pe scena istoriei?

În articolul său din 1951, intitulat „America și viitorul rus”, publicat în Foreign Affairs, diplomatul american, George F. Kennan, a investigat forțele psihologice care au modelat sistemul sovietic, scrie analistul…

15:40, 19.09.2023

BREAKING. Azerbaidjanul declanșează operațiuni antiteroriste în Nagorno-Karabah pentru dezarmarea armenilor

Azerbaidjanul a anunţat marţi, 19 septembrie, că forţele sale armate au lansat ceea ce a numit ”activităţi antiteroriste locale” în regiunea Nagorno-Karabah pentru a restabili ordinea constituţională prin dezarmarea…

20:05, 18.09.2023

„Va abandona Occidentul Ucraina?”. Kievul trebuie să fie gata de o posibilă schimbare de opinie în SUA și Europa, spun doi experți

Având în vedere pericolul pe care l-ar reprezenta o pierdere a sprijinului occidental, Kievul ar trebui să cultive relații cu personalități și partide politice care nu sunt în tabăra sa, scriu doi experți în politică…

15:40, 14.09.2023

SCAF, largest diplomatic cultural event held in Romania, opens doors on 16 September in Sibiu

The largest diplomatic cultural event in Romania, with over 150 artists from 22 countries on 5 continents, in which over 50 partners are involved - embassies, museums, galleries and other institutions, takes place…