Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

22:45, 13.09.2023

Chargé d'affaires a.i. of Russian Federation's Embassy in Bucharest, summoned again to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The chargé d'affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bucharest was summoned again to the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the level of secretary of state for Strategic Affairs,…

22:15, 13.09.2023

Romanian Foreign Ministry welcomes President Ursula von der Leyen's speech on State of the EU

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) welcomes the speech on the State of the European Union, delivered on Wednesday by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in the plenary session of…

09:50, 13.09.2023

Scheduled events for September 13

Scheduled events for September 13DIPLOMACY:- The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, receives the ambassadors-at-large of the Republic of Finland in Romania, Leena Anneli Liukkonen, of the Swiss Confederation…

20:05, 11.09.2023

Ce pregătește Putin. Strategia liderului rus în Ucraina va deveni mai sadică și brutală, crede un expert american, fost diplomat în Europa

În vreme ce unii oficiali și analiști cred că Rusia este gata să continue războiul pe termen lung, sperând într-o slăbire a Occidentului, un expert american e convins că Vladimir Putin se află de fapt într-o cursă…

09:25, 11.09.2023

Cum a băgat Putin frica în Washington și Berlin. Dezvăluirile unui fost director de servicii secrete

Liderul de la Kremlin a folosit strategia amenințărilor nucleare, reușind să bage frica în Washington, Berlin sau Paris, printr-un război psihologic agresiv. David Sheed, fost director adjunct al Serviciilor Secrete…

08:50, 11.09.2023

Cum a băgat Putin frica la Washington și Berlin. Dezvăluirile unui fost director de servicii secrete

Liderul de la Kremlin a folosit strategia amenințărilor nucleare, reușind să bage frica la Washington, Berlin sau Paris, printr-un război psihologic agresiv. David Sheed, fost director adjunct al Serviciilor Secrete…

17:51, 07.09.2023

Around 100 Romanians stranded on ferry in Greece, disembarked, waiting to be evacuated

Around 100 Romanians stranded on ferry in Greece, disembarked, waiting to be evacuatedAround 100 Romanians stranded on a ferry in Greece due to floods have disembarked and are to be evacuated, the Ministry of Foreign…

14:06, 07.09.2023

Latini! Parlamentului Italiei a votat în unanimitate sprijinirea procesului de aderare a Republicii Moldova la Uniunea Europeană

Comisia pentru afaceri externe din cadrul Parlamentului Italiei a votat în unanimitate sprijinirea procesului de aderare a Republicii Moldova la Uniunea Europeană. Despre acest lucru a anunțat șeful diplomației…

13:35, 07.09.2023

Energy is key area, we cannot allow anyone to blackmail us, says ForMin Odobescu

Energy is a "key area" and "we cannot allow anyone to blackmail us", Foreign Affairs minister Luminita Odobescu said on Thursday during a debate at the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) Business Forum.Discussions at…

21:35, 04.09.2023

ForMin Odobescu pays official visit to Berlin, condemns Russian attacks on Ukrainian Danube ports

ForMin Odobescu pays official visit to Berlin, condemns Russian attacks on Ukrainian Danube portsThe Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, paid an official visit to Berlin on Monday, where she had meetings…

16:15, 01.09.2023

International Olympiad of Hellenism will bring together students from 12 countries this year

The eighth edition of the International Olympiad of Hellenism, which will take place between September 7 and 10 in Bucharest, will bring together students from 12 countries, the Hellenic Union of Romania (UER)…

10:25, 01.09.2023

Scheduled events for September 1

Scheduled events for September 1PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATION:- President Klaus Iohannis pays a visit to the Danube Delta, Tulcea County, on the occasion of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Day EXECUTIVE:- Prime…

12:10, 29.08.2023

Iohannis: Romania's accession to OECD remains a major foreign policy objective

Iohannis: Romania's accession to OECD remains a major foreign policy objectivePresident Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that Romania's accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)…

12:15, 28.08.2023

President Iohannis to welcome Romanian diplomats on Tuesday

President Iohannis to welcome Romanian diplomats on TuesdayPresident Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday will welcome heads of Romanian diplomatic missions, consular offices and directors of Romanian cultural institutes…

08:55, 28.08.2023

Annual Meeting of Romanian Diplomacy 2023 to unfold August 29-30

Annual Meeting of Romanian Diplomacy 2023 to unfold August 29-30The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) organises on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 29-30, the Annual Meeting of Romanian Diplomacy (RADR 2023) themed…

10:35, 25.08.2023

De ce Putin l-a vrut mort pe Prigojin

De ce Putin l-a vrut mort pe Prigojin Într-un articol publicat luna aceasta în Foreign Affairs [https://www.foreignaffairs.com/russian-federation/vladimir-putin-age-chaos] Tatiana Stanovaya, membră importantă a…

19:35, 22.08.2023

Foreign orchestras performing at George Enescu International Festival to use double basses made in Reghin

Foreign orchestras performing at George Enescu International Festival to use double basses made in ReghinThe double basses built by the luthiers of the Romanian town of Reghin, members of the Association of Romanian…

18:20, 22.08.2023

ForMin Odobescu welcomes Dutch ambassador van Ees, emphasises consistency of Dutch investment in Romania

ForMin Odobescu welcomes Dutch ambassador van Ees, emphasises consistency of Dutch investment in RomaniaRomania's Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu on Tuesday welcomed Dutch ambassador in Bucharest Roelof S. van…

17:20, 18.08.2023

Draft law regarding transparency of expenses of dignitaries on foreign trips, not passed by Government (USR)

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu does not want the population to find out how much money President Klaus Iohannis spends on foreign trips, Save Romania Union (USR) spokesman Ionut Mosteanu, declared on Friday.He said…

10:36, 16.08.2023

Scheduled events for August 16

Scheduled events for August 16EXECUTIVE:- Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has working meetings with the Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity, Simona Bucura-Oprescu, the Minister of Justice, Alina Gorghiu, the…

21:05, 14.08.2023

Conflictul de uzură din Ucraina seamănă tot mai mult cu Primul Război Mondial, iar experții spun că paralela oferă lecții importante

Strategii militari nu au fost pregătiți pentru un război care s-a transformat rapid într-o luptă cu linii de front statice, în care taberele adverse lansează schimburi masive de focuri de artilerie din tranșee…

14:00, 14.08.2023

Foreign direct investments drop more than 13 pct in H1 2023

Foreign direct investments drop more than 13 pct in H1 2023Direct investments in Romania by non-residents dropped by more than 13 percent in H1 to 3.93 billion euros compared to 4.533 billion euros in the same…

14:50, 11.08.2023

ForMin Odobescu emphasises fundamental role of Moroccan intelligence services in release of Iulian Ghergut

Romania's Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu has thanked his Moroccan counterpart Nasser Bourita for the "fundamental" role played by the Moroccan intellignce services in the process of releasing Romanian Iulian…

17:45, 10.08.2023

Gov't adopts 19 decisions regarding the appointments of consuls-general of Romania in as many countries

On Thursday, the Government adopted 19 decisions regarding the appointment to the office of consul-general in as many countries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs."When establishing the proposals for appointments…

14:40, 10.08.2023

Decrees on setting up Romania's consulates general in Frankfurt am Main and Hamburg, signed by president Iohannis

President Klaus Iohannis signed on Thursday decrees on the establishment of two new consulates general of Romania in Germany, in Frankfurt am Main and Hamburg.Romania also has three consulates general in Germany,…

07:55, 05.08.2023

Sfârșitul miracolului economic al Chinei. Cum poate profita America de dificultățile lui Xi Jinping

Spre sfârșitul anului 2022, creșteau speranțele că economia Chinei și, în consecință, economia globală, era pregătită pentru o revenire, susțin experții într-o analiză publicată de Foreign Affairs.

13:11, 02.08.2023

EduMin Deca: We have doubled number of scholarships for foreign citizens

EduMin Deca: We have doubled number of scholarships for foreign citizensEducation Minister Ligia Deca says that the number of scholarships for citizens from abroad has doubled, and for the academic year 2023 -…

22:35, 25.07.2023

Phone conversation between ForMin Odobescu, Kenyan counterpart on grain transport from Ukraine

Phone conversation between ForMin Odobescu, Kenyan counterpart on grain transport from UkraineThe Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, had a telephone conversation with her Kenyan counterpart, Alfred…

14:50, 25.07.2023

More than 600 illegal foreigners, removed under escort from Romania in first part of year

In the first half of this year, immigration police officers carried out more than 600 removals under escort of foreigners from the country, the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) said in a press release.According…

09:15, 25.07.2023

At present, Romania has most important, solid security guarantees in history (ForMin)

At present, Romania, as a member of NATO and the European Union, has the most important or most solid security guarantees in history, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, told private broadcaster…