Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:10, 18.07.2023

UE nu e pregătită pentru aderarea Ucrainei (analiză)

Ucraina se află în anticamera aderării la NATO și UE deopotrivă. Liderii NATO, întruniți săptămâna trecută la Vilnius, în Lituania, au dezamăgit Kievul printr-o declarație vag formulată privind o viitoare invitație…

17:30, 10.07.2023

Stoltenberg: "NATO nu vede China ca pe un adversar"

Statele membre NATO nu consideră China un adversar. Declarația o face secretarul general al alianței, Jens Stoltenberg. "NATO nu vede China ca pe un adversar. Trebuie să continuăm să ne implicăm cu Beijingul în…

14:45, 09.07.2023

I pretended to be a foreign tourist who came to Neversea to see how friendly Constanța is with tourists from other countries

I pretended to be a foreign tourist coming to the Neversea festival to see how friendly Constanța is with tourists from other countries. I “got off” at the Constanta train station and followed the route a tourist…

16:30, 08.07.2023

Development of Romania-Colombia bilateral relations, addressed by State Secretary Traian Hristea and Colombian ambassador

The Secretary of State for Global Affairs and Diplomatic Strategies, Traian Hristea, had a virtual meeting on Friday, July 7, with the ambassador-at-large of the Republic of Colombia, Assad Jose Jater Pena, for…

13:50, 08.07.2023

53 foreign citizens found hiding in four vehicles, in customs offices of Nadlac II, Varsand and Bors I

Border police officers from the Nadlac II, Varsand and Bors I Border Crossing Points detected 53 citizens from various countries who tried to illegally cross the border into Hungary, hidden in four means of transport,…

19:15, 07.07.2023

Establishment, dissolution, financing of Romanian community centers abroad, approved by Gov't with Foreign Ministry's approval

President Klaus Iohannis promulgated, on Friday, the normative act for the amendment and completion of Law no. 86/2016 regarding the establishment of Romanian community centers abroad.The law provides that their…

16:20, 04.07.2023

Presidential advisor: Romania's FDI up 20 pct in 2022, mainly on account of reinvested local profits

Romania's foreign direct investments increased 20 percent in 2022, mainly on account of reinvested local profits and to a lesser extent due to greenfield investments, presidential advisor Cosmin-Stefan Marinescu…

19:20, 03.07.2023

EduMin Deca - discussions about cooperation in the education field with Tunisian official

The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, met with the Secretary of State in the Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mounir Ben Rjiba, and the ambassador of this country in Romania, Raja Jhinaoui Ben Ali, with whom…

16:10, 03.07.2023

First edition of training programme on building resilience to disinformation kicks off on Monday

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), in collaboration with the International Development Cooperation Agency - RoAid, launched on Monday the first edition of the training programme "Building resilience to disinformation…

21:50, 30.06.2023

MAE: 40 employees of Russian Embassy in Bucharest to leave Romania by Russian aircraft

MAE: 40 employees of Russian Embassy in Bucharest to leave Romania by Russian aircraft. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) reports that 40 employees of the Russian Embassy in Bucharest, together with their family…

08:30, 30.06.2023

Va mai rămâne Wagner în Africa? Detaliile unor afaceri de miliarde în care nu sunt implicați doar oamenii lui Prigojin

Rebeliunea din Rusia ar putea avea consecințe asupra activităților din străinătate ale companiei de mercenari Ievgheni Prigojin, șeful companiei rusești de mercenari Wagner, a plecat în exil în Belarus după insurecția…

20:30, 28.06.2023

President Iohannis: Strategic Partnership with the United States guides Romania's foreign, security policy

President Iohannis: Strategic Partnership with the United States guides Romania's foreign, security policy. The Strategic Partnership with the United States will continue to guide Romania's foreign and security…

18:00, 26.06.2023

ForMin Odobescu: We will continue to monitor situation in Russia and Belarus

ForMin Odobescu: We will continue to monitor situation in Russia and Belarus. Romania will continue to monitor the situation in Russia and Belarus, Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu said on Monday,…

20:25, 25.06.2023

Rebeliunea Wagner, „simptom al unei boli profunde a statului rus” și semn că aura puterii invincibile a lui Putin se risipește, spun experții

Revolta mercenarilor conduși de Evgheni Prigojin a fost sistată, din motive încă necunoscute, dar efectele sale asupra regimului de la Kremlin s-ar putea dovedi de durată, acțiunea șocantă dezvăluind slăbiciunea…

14:25, 24.06.2023

PM Ciolacu: Romanian authorities, closely monitoring situation in Russia, I am constantly informed by MApN and MAE

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Saturday that all Romanian authorities are closely monitoring the situation in Russia, in full cooperation with allies, Agerpres reports."All Romanian authorities are closely…

22:05, 22.06.2023

ONU: Deminarea Ucrainei este comparabilă deminării Europei în 1945 şi necesită o operaţiune la scară mare estimată la 300 de milioane de dolari pe an,…

Este nevoie de aproximativ 300 de milioane de dolarin (274 milioane de euro) pe an, pe o perioadă de cinci ani, n vederea unei deminări a teritoriului Ucrainei, dă asigurări Paul Heslop, un reprezentant al programelor…

15:50, 22.06.2023

Statements by so-called representative of Russia in Kherson against Republic of Moldova are unacceptable

Statements by so-called representative of Russia in Kherson against Republic of Moldova are unacceptable. Romania strongly condemns the statements made by the so-called Russian representative in Kherson, a Ukrainian…

13:36, 22.06.2023

Dar cu Yuri Gagarin ce-au avut de împărțit??

Ministerul de Externe rus se plânge că un bust al cosmonautului Yuri Gagarin a fost îndepărtat la Kiev. La 12 aprilie 1961, Gagarin a devenit primul om care a ajuns în spațiu și pe orbita Pământului. A primit numeroase…

18:45, 20.06.2023

Romanians can invest in Tezaur government bonds, with interest rates of up to 7.30% per year

Starting from Wednesday, Romanians can invest in Tezaur [Treasury] government bonds, with maturities of 1 and 3 years, with annual interest rates of 6.50% and 7.30%, respectively, the Ministry of Finance announced…

18:45, 20.06.2023

ForMin Odobescu meets in Chisinau with high officials from Rep. of Moldova

Foreign Affairs Minister Luminita Odobescu had talks on Tuesday in Chisinau with Prime Minister Dorin Recean, Speaker of Parliament of Moldova Igor Grosu, counterpart Nicu Popescu and Minister of Justice Veronica…

16:40, 20.06.2023

Former Foreign Minister Aurescu decorated by Moldovan president

President of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu conferred on former Foreign Affairs Minister and current presidential advisor Bogdan Aurescu the Order of Honor.Maia Sandu took to Twitter on Tuesday to note that…

15:35, 20.06.2023

Gov't to decide on creation, dissolution, financing of Romanian community centers abroad, with Foreign Ministry's assent

Gov't to decide on creation, dissolution, financing of Romanian community centers abroad, with Foreign Ministry's assent. Following a revision requested by President Klaus Iohannis, the Chamber of Deputies adopted…

13:55, 17.06.2023

USR congress taking place in Bucharest with foreign guests attending

800 delegates from all over the country participate on Saturday in the congress of the opposition Save Romania Union (USR), where the formation's Chairman Catalin Drula will present USR's Romania 2024 programmatic…

10:30, 15.06.2023

More than 20 foreigners, discovered at Varsand Border Crossing Point hiding in two trailer trucks

More than 20 migrants have been caught in the last 24 hours trying to leave the country illegally, hidden in two trailer trucks loaded with goods that were leaving for Germany and were checked at the Varsand Border…

20:05, 13.06.2023

MAE hails decision of the USA to return to UNESCO

MAE hails decision of the USA to return to UNESCO. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) welcomes the decision of the United States of America (USA) to return, starting in July, to the United Nations Educational,…

13:40, 12.06.2023

Documentary exhibition of photos, archival documents marking 75 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and Israel

The Romanian Embassy in Israel celebrates 75 years of uninterrupted diplomatic relations between Romania and the State of Israel with a documentary exhibition of photographs and archival documents reflecting the…

21:50, 09.06.2023

Withdrawal of Russian Federation from Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe, undermining Euro-Atlantic security

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) condemns the decision of the Russian Federation to withdraw from the Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe (TCFE), calling it "the latest action to undermine the rules-based…

15:41, 09.06.2023

Biggest security risk in the Balkans is supremacy of personal agenda of some politicians (senior official Fota)

Biggest security risk in the Balkans is supremacy of personal agenda of some politicians (senior official Fota).The greatest risk for security in the Balkans is the supremacy of some interests of personal agenda…

16:36, 08.06.2023

Russian ambassador in Bucharest informed to cut diplomatic staff, in order to avoid accreditations withdrawal

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs that, at the request of minister Bogdan Aurescu, the ambassador of the Russian Federation in Bucharest was informed on Thursday, during a meeting with the secretary of state…

22:10, 07.06.2023

ForMin Aurescu, at ministerial meeting of OECD Council in Paris

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, participated on Wednesday in the annual ministerial meeting of the Council of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which took place…