Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:05, 21.09.2022

MP Biro: Romania wants to help Ukraine protect cultural heritage

MP Biro Rozalia of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR), chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, told a news conference in Oradea on Wednesday that Romania wants…

16:20, 17.05.2022

Parlamentul finlandez a aprobat cu un vot covârșitor solicitarea de aderare la NATO

Cu un vot de 188 pentru și 8 împotrivă, Parlamentul de la Helsinki a aprobat planurile președintelui și premierului de a solicita oficial aderararea la alianța militară NATO, relatează The Guardian . Finlanda urmează…

11:11, 16.06.2021

Chamber's Rozalia Biro: Romania - Turkey direct bilateral dialogue needs to be stepped up

Romania - Turkey parliamentary and economic cooperation can be intensified and the direct bilateral dialogue needs to be stepped up, chairperson of the Chamber of Deputies' Foreign Affairs Committee, deputy of…

08:36, 15.12.2020

Mark Gitenstein, Mircea Geoana, convinced US-Romania relationship will be strengthened during future Biden administration

Mark Gitenstein, former US ambassador in Bucharest, and Mircea Geoana, former Romanian ambassador in Washington and current NATO deputy secretary general, expressed their conviction on Monday, in an online discussion,…

17:25, 24.06.2019

Joint Foreign Affairs Committees: Declaration for endorsing new Gov't in Chisinau

The Senate's and the Deputies' Chamber's Foreign Affairs Committees approved on Monday a draft declaration on endorsing the new Government in Chisinau and the commitment for the European journey of the Republic…

09:30, 13.12.2018

ForMin Melescanu meets representatives of Bulgaria's, Serbia's Foreign Affairs Committees; Minister emphasises regional cooperation

The priorities of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the regional cooperation and the economic interconnection projects were among the topics tackled by Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor…

11:08, 14.11.2016

Western Balkans’ European path is vital for the stability in the region

The ALDE Group in the European Parliament welcomes the steps forward made by some of the Western Balkan countries on their European path, as shown by the progress reports presented today by the European Commission…

10:04, 09.12.2015

US Ambassador pays courtesy call to Parliament

US Ambassador Hans Klemm had a meeting yesterday with members of the Romanian Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee. It was a courtesy call in which the American Ambassador reiterated that the partnership between…