Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:51, 18.08.2022

FinMin Caciu: 6-month budget execution shows deficit under control, criticisms of Fiscal Council, relevant

The 6-month budget execution showed us that we can keep the deficit under control, but the criticisms of the Fiscal Council are relevant and must be taken into account, Minister of Finance Adrian Caciu told the…

21:01, 30.05.2022

FinMin Caciu: All elements of support to be financed from budget, without affecting public deficit

The social support package we have come up with requires a pressure on the deficit, but all the elements of support for the Romanian economy will be financed from the budget without affecting the public deficit,…

18:55, 27.04.2022

FinMin Caciu: 'We're importing inflation, we are a country dependent on imports in many sectors'

Romania is a country dependent on imports in several sectors, and the measures it has to combat the import of inflation are only structural, namely to increase internal production, to make investments in processing,…

18:55, 27.04.2022

Romania's borrowing rates are around 6.7 pct, close to Hungary's and Poland's (FinMin)

Romania's borrowing rates are around 6.7 percent, similar to or close to Hungary's and Poland's, Finance Minister Adrian Caciu said on Wednesday, reiterating that government borrowing costs have been very high…

18:15, 27.04.2022

FinMin Caciu: 'We need to stimulate economy fast for significant growth thirs year'

The measures envisaged in the "Support for Romania" package give us the prospect of remaining in an area of economic growth similar to the initial commitments, Finance Minister Adrian Caciu said on Wednesday, underscoring…

18:21, 21.04.2022

FinMin Caciu on inflation: There will be two or three more complicated months

Inflation in Romania has risen faster than expected, and there will be two or three more complicated months, while the solution to this inflationary outbreak will be higher production, higher supply, Finance Minister…

15:56, 21.04.2022

FinMin Caciu says Romania has enough EU funds, no need to ask IMF for aid

Romania is not in the situation of asking aid from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as it has a lot of money from the European Union and it must only find solutions to absorb the European funds, Finance Minister…

19:15, 27.03.2022

FinMin Caciu: 'We are focused on finalizing application guidelines of four support programs for Romanian companies'

The Finance Ministry is working on finalizing the application guidelines of the four support programs for Romanian companies, amounting to 7.5 billion RON, Minister of Finance Adrian Caciu announced on his Facebook…

17:30, 25.03.2022

FinMin Caciu rules out tax contribution cuts, warns against gov't misleading people

Finance Minister Adrian Caciu said on Friday in Bistrita, that he "firmly" excludes the possibility of reducing the CAS social security tax contributions by 5% and that the government did not have any talks about…

20:06, 09.03.2022

FinMin Caciu: Romania is concerned about humanitarian aspect of the crisis, efficient management of financial resources

Romania is concerned about the humanitarian aspect of the crisis, but also about the efficient management of financial resources to meet the growing financing needs at a very difficult time for the whole of Europe,…

18:50, 22.02.2022

AUDIO – Serviciul Ucrainean de Informații vine cu dezvăluiri: ce au discutat separatiștii pro-ruși din Donețk și Lugansk când atacau

Serviciul Ucrainean  de Informații (SBU) a interceptat conversațiile militanților formațiunilor care au tras recent asupra civililor din regiunile Donețk și Lugansk, informează Ukriform.ua. Fii la curent cu cele…

18:50, 22.02.2022

FinMin: Drawing investments and developing economic relations with US, strategic goals for Romania

Drawing investments and developing economic relations with the US represent two strategic points that should be capitalised on in the coming period, Finance Minister Adrian Caciu said at the meeting with members…

11:20, 11.02.2022

FinMin Caciu: Romania was unaware of NRRP-provided fiscal reform implying revision of certain taxes

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) provides for a fiscal reform under which certain taxes will be revised, Finance Minister Adrian Caciu declared on Thursday evening on private TV broadcaster Antena3;…

13:30, 02.02.2022

FinMin Caciu: January 2021 gov't revenues 31pct higher than in January 2021, up by 7 billion lei

Finance Minister Adrian Caciu said on Wednesday that Romania's national government revenues in January 2022 were 31% higher than in January 2021, "an increase in net amount of 7 billion lei." He released at a government…

17:10, 01.02.2022

FinMin Caciu, WB Country Manager for Romania, consultations on potential areas of interest in next period

Minister of Finance Adrian Caciu and World Bank's Country Manager for Romania Anna Akhalkatsi discussed on Tuesday the priority measures of the Ministry of Finance (MF) this year, which aim at fiscal consolidation,…

15:55, 14.12.2021

Justice Ministry: Budget matters in justice are - discussed by JusMin Predoiu with FinMin

The budget matters in the justice area and those regarding the penitentiary system were discussed, on Tuesday, during a working meeting, by Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu and Minister of Public Finance Adrian…

19:40, 09.12.2021

Romania needs solidarity today to help low-income Romanians (FinMin Caciu)

Romania needs solidarity today to help low-income Romanians get over the rise in prices, Finance Minister Adrian Caciu wrote on Facebook on Thursday. "I sincerely believe that Romania needs solidarity today to…

20:05, 07.12.2021

Finance Minister: Development of state guarantee programs - a priority

The development of state guarantee programs such as IMM Invest or Agro IMM Invest is a priority for the Finance Ministry, FinMin Adrian Caciu said today, mentioning that he would like state funding to be directed…

17:05, 26.11.2021

FinMin Caciu: Government has approved budget rectification

The government adopted on Friday this year's second budget rectification, maintaining the deficit target of 7.13 pct of GDP, announced the Minister of Finance, Adrian Caciu. "The rectification of the state budget…

07:30, 17.09.2021

Dîianu: În România nu avem piață de energie și de gaze concurențială

România nu are o piață concurențială reală, pentru că nu era pregătită pentru liberalizarea pieței de energie, ceea ce a dus la abuz de poziție dominantă, a spus Daniel Dăianu, prezent la o conferință organizată…

19:30, 30.08.2021

FinMin Vilceanu: Collecting early or partial early retirement pension on top of wage not allowed

The Finance Ministry does not agree that the recipients of early retirement or partial early retirement pension also collect a wage, because this would have an extraordinarily high budgetary impact, Finance Minister…

17:30, 24.08.2021

FinMin on zero taxes on minimum wage: I find it hard to believe that we can apply at this time

The Minister of Finance, Dan Vilceanu, considers that the non-taxation of the minimum wage, even for certain categories of taxpayers, is a difficult measure to apply at this moment, when the budget deficit must…

13:01, 24.08.2021

FinMin Vilceanu: We estimate public debt to reach 49.1-49.2 pct of GDP at end of year

Romania's public debt will reach 49.1 - 49.2 pct of GDP at the end of the year, down from about 49.5 pct where it currently stands, Finance Minister Dan Vilceanu said on Tuesday, emphasizing that the nominal GDP…

13:55, 19.08.2021

FinMin Vilceanu: We are interested in fiscal-budgetary consolidation and continued and sustainable economic growth

Fiscal-budgetary consolidation and continuous and sustsained economic growth are among the main objectives of the current Minister of Finance, Dan Vilceanu, according to his statements on Thursday at the headquarters…

12:20, 19.08.2021

PM Citu: First task of the FinMin is keeping gov't deficit below 7.16% throughout the year

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Thursday that the first task he set for the new Minister of Finance, Dan Vilceanu, is keeping the government deficit below 7.16% until the end of the year, adding that he will…

12:06, 19.08.2021

FinMin Vilceanu: Inflation is not at record level nor it is 5pct; this is BNR estimate

Inflation is not at a record level nor is it 5%, this being an estimate of the National Bank of Romania (BNR), Dan Vilceanu stated on Thursday, at the Ministry of Finance."No, inflation is not at a record level…

06:20, 21.06.2021

În fiecare zi, speranța de viață din România crește cu peste 5 ore. Cum te-ar putea afecta asta la pensie. Vezi și câți ani trăiește un român pensionat…

În 1900, speranța de viață la naștere era de 36,4 ani. În 2000, aceasta urcase la peste 70 de ani iar în 2019 era de 78,2 ani. E drept, pandemia a adus un ușor recul în această privință…

14:26, 18.06.2021

Rădulescu(BT): România are şanse ca până la finele deceniului să se poziţioneze în top 10 economii din UE

România are şanse foarte mari ca până la finele acestui deceniu să depăşească alte trei ţări şi să se poziţioneze în top 10 economii din Uniunea Europeană din perspectiva PIB-ului nominal, consideră…

14:50, 16.03.2021

Valentin Ionescu (ISF): Tendințe globale privind piețele de servicii financiare

„Industria financiară nebancară s-a digitalizat foarte mult și a absorbit nenumărate inovații, acestea fiind:  serviciile financiare integrate,  piețele financiare care creează industrii noi şi  comportamentul…

13:51, 16.03.2021

Călin Bota: PNRR înseamnă cele mai mari investiții făcute în România de după 1990 în școli, spitale, autostrăzi și protecția mediului

Deputatul PNL Călin Bota, vicepreședintele Comisiei pentru Afaceri Europene, a prezentat astăzi impactul fondurilor europene în economie în cadrul tradiţionalului eveniment Anul Financiar Bancar 2020, organizat…