Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:15, 08.11.2021

Sting va concerta la Cluj, împreună cu fiul lui

Muzicianul englez Sting va concerta, în martie 2022, la Cluj-Napoca, alături de basistul Joe Sumner, fiul său, informează News.ro . The Cherrytree Music Company, Live Nation, Emagic şi Backstage Production au anunţat…

13:35, 07.10.2021

President Iohannis: Romania, potential to become important player and European hub in field of energy

Romania has the potential to become an important player and a European hub in the field of energy, President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday, at the southeastern Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant. "Romania's nuclear…

13:40, 16.09.2021

COVID green certificate compulsory for access to non-essential activities in localities with over 3pct incidence

The National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) approved, by a new decision, the proposal regarding the compulsory nature of the COVID green certificate for access to economic activities in certain fields…

21:55, 13.09.2021

Hunedoreancă, prima campioană europeană a României la tir cu arcul

O hunedoreancă este prima campioană europeană a României din istorie, divizia olimpică, la tir cu arcul. Beatrice Mikloș, legitimată la SCM Deva și-a adjudecat medalia de aur la Campionatele Europene de Field din…

15:40, 08.09.2021

Adiss, first company operating in water treatment and purification listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange

Adiss becomes the first company in the field of water treatment and purification listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, on the AeRO market, BVB announced on Wednesday. "We are glad to see today the 18th company…

13:15, 05.09.2021

Nikolaj Znaider îl înlocuieşte pe Joshua Bell în concertul de marţi de la Festivalul Internaţional George Enescu

Violonistul Joshua Bell a fost forţat, din motive medicale, să-şi anuleze participarea la concertul din cadrul Festivalului Internaţional "George Enescu" programat marţi, pe care urma să îl susţină împreună cu…

11:45, 06.08.2021

Romania strengthening cooperation with Canada in nuclear field

Romania strengthens nuclear cooperation with Canada after signing on Thursday the Memorandum of Understanding between Romania’s Ministry of Energy and Canada’s Department of Natural Resources on consolidating Civilian…

14:15, 19.07.2021

De astăzi se pun în vânzare biletele pentru Festivalul George Enescu London Symphony Orchestra și Scala din Milano, printre marile orchestre care vin…

Orchestre de top precum London Symphony Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Academy of St Martin in the Fields; Orchestra Națională a Franței, dirijată de noul ei director, Cristian Măcelaru; Filarmonica…

10:20, 19.07.2021

Biletele pentru Festivalul Internaţional „George Enescu” sunt puse în vânzare de luni

Biletele pentru Festivalul Internaţional „George Enescu” vor fi puse în vânzare luni, la ora 12:00, pe platforma www.eventim.ro şi la un punct de vânzare care va fi creat special la Ateneu, arată News.ro. Orchestre…

13:00, 01.07.2021

Baciu: 575 private companies start vaccination activity of their own employees; 91 in HoReCa

575 private companies from 38 counties have started the vaccination activity of their own employees, and of these 91 are from the HoReCa field, said on Thursday the vice-president of the National COVID-19 Vaccination…

11:50, 29.06.2021

Arad: Two migrant minors found hidden in truck and two other in field, at Hungarian border

Two underage migrants from Afghanistan were found on Tuesday morning, hidden in a freight truck which was about to exit the country through the Nadlac I Border Crossing Point (PTF), and two other, from Pakistan…

20:10, 16.06.2021

Iohannis: Estonia - champion of digitalisation and e-government; We have a lot to learn

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that Estonia is well ahead of Romania in terms of digitalisation and e-government, a context in which he said he would encourage Romanian leaders in the field to contact…

18:21, 03.06.2021

LabMin Turcan: Artists in restricted fields to qualify for benefits of 41.5pct of average gross wage

Artists in the fields still affected by COVID-19 restrictions will qualify for benefits of 41.5% of the average gross salary under a measure passed by the government on Thursday, the Minister of Labour and Social…

10:40, 28.05.2021

Buzoienii, invitați la spectacolul de dans contemporan „MOVING FIELDS”

Pe 3 iunie, la ora 19.00, Teatrul ”George Ciprian” îi invită pe buzoieni să asiste la spectacolul de dans contemporan „MOVING FIELDS”. Participarea la un astfel de spectacol se face pe bază de INVITAȚIE GRATUITĂ…

22:51, 06.05.2021

Kelemen Hunor: Budget for education field in PNRR not to be cut, it will be over 12%

Deputy Prime Minister Kelemen Hunor said on Thursday, in Sfantu Gheorghe, that there is a consensus in the coalition regarding the National Recovery and Resilience Program (PNRR) and dismissed the statements circulated…

18:10, 04.05.2021

Andrei Baciu: 105 economic operators start to anti-COVID vaccination of employees; over 5,000 persons immunized

The vaccination activity of the employees started at 105 private economic operators, out of which 31 are in the HORECA field, the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health Andrei Baciu, vice-president of the…

21:55, 06.04.2021

Temporary measures in the justice field applicable during state o alert adopted by Senate

The Senators on Tuesday adopted a draft law initiated by the Government on the temporary measures to be taken in the field of justice against coronavirus applicable during the state of alert state, as well as for…

10:51, 01.04.2021

GSP installs first offshore oil platform in Black Sea's Ana gas field

Grup Servicii Petroliere (GSP) has successfully set in place more than 120 km off the Romanian Black Sea shores the first fixed offshore oil platform in the gas field, according to a press statement released by…

21:30, 11.03.2021

Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu discusses with Finnish Ambassador on cooperation relations in several medical fields

Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu met on Thursday with the Finnish Ambassador to Romania, Marjut Akola, the discussions focusing on the cooperation relations between the two states in the medical field. Highlighted…

23:10, 30.01.2021

Atletism: Andrea Miklos, locul al treilea la 400 m în reuniunea de la Viena

Atleta română Andrea Miklos (CSM Bucureşti) s-a clasat pe locul al treilea în proba de 400 m, sâmbătă, la reuniunea internaţională Indoor Track & Field de la Viena, potrivit site-ului Federaţiei Române de Atletism.…

22:55, 30.01.2021

Atleta Andrea Miklos s-a clasat pe locul al treilea în proba de 400 m la reuniunea internaţională Indoor Track & Field de la Viena

Atleta română Andrea Miklos (CSM Bucureşti) s-a clasat pe locul al treilea în proba de 400 m, sâmbătă, la reuniunea internaţională Indoor Track & Field de la Viena, potrivit site-ului Federaţiei Române de Atletism,…

08:15, 25.01.2021

Theatres, cinemas, restaurants, cafes, games halls, reopen in Bucharest at 30 pct of capacity

Theatres, cinemas, restaurants, bars, cafes and gambling halls in Bucharest can be reopened at 30 pct of capacity from Monday, following a decision adopted on Friday by the Bucharest City Committee for Emergency…

13:10, 21.01.2021

Gov't: Disabled, homeless people and new categories of employees - in phase 2 of vaccination

The Government established by the decision to amend Government's Decision 1.031 / 2020, on the approval of the Vaccination Strategy against COVID-19 in Romania, that persons with disabilities and their companions,…

17:40, 13.01.2021

Finnish Ambassador to connect Brasov Mayor and Finish companies, experts in smart-city field, to cooperate

On Wednesday, the Ambassador of Finland to Romania, Marjut Akola, invited the Mayor of Brasov, Allen Coliban, to participate in the smart cities forum, and also offered to initiate a dialogue between Finnish experts…

19:56, 12.01.2021

President Iohannis: There will be no more ordinances in justice field; there will be no more reasons to it

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday said that, in the future, there will be no more emergency ordinances in the field of justice, with the most recent normative act of this kind to be also the last one. "It was…

04:20, 09.01.2021

Filmul animat Shrek, inclus în patrimoniul național al SUA

Lungmetrajul SF de acţiune „The Dark Knight”, animaţia „Shrek” şi musicalurile „Grease” şi „The Blues Brothers” se numără între cele 25 de producţii adăugate în anul 2020 în National Film Registry de către Biblioteca…

10:55, 04.01.2021

Eurostat: Bulgaria, Romania - lowest rate of employees in general cleaning of buildings in EU

More than three million people worked in the field of "general cleaning of buildings" in 2018 in the 27 member states of the European Union, representing 2.3 per cent of the total number of employees in the non-financial…

13:06, 14.12.2020

'The Dark Knight', animaţia 'Shrek' şi musicalurile 'Grease' şi 'The Blues Brothers', incluse în National Film Registry

Lungmetrajul SF de acţiune „The Dark Knight”, animaţia „Shrek” şi musicalurile „Grease” şi „The Blues Brothers” se numără între cele 25 de producţii adăugate anul acesta în National Film Registry de către Biblioteca…

12:40, 14.12.2020

A murit maestrul britanic al romanului de spionaj

Maestru britanic al romanului de spionaj, John le Carré, a murit din cauza unei pneumonii, la vârsta de 89 de ani, transmite AFP, citată de Agerpres. „Cu mare tristeţe trebuie să anunţ că David Cornwell, cunoscut…

11:05, 14.12.2020

Scriitorul John le Carré, celebru pentru romanele sale de spionaj, a murit

Scriitorul britanic John le Carré, cunoscut pentru romanele sale de spionaj, a murit sâmbătă, la vârsta de 89 de ani, din cauza unei pneumonii, a anunțat agentul său Jonny Geller, citat de BBC."Cu mare tristeţe…