Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:16, 08.10.2018

CyDEx18: Over 300 experts meet in most important cyber security exercise in Romania

More than 300 experts will gather in the most important cyber security exercise in Romania - CyDEx18 - to be held from 8 to 10 October at the Snagov Palace, the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) website informs. …

18:45, 19.09.2018

Romanian-Ukrainian military exercises in Black Sea, "Rear Admiral Horia Macellariu" corvette takes part

The "Rear Admiral Horia Macellariu" corvette will perform, on Thursday, September 20, a series of naval exercises, together with Ukraine's top patrol ships, in maritime departments from the proximity of the mouth…

19:36, 17.09.2018

Criminal case concerning acts of violence against 169 gendarmes at 10 August protest

The prosecutors with the Prosecutors' Office attached to the Bucharest District 1 Court are working on a criminal case opened after the protest of 10 August, in which they are conducting investigations on acts…

14:34, 12.09.2018

Romanian officer awarded U.S. Army Achievement medal for participation in Saber Guardian exercise

A Romanian officer was awarded a U.S. Army medal in recognition of his outstanding participation in the Saber Guardian 2017 exercise, the Ministry of National Defence announced.  The medal presentation ceremony…

09:05, 05.09.2018

PM Dancila: We want a successful Presidency of EU Council, that we should prepare very well

The Government wants a successful Presidency of the Council of the European Union, that should be prepared very well, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Tuesday.  According to a release of the Executive sent…

15:16, 29.08.2018

PM Dancila says Romania's card to strengthen its role as EU member state is exercising Presidency of EU Council

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Wednesday that the message conveyed to the Romanian consuls and ambassadors was that "the card that Romania will successfully rely on to strengthen its role and credibility…

14:08, 28.08.2018

Iohannis: Gov't has to make sure mandate to EU Council is exercise Romania wins from

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday said that he wishes Romania could have an efficient Presidency of the Council of the European Union, pointing out that the Government has the obligation to make sure that this…

21:12, 20.08.2018

F-22 Raptor aircraft at joint exercise in Campia Turzii Air Base, for the first time

Two F-22 Raptor aircraft, the newest American fifth-generation, single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather stealth tactical fighter aircraft have arrived, on Monday at the Campia Turzii Air Base of the western Cluj…

17:33, 12.07.2018

Iohannis: I exercise my constitutional prerogatives because under Dragnea's leadership "they legislate badly"

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday he does not stall the entry into force of a law, stressing that he is exercising his constitutional prerogatives because, under the leadership of the Chamber of Deputies'…

16:57, 29.06.2018

International exercise Carpathians Blueshield 2018 ends

The international exercise Carpathians Blueshield 2018, organized by the Romanian Gendarmerie June 18 - 28, has ended.  On Thursday, the Head of the Romanian Gendarmerie Sebastian Cucos offered diplomas and plaques…

12:48, 05.06.2018

Romanian Air Force take part in multinational exercise in Hungary and Slovakia

Over 100 servicemen from the Romanian Air Force will take part, between June 4 and June 15, in the Tobruq Legacy 18 ground-based multinational air defence exercise, underway in Hungary and Slovakia, announced Tuesday,…

19:16, 02.06.2018

Defence Ministry: Romanian air force pilot dead in France

Commodore Ion Staiculescu, commander of the 90th Operational Group of the 90th Air Transport Otopeni Base, on mission in Cherbourg, France, has died, on Saturday, in the hotel room he was booked in, according to…

22:30, 18.04.2018

Judicial Inspection exercises new disciplinary action against Kovesi

The Judicial Inspection (IJ) exercised a new disciplinary action, namely the third, against Laura Codruta Kovesi, Chief Prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), for violating the provisions…

19:48, 01.02.2018

CCR rejects constitutionality challenge related to modification of Law on integrity in exercising public office

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) on Thursday rejected the constitutionality challenge related to the modification of the Law regarding integrity in exercising public function.CCR told Agerpres that, as…

13:18, 19.07.2017

Saber Guardian exercise: APC goes down in Danube offshore Bordusani (soth-eastern Ialomita county)

An armored personnel carrier (APC) sank in the Danube river during the Saber Guardian multinational exercise carried out in Romania, Defence Ministry officials told agerpres. on Wednesday.According to the cited…

00:03, 11.07.2017

Bărbații care desfășoară exerciții fizice intense au o viață sexuală mai puțin activă (studiu)

Bărbații care desfășoară exerciții intense la sala de fitness au un libido mai scăzut în comparație cu cei care practică un program de antrenament mai lejer și, prin urmare, specialiștii în domeniul fertilității…

13:19, 10.07.2017

Romanian Naval Forces to participate in SABER GUARDIAN 17 multinational exercise

The Romanian Naval Forces are participating as of Monday in six sequences of the SABER GUARDIAN 17 multinational exercise, with a complement of 745 servicemen and technique made up of 10 combat ships and logistic…

14:47, 26.05.2017

Some 4,000 Romanian, NATO-allied troops at Noble Jump multinational exercise

Approximately 4,000 Romanian and NATO-allied troops participate with 500 pieces of equipment in the "Noble Jump" 2017 (NOJP17) multinational exercise running between May 26 and June 16 on the territory of Greece,…

15:11, 15.05.2017

SRI to organize national cybersecurity exercise for first time - CyDEx17

The Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) is organizing, May 15-17, through the Cyberint National Center, a live national cybersecurity exercise, titled CyDEx17, the SRI informs in a release remitted to agerpres.

12:24, 18.04.2017

Sirens to sound in seven counties as part of emergency preparedness exercise

The General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) has announced an exercise will be conducted today, between 10:00hrs and noon, to test and verify equipment making up the public information, warning and…

07:13, 18.04.2017

Secretul unei vieţi sănătoase: 3.000 de paşi pe zi, făcuţi în ritm alert

În timp ce fenomenul ”10.000 de pași pe zi” a luat amploare și această limită a devenit una foarte populară, oamenii de știință sugerează că și o limită mai mică, dar efectuată la intensitate moderată sau mai mare,…

15:57, 10.02.2017

Ce efecte nebănuite are zeama de murături

Alină crampele muscular Bărbații deshidratați care se confruntau cu crampe musculare s-au simțit mult mai bine după ce au băut zeamă de murături, potrivit unui studiu publicat în „Medicine & Science in Sports…

17:24, 26.12.2016

Mersul pe jos, cel mai simplu mod de a pierde kilograme. Câți pași sunt necesari zilnic pentru a fi sănătos

Fenomenul ”10.000 de pași pe zi” a luat amploare și această limită a devenit una foarte populară, oamenii de știință sugerează că și o limită mai mică, dar efectuată la intensitate moderată sau mai mare, are beneficii…

14:53, 08.12.2016

Iohannis urges Romanians to fully exercise their right to vote

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday called on Romanians to turn out to vote in the upcoming parliamentary election."Ballot casting is the most valuable and powerful instrument the citizens have at hand in a constitutional…

15:12, 22.11.2016

MApN: 30 Romanian servicemen participate in multinational exercise in Lithuania

Thirty servicemen from the Romanian Land Forces, belonging to "Captain Stefan Soverth" 495th Battalion will participate in the period 22 November - 3 December in Lithuania in the IRON SWORD-16 multinational exercise,…

17:53, 04.11.2016

In brief - Deputy Secretary General thanks Montenegro for hosting NATO civil emergency exercise

Visiting Montenegro on Thursday (3 November 2016), Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller congratulated the nations and teams that participated at the CRNA GORA 2016 civil emergency exercise organised by the…

17:08, 01.11.2016

Ombudsman: The exercise of unconstitutionality challenge of radio-tv fee removal Law is belated

Ombudsman Victor Ciorbea conveyed on Tuesday to the Romanian Radio Company's (SRR) representatives that the exercise of the unconstitutionality challenge regarding the law through which several fees and duties…

12:39, 28.10.2016

Romanians, US servicemen to participate in Patriot Shock V exercise in Constanta

Servicemen of the 1st General Nicolae Dascalescu Surface-to-Air Missile Brigade will participate in the period November 1 - 12, together with US servicemen of the 5th-7th Air Defence Battalion with the United States…

14:02, 22.10.2016

3.000 de pași făcuți zilnic în ritm rapid întăresc sănătatea

În timp ce fenomenul &"10.000 de pași pe zi" a luat amploare și această limită a devenit una foarte populară, oamenii de știință sugerează că și o limită mai mică, dar efectuată la intensitate moderată sau…

18:52, 17.10.2016

STUDIU: Chiar și 3.000 de pași pe zi sunt benefici pentru sănătate, dar trebuie făcuți în ritm alert

În timp ce fenomenul "10.000 de pași pe zi" a luat amploare și această limită a devenit una foarte populară, oamenii de știință sugerează că și o limită mai mică, dar efectuată la intensitate moderată sau mai mare,…