Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:50, 16.03.2024

Burduja: I will continue to support prosumers, Romania's future needs energy in 3D,decentralized, digitalized and decarbonized

The draft Ordinance that provides for the elimination of the solar tax for prosumers brings clarity to the legislative framework and eliminates the uncertainties and potential threats of the development of prosumers…

15:35, 24.08.2023

Reacția Ucrainei după prăbușirea avionului șefului Wagner: „Vladimir Putin nu iartă pe nimeni”

Într-un mesaj postat pe Twitter , oficialul ucrainean a scris că este evident că președintele Vladimir Putin ”nu iartă pe nimeni”.”Este clar că Putin nu iartă pe nimeni din cauza propriei sale frici bestiale -…

23:20, 23.08.2023

Reacția Ucrainei după prăbușirea avionului șefului Wagner: „Vladimir Putin nu iartă pe nimeni”

Într-un mesaj postat pe Twitter , oficialul ucrainean a scris că este evident că președintele Vladimir Putin ”nu iartă pe nimeni”.”Este clar că Putin nu iartă pe nimeni din cauza propriei sale frici bestiale -…

11:15, 25.07.2023

VIDEO. „Rusia trebuie să piardă în fiecare zi. Pregătim răspunsuri puternice la atacurile teroriştilor ruşi”, declară președintele Ucrainei

Preşedintele Ucrainei, Volodimir Zelenski le-a spus luni seara, 24 iulie, compatrioţilor că prima sarcină a forţelor ucrainene este de a distruge cât mai mult posibil resursele ocupanţilor ruşi, echipamentele,…

17:00, 08.03.2023

(VIDEO) Putin, dat pe spate de femei

Preşedintele Vladimir Putin le-a felicitat miercuri, de 8 Martie, pe femeile din Rusia, cu o menţiune specială pentru cele care servesc în armată. „Dragi femei, vă felicit cu ocazia Zilei Internaţionale a Femeii.…

13:26, 23.11.2021

Ciolacu: I will make sure the governing agenda will be backed in Parliament and respected exactly

The new speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Marcel Ciolacu, says that in his official capacity he will make sure there is an "exact" observance and support in Parliament for the governing agenda, agerpres reports.…

17:55, 29.09.2021

PM Citu: Gov't Decision for PNRR final form's approval cannot be endorsed by interim government

Prime Minister Florin Citu said that it will not be possible for an interim government to adopt the decision approving "exactly the final form of the PNRR [National Recovery and Resilience Plan]", noting that,…

16:26, 24.06.2021

PM Citu: COVID Digital Green Certificate, operational as of July 1

The COVID Digital Green Certificate will be operational from July 1, Prime Minister Florin Citu said. "It will be operational and it will be exactly like in other countries, people will travel with the green certificate,…

21:05, 28.10.2020

Iohannis: On Friday, I will promulgate law granting lifelong medical treatment to survivors of Colectiv tragedy

President Klaus Iohannis announced on Wednesday that he will promulgate the law on granting lifelong medical treatment to the survivors of the tragedy at the Colectiv Club."Exactly on Friday, on the fifth anniversary,…

17:33, 10.04.2019

PSD's Dragnea:For me,Toader isn't an important character,PSD senators to vote exactly how their conscience dictates

The Social Democrat senators will vote the the simple motion on justice "exactly how their conscience dictates," PSD Chairman Liviu Dragnea stated on Wednesday."For me, Tudorel Toader is not an important character…

18:33, 15.03.2019

Mesajul Ambasadei Danemarcei în România, despre protestul pentru autostrăzi. „Ci autostradî?”

Reprezentații Ambasadei Regatului Danemarcei în România au publicat, vineri, un mesaj referitor la protestul pentru autostrăzi, inițiat de afaceristul Ștefan Mandachi din Suceava. Cu umor, au redat fonetic o presupusă…

14:35, 02.03.2019

President Iohannis about Liviu Babes: Bold gesture, one of pages full of heroism in our history

President Klaus Iohannis points out that the gesture of Liviu Cornel Babes, who, over 30 years ago, set himself on fire on the 'Bradul' (Pine) slope in Brasov is one of the pages "full of heroism and drama" in…

00:27, 21.02.2017

How exactly to Do a Bibliography to get a Research-Paper

Many of online article writing businesses were in a market to earn money. You basically demand the aid of specialist document authors combined with the custom article writing business. Getting the top writing support…

00:22, 21.06.2016

In atentia KPMG Global & Big 4 KPMG Romania, the secret weapon of the Mafia System? Who controls the Media? Romania Libera threatened with death

Ponta, Rusanu and Negritoiu killed Astra Asigurari with their tool KPMG. This company (KPMG) received the „gift” with the help of a public tender specially designed for them; they were the only company…

00:13, 21.06.2016

In atentia KPMG Global & Big 4 KPMG Romania, the secret weapon of the Mafia System? Who controls the Media? Romania Libera threatened with death

Ponta, Rusanu and Negritoiu killed Astra Asigurari with their tool KPMG. This company (KPMG) received the „gift” with the help of a public tender specially designed for them; they were the only company to „accidentally”…

00:09, 21.06.2016

In atentia KPMG Global & Big 4 KPMG The secret weapon of the Mafia System? Who controls the Media? Romania Libera threatened with death

Ponta, Rusanu and Negritoiu killed Astra Asigurari with their tool KPMG. This company (KPMG) received the „gift” with the help of a public tender specially designed for them; they were the only company to „accidentally”…

13:53, 04.01.2016

Creating an excellent To begin with Website page: Factor II

Creating an excellent To begin with Website page: Factor II Very close encounters inside the concept sort Here is this week’s essay In this part of guidelines we’re will use an authentic essay headline to find…

11:33, 25.11.2015

Consequences of Plagiarism

After building my grid, each block is 7″x5″, which is small enough to cover with one sheet of paper. It’s good to understand the fundamental distinctions between the terms undergraduate and graduate although there…

16:54, 21.10.2015

Daily Summary: How Elena Udrea arranged her propaganda appearances." You say exactly what you want and how you want!"

Mihai Gâdea presented on the Daily Summary how Elena Udrea arranged her appearances in programs on favorite TV stations, such as PRO TV, Realitatea TV and B1, under conditions agreed by the former minister."Filming...