Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:51, 08.06.2021

Brussels is waiting for Biden’s Europe trip: “America is back”

The chairman of EU summits said that the U.S. President, Joe Biden’s trip to Europe this week will signal that multilateralism has survived the Trump years, and set the stage for transatlantic cooperation on challenges…

15:50, 12.02.2021

PM Citu, European Council President discuss about vaccination in EU, CVM and Schengen

Prime Minister Florin Citu met today with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, as part of an official visit to Brussels, with the talks approaching subjects related to ensuring the continuity…

11:26, 28.11.2019

Daily Beast: Legătura Anei Birchall cu un înalt diplomat SUA implicat în scandalul Ucraina a stârnit temeri în cercurile de securitate americane

Ambasadorul SUA în UE, Gordon Sondland, a admis săptămâna trecută că a presat Ucraina să îl investigheze pe Joe Biden la cererea lui Donald Trump, aruncând în aer ancheta privind demiterea președintelui. Dar înainte…

10:34, 08.05.2019

#Romania2019.eu/Sibiu Summit: Tusk wishes to convey message of unity and trust

The heads of state or government of the EU will meet on Thursday at an informal summit in central Sibiu to discuss the future of the EU, European Council President Donald Tusk highlighting in a a letter addressed…

14:19, 21.10.2015

Radu Tudor, on the Daily Income: I cannot see how EU borders can be strengthen with Romania being artificially kept outside the Schengen area

Political analyst Radu Tudor said he did not know how the EU's borders can be strengthen with Romania being artificially maintained outside the Schengen area, after the head of the European Council gave the signal…