Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:30, 09.12.2023

Bucharest mayor Dan, CEB vice-governor Bocek on seismic risk buildings' financing

In a meeting with the vice-governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), TomᚠBocek, the mayor of Bucharest, Nicusor Dan addressed the possibility of obtaining funds for the consolidation of buildings…

22:46, 09.03.2023

Romania to participate in capital increase of Council of Europe Development Bank

The Government approved in its Thursday's meeting a draft law regarding Romania's participation in the capital increase of the Council of Europe Development Bank.The normative act approves the increase of the capital…

17:26, 07.09.2022

Rehabilitation of Romania's priority historical heritage to be conducted on CEB funding

The Romanian government passed on Wednesday a bill approving a framework loan agreement between Romania and the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) in the amount of 270 million euros, of which 216 million…

18:10, 09.06.2022

Council of Europe Development Bank grants 216 million euros for rehabilitation of cultural buildings in Romania

The Minister of Finance, Adrian Caciu, signed, on Thursday, the Framework Loan Agreement between Romania and the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), worth 216 million euros, for the Project aimed at the rehabilitation…

15:36, 03.06.2020

Senate passes bill for modernisation of Romania's judicial infrastructure

The Senate plenary meeting adopted on Wednesday a draft law approving the Loan - Framework Agreement between Romania and the Council of Europe Development Bank, in view of modernising the judicial infrastructure…

14:05, 11.12.2019

Official Danca: Gov't approves loan from CEDB to build new penitenciaries

The Government on Tuesday evening adopted a draft law that approves a loan from the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEDB) meant to build other two detention centres, one in the Prahova County and the other…

21:14, 04.03.2019

JusMin Toader at stocktaking report presentation: Prison conditions have grown into a systemic issue

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said on Monday that prison overcrowding is a systemic problem, but that another two prisons will be built following a loan agreement with the Council of Europe Development Bank."When…

09:43, 12.04.2018

JusMin Toader discusses with CEB delegation on loan for investment in prison infrastructure

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader met with a delegation of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) on Wednesday in view of concluding a loan agreement for investment in prison infrastructure. According to a…

22:38, 06.12.2017

Un nou supermarket va fi ridicat in Constanta, pe bulevardul Aurel Vlaicu. Cine sunt investitorii (document)

Primariei Constanta i a fost solicitata emiterea certificatului de urbanism in vederea construirii unui complex comercial pe bulevardul Aurel Vlaicu, lot 2 2, cu acces din strada Anton Cehov. Potrivit documentatiei…

10:52, 27.11.2012

Raiffeisen Bank ia 80 milioane euro de la CEB pentru a credita IMM-urile şi sectorul public

 Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) şi Raiffeisen Bank au semnat un acord de împrumut în valoare de 80 de milioane de euro pentru a credita IMM-urile şi sectorul public din România. citiţi mai departe

18:14, 26.11.2012

Acord între Raiffeisen Bank şi CEB

  Raiffeisen Bank şi Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) au semnat un acord de împrumut în valoare de 80 milioane de euro, respectiv 50 milioane de euro pentru Raiffeisen Bank România şi 30 milioane de euro…