Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:05, 11.06.2024

Iohannis: Black Sea area, vital for entire Euro-Atlantic security, this is where the war is

Iohannis: Black Sea area, vital for entire Euro-Atlantic security, this is where the war is

AGERPRES special correspondent Catalin Alexandru reports: The Black Sea area is vital for the security of the entire Euro-Atlantic space, the region where the war is taking place, and the Republic of Moldova is…

09:00, 29.04.2024

MAE:Din Agenda de lucru a MAE din 29 aprilie 2024, va semnalam

MAE:Din Agenda de lucru a MAE din 29 aprilie 2024, va semnalam

AGENDA MAE Din Agenda de lucru a MAE de luni, 29 aprilie 2024, va semnalam: Participarea ministrului afacerilor externe Luminita Odobescu la Conferinta "Romania in NATO: 20 Years of Security and Euro Atlantic Valuesldquo;…

13:55, 29.03.2024

In its 20 years of NATO membership, Romania has proved a genuine provider of security, stability (gov't)

The Romanian Government welcomes the 20th anniversary of Romania's accession to NATO, saying that during this time Romania has strengthened its profile as a responsible ally, actively involved in promoting democratic…

12:55, 29.03.2024

DefMin Tilvar: Romania is an ally fully committed to preserving NATO values

Romania is "an ally fully committed to preserving NATO values," says the country's Defence Minister Angel Tilvar in a message on the 20th anniversary of Romania's NATO membership. In his message published by the…

18:31, 11.03.2024

ForMin Odobescu receives a Georgian Parliament's delegation, addressing Georgia's EU path

Foreign Affairs minister Luminita Odobescu, who had a meeting on Monday with a delegation of the Parliament of Georgia, led by Nikoloz Samkharadze, reconfirmed Romania's support for Georgia's European and Euro-Atlantic…

14:11, 08.03.2024

Romania welcomes Sweden's accession to NATO

Romania's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) welcomes Sweden's accession to NATO after Sweden on March 7 deposited the instrument of ratification with the US Department of State, the depositary of the Washington…

09:01, 27.02.2024

In Paris, President Iohannis, French counterpart discuss support to Ukraine, Black Sea security

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis participated on Monday in Paris, at the invitation of France's President Emmanuel Macron, in a working meeting of NATO leaders to discuss the developments in Russia's war of aggression…

20:40, 26.02.2024

Klaus Iohannis: Cu Suedia în NATO, vom consolida apărarea şi descurajarea pe Flancul Estic

Contribuţia Suediei la securitatea euroatlantică este esenţială, a transmis luni seară preşedintele Klaus Iohannis, după ce parlamentul ungar a ratificat aderarea Suediei la NATO.„Astăzi au fost stabilite condiţiile…

20:25, 26.02.2024

Iohannis says Sweden's NATO entry will enhance eastern flank defence and deterrence posture

Sweden has a key contribution to Euro-Atlantic security, President Klaus Iohannis wrote in a social media message. "Today conditions are set to welcome Sweden in the NATO family. Its contribution to the Euro-Atlantic…

08:30, 26.02.2024

President Klaus Iohannis to participate in working meeting in Paris on support for Ukraine

President Klaus Iohannis will participate in a working meeting in Paris on Monday with a series of allied leaders on Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine and the intensification of efforts to continue support…

16:15, 22.01.2024

Kievul l-a invitat din nou pe Viktor Orban în Ucraina

Viceprim-ministrul pentru Integrare Europeană și Euro-Atlantică al Ucrainei, Olga Stefanișina, i-a propus prim-ministrului Ungariei Viktor Orban să efectueze o vizită în țară pentru a evalua situația. "Trebuie…

14:50, 11.01.2024

România, alături de alte 2 țări, va forma un grup operativ pentru combaterea minelor marine în Marea Neagră

Potrivit sursei citate, în  cadrul ceremoniei oficiale de semnare a Memorandumului, oficialul român a evidențiat importanța acestui proiect pentru siguranța navigației în Marea Neagră, dar și pentru postura aliată…

22:10, 28.12.2023

Gov't approves establishment of Romanian Agency for Technological, Industrial Cooperation for Security and Defense

The Government approved in Thursday's meeting an emergency ordinance aimed at establishing the Romanian Agency for Technological and Industrial Cooperation for Security and Defense (ARCTIS).According to a press…

12:40, 04.12.2023

Despre ce a discutat Nicu Popescu cu vicepremierul pentru Integrare Europeană al Ucrainei

Viceprim-ministrul, ministrul Afacerilor Externe și Integrării Europene al Republicii Moldova, Nicu Popescu, a avut o conversație telefonică cu Olha Stefanishyna, viceprim-ministru pentru Integrare Europeană și…

20:10, 17.11.2023

Ludovic Orban wants "coagulation" of right-of-centre parties for next year's parliamentary, presidential elections

Ludovic Orban wants "coagulation" of right-of-centre parties for next year's parliamentary, presidential electionsThe President of the Right of Force Party, Ludovic Orban, declares himself in favor of a "coagulation"…

17:45, 24.10.2023

Ciuca: We continue to support Ukraine's future in European and Euro-Atlantic structures

The President of the Senate, Nicolae Ciuca, highlighted, on Tuesday, in Prague, during the second Parliamentary Summit of the Crimea International Platform, that Romania has supported and will continue to support…

13:15, 23.10.2023

Iohannis: Romania will continue to contribute to improving regional and Euro-Atlantic security

Iohannis: 'Romania will continue to contribute to improving regional and Euro-Atlantic security'Romania will continue to contribute to improving regional and Euro-Atlantic security, including through its role as…

17:36, 02.10.2023

UE se va întinde în curând de la Lisabona la Lugansk, ministrul german de externe

Ministrul german de externe, Annalena Baerbock, a declarat luni, la Kiev, că Uniunea Europeană se va întinde în curând de la Lisabona la Lugansk. „Viitorul Ucrainei se află în Uniunea Europeană, comunitatea noastră…

17:05, 28.09.2023

Romania will become the largest gas producer in Europe, once the Black Sea is exploited

Romania will become the largest gas producer in Europe, with the exploitation of gas from the Black Sea, and all these investments must be protected and there should be a predictable climate for investors, the…

14:05, 28.09.2023

ForMin Odobescu: Resilience at sea has a major civilian component

ForMin Odobescu: Resilience at sea has a major civilian componentResilience at sea has a major civilian component, Romania's Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu told the opening of the 2nd edition of the Euro-Atlantic…

13:56, 28.09.2023

DevMin Vestea: It is becoming essential for development to be not only sustainable, but also resilient

DevMin Vestea: It is becoming essential for development to be not only sustainable, but also resilientDevelopment amidst the various challenges of recent years must be not only sustainable, but also resilient in…

13:55, 28.09.2023

Ciuca, at EARC: It is vital to obtain political decision to open EU accession negotiations for Moldova and Ukraine

Ciuca, at EARC: It is vital to obtain political decision to open EU accession negotiations for Moldova and UkraineSenate President Nicolae Ciuca told participants at the Euro-Atlantic Resilience Forum on Thursday…

12:40, 28.09.2023

Ciuca, at EARC: A solidly built national and collective resistance is vital to our efforts to protect people

Ciuca, at EARC: A solidly built national and collective resistance is vital to our efforts to protect peopleA "solidly built" collective national resistance is vital for efforts to protect people and ensure an…

11:50, 28.09.2023

Nicolae Ciucă, despre provocările de securitate care pot să apară: "Întărirea rezilienţei României este esenţială". Ce ar putea spori siguranța țării…

”Centrul Euro-Atlantic de Rezilienţă are o contribuţie semnificativă la creşterea rezilienţei NATO, a Uniunii Europene şi a statelor membre ale acestora. Salut invitaţia formulată Centrului la seminarul NATO de…

11:05, 18.09.2023

România pregătește funcționari ucraineni

România pregătește funcționari ucraineni. Ministrul afacerilor externe Luminița Odobescu a deschis, luni, 18 septembrie 2023, Programul de formare profesională în domeniul afacerilor europene, dedicat funcționarilor…

10:51, 18.09.2023

România a început pregătirea funcționarilor publici din Ucraina

Ministrul afacerilor externe Luminiţa Odobescu a deschis, luni, 18 septembrie 2023, Programul de formare profesională în domeniul afacerilor europene, dedicat funcţionarilor publici din administraţia centrală din…

20:51, 20.07.2023

Ucraina califică inițiativa Poloniei de a interzice importurile de cereale drept un pas neprietenos

Inițiativa Varșoviei de a prelungi interdicția privind importurile de cereale ucrainene este un pas neprietenos față de Kiev. Acest lucru a fost declarat de premierul ucrainean, Denis Șmygal. Anterior, vicepremierul…

12:31, 20.07.2023

President Iohannis: Romanian Air Force, modern and important component of the Army

President Iohannis: Romanian Air Force, modern and important component of the Army. The Romanian Air Force is a modern and important component of the Romanian Army, as a means of responding to military security…

14:46, 04.07.2023

President Klaus Iohannis congratulates Jens Stoltenberg on extension of his mandate at the helm of NATO

President Klaus Iohannis congratulates Jens Stoltenberg on the extension of his mandate at the head of NATO. CITESTE SI Research Minister Ivan: Values and integrity of USA's decision are as firm and on point as…

14:30, 04.07.2023

Ministry of Health: 510 new cases of infections with SARS-CoV-2 in the past week

The Ministry of Health informs on Tuesday that, between June 26 and July 2, 510 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 were registered. CITESTE SI President Iohannis: Our gratitude to the American troops…