Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:45, 04.07.2023

President Iohannis: Our gratitude to the American troops in Romania for their contribution to Euro-Atlantic security

On Tuesday, President Klaus Iohannis sent a message to the United States of America on their Independence Day. CITESTE SI Over 133,000 people enter Romania on July 3, including 15,763 Ukrainian citizens 12:39 0…

16:15, 29.06.2023

Iohannis: Risks that fake news have on our democratic course urge us to remain vigilant

The risks that fake news have on the democratic course urge us to remain vigilant and ready to combat them, defending human rights, Euro-Atlantic values and security, President Klaus Iohannis emphasized on Thursday,…

10:25, 10.06.2023

Swedish traditions and cultural values, celebrated this weekend, in King Mihai I Park

Swedish traditions and cultural values will be celebrated, on Saturday and Sunday, at the Roaba de Cultura in King Mihai I Park, as part of the Midsommar event. CITESTE SI Patriarch Daniel congratulates Basilica…

09:25, 10.06.2023

Patriarch Daniel congratulates Basilica Media Centre for its rich and responsible ministry

The Feast of the Holy Trinity is also the patronal feast of the Basilica Media Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate. On this occasion, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel addressed a message of congratulations for the…

21:50, 09.06.2023

Withdrawal of Russian Federation from Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe, undermining Euro-Atlantic security

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) condemns the decision of the Russian Federation to withdraw from the Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe (TCFE), calling it "the latest action to undermine the rules-based…

08:40, 07.06.2023


1716 - Death of Constantin Cantacuzino stolnicul (ruling court's chief cook), important personality of the Romanian culture (b. 1640) CITESTE SI Chamber of Deputies' speaker invites Italian companies to invest…

18:15, 06.06.2023

Iohannis: Russia will continue to be the greatest threat to European and Euro-Atlantic security

Russia will continue to be the greatest threat to European and Euro-Atlantic security, president Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday, calling for the strengthening of defence on NATO's Eastern Flank.The president made…

16:55, 06.06.2023

Joint Statement of Bucharest Nine leaders: We strongly support Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic aspirations

The leaders of the countries of the Bucharest Nine have issued a joint statement supporting Ukraine's NATO membership "once conditions allow it".Ukraine is an integral part of the Euro-Atlantic area and its security…

20:00, 01.06.2023

Iohannis: I talked to Volodymyr Zelensky about promoting joint projects

Iohannis: I talked to Volodymyr Zelensky about promoting joint projects. President Klaus Iohannis stated on Thursday that he discussed, at the Summit of the European Political Community, with the President of Ukraine,…

18:25, 01.06.2023

President Iohannis: I hope teachers return to school on Tuesday; gov't met all their requests

President Iohannis: I hope teachers return to school on Tuesday; gov't met all their requests. President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that the education strike lasted "a bit long" and he hopes that the teachers…

17:21, 01.06.2023

MEP Muresan: Today, the capital of Europe is in the Republic of Moldova

MEP Muresan: Today, the capital of Europe is in the Republic of Moldova. Today, te capital of Europe is in the Republic of Moldova. Moldova's place is, with us, in the European Union, MEP Siegfried Muresan, president…

17:00, 01.06.2023

Romania's Iohannis, Zelenski release common statement of the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine

Romania's Iohannis, Zelenski release common statement of the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine. The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelenski, on Thursday sent a…

19:30, 25.04.2023

Dezbaterile constructorilor de nave. Războiul din Ucraina impune noi provocări în bătăliile pe mare

Marea Neagră a devenit „câmp” de luptă încă din primele zile ale războiului dinUcraina, multe atacuri cu rachete și drone fiind declanșate de armata rusă de pemare. Luptele pentru ocuparea Insulei Șerpilor, minele…

18:51, 21.04.2023

DefMin Tilvar: President Putin's plan to divide the Euro-Atlantic community has failed

Russian President Vladimir Putin's plan to divide the Euro-Atlantic community has failed, Romania's Defence Minister Angel Tilvar said on Friday, adding that support for Ukraine will continue as long as it takes.Tilvar…

18:15, 20.04.2023

DefMin Tilvar, US ambassador Kavalec meet on Black Sea security

Defence Minister Angel Tilvar on Thursday welcomed US ambassador in Bucharest Kathleen Kavalec to discuss prospects for the Romania-US bilateral co-operation, including contribution to the joint efforts to strengthen…

20:26, 13.04.2023

Mircea Geoana: NATO will stand by Ukraine as long as it is needed; you belong to the Euro-Atlantic family

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization will stand by Ukraine "as long as it is needed" and will support this country "along the long road of Euro-Atlantic integration", the Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Mircea…

16:21, 03.04.2023

President Iohannis: Enhanced presence of NATO in the Black Sea is necessary

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Monday that an enhanced presence of NATO in the Black Sea is necessary, "which calls for the inclusion of the issue of this area in all relevant processes for strengthening the…

09:25, 25.03.2023

Mesaj de forță către PUTIN - Bombardier nuclear american, escortat de avioane NATO, inclusiv românești - Imagini spectaculoase

Avioane de luptă din România, Spania și Italia au escortat un bombardier nuclear american într-o demonstrație de forță NATO. Imagini spectaculoase au fost surprins din interiorul uneia dintre aeronavele care au…

11:56, 13.03.2023

UK to remain firm contributor to NATO

The UK intends to remain a leading contributor to NATO as it recognises the importance of continuing to invest in collective Euro-Atlantic security, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg…

13:10, 15.02.2023

DefMin Tilvar meets Spanish counterpart to discuss security in Black Sea area

Minister Angel Tilvar had a meeting, in Brussels, with his Spanish counterpart, Margarita Robles Fernandez, on the sidelines of the Meeting of Defence Ministers from NATO member states, the two high-ranked officials…

13:51, 26.01.2023

Investments made in Romania because we are eastern border of Euro-Atlantic bloc (Radulescu, Banca Transilvania)

Investments were made in Romania, despite the pandemic and the situation in Ukraine, due to our position as the eastern border of the Euro-Atlantic bloc and because nobody wants instability at the border, Andrei…

11:30, 18.01.2023

At Davos, ForMin Aurescu to present Romania's position on geopolitical developments, security

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu will participate on January 19 and 20 in the World Economic Forum in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, where he will present Romania's position on the current geopolitical developments…

00:26, 18.01.2023

Generalul Petrescu, șeful Statului Major, va participa la prima sesiune din acest an a Comitetului Militar NATO

Şeful Statului Major al Apărării, generalul Daniel Petrescu, va participa la prima sesiune din acest an a Comitetului Militar NATO (NATO MC), în formatul şefilor Apărării (MCCS), care va avea loc miercuri şi joi,…

15:15, 10.01.2023

Iohannis: Romania strongly supports consolidation of security and prosperity of Euro-Atlantic area

President Klaus Iohannis welcomes the signing of the third joint declaration on NATO-EU cooperation, showing that Romania strongly supports the consolidation of the security and prosperity of the Euro-Atlantic…

19:15, 01.12.2022

Iohannis: We need to strengthen our trust in Euro-Atlantic values and not move away from them

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday because of the ongoing war in Ukraine, "we are living in very complicated times" and "we really need to strengthen our trust in Euro-Atlantic values and not move away from…

15:16, 01.12.2022

National Romania Day/Bode: Only united will we achieve our country's goals

Only united will we achieve our country's goals and strengthen the European and Euro-Atlantic path of modern Romania, Interior Minister Lucian Bode said on Thursday, December 1, Romania's National Day. Fii la curent…

17:20, 29.11.2022

NATO2022Bucharest/Aurescu: Support for Ukraine is actually support for Romania's security

Supporting Ukraine means in fact supporting the security of Romania, the security of the Romanian citizens, the security of the European Union, the security of the Euro-Atlantic area, Romania's Foreign Minister…

13:51, 28.11.2022

NATO2022 Bucharest: ForMin Aurescu emphasizes Romania's strategic role, including in Black Sea region

Bucharest will be these days the capital of European and Euro-Atlantic diplomacy, something that proves Romania's strategic role in the Black Sea area, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu said on Monday,…

20:15, 25.11.2022

NATO2022Bucharest/ Next week, Bucharest will be capital of European & Euro-Atlantic diplomacy

Next week, between November 28 and 30, Bucharest becomes the capital of European and Euro-Atlantic diplomacy. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro × Help…

14:01, 15.11.2022

Creșterea salariului minim pe economie, discutată la Guvern. Ce se întâmplă cu pensiile

Premierul Nicolae Ciucă a declarat marți, 15 noiembrie, că va avea loc o întâlnire tripartită la Palatul Victoria, în care se va discuta despre majorarea salariului minim brut pe economie, care ar urma să ajungă…