Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:21, 31.05.2022

Iohannis: Romania is and will remain a major security provider in the Black Sea region

Romania is and will remain a major security provider in the Black Sea region and the Euro-Atlantic space, President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday in a message on Reserves Day, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu…

22:25, 30.05.2022

MAE: Romania will host the Munich Leaders' Meeting in November

Romania will host, for the first time, at the end of November, the Munich Leaders' Meeting, where topics of major interest for regional, European and Euro-Atlantic security will be addressed, informs the Ministry…

22:50, 27.05.2022

ForMin Aurescu in Istanbul: We share concern over destabilizing effect of Russia's illegal aggression against Ukraine

The parameters of the security architecture in Europe and in the Euro-Atlantic area have been "seriously" affected by the illegal war started by Russia against Ukraine, Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu declared…

23:25, 17.05.2022

Șeful SMA, generalul Daniel Petrescu, prezent la reuniunile militare UE și NATO

Şeful Statului Major al Apărării (SMA), generalul Daniel Petrescu, participă, în perioada 17 – 19 mai, la reuniunile militare ale Comitetului Militar al Uniunii Europene (EUMC) şi Comitetului Militar al Organizaţiei…

10:20, 10.05.2022

Iohannis: It is our duty to uphold, defend values and principles we share with our Euro-Atlantic partners

President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on Tuesday on the occasion of Romania's National Independence Day, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

09:05, 10.05.2022

ForMin Aurescu: Ukraine war has led to deteriorating security

Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said on Monday that the war in Ukraine had worsened European and Euro-Atlantic security, adding that there are no worrying signs, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi…

11:50, 04.05.2022

President of Germany on official visit to Bucharest

President Klaus Iohannis will welcome, on Wednesday, at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace, the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, on the occasion of the official visit the latter…

23:46, 02.05.2022

Germany's Steinmeier expected in Romania on May 4 to discuss Euro-Atlantic security

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis on May 4 will welcome President of the Federal Republic of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier as part of the latter's official visit to Romania at the invitation of Iohannis. Special…

20:11, 31.03.2022

Senate Defense official meets President Zelensky's representatives

The military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation in what represents "the worst attack on European and Euro-Atlantic security since WWII" was the main topic of the meeting between the chair of the Senate's…

18:15, 24.03.2022

Iohannis: Reinforcing NATO presence in Romania, the Black Sea, on entire eastern flank, strategic objective

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis pointed out at an extraordinary NATO meeting that reinforcing NATO presence in Romania, on the Black Sea and on the entire eastern flank is a strategic goal of the country in…

23:15, 25.02.2022

Aurescu stressed at Foreign Affairs Council meeting keeping EU's firm position on Russia's unacceptable aggressions

Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu stressed on Friday at a special meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels the need to maintain the EU's firm stance on Russia's "unacceptable" aggressions, given the gravity…

23:10, 25.02.2022

Iohannis - NATO summit: We all stressed need for firm, strong response from Euro-Atlantic community

President Klaus Iohannis participated on Friday in videoconference system in the extraordinary meeting of NATO heads of state and government. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook…

20:16, 25.02.2022

Klaus Iohannis, mesaj după întâlnirea țărilor NATO din Flancul Estic

„Întâlnire extraordinară @NATO după atacul nejustificat și neprovocat al Rusiei împotriva Ucrainei. Cu toții am subliniat necesitatea unui răspuns ferm, coordonat și puternic din partea comunității euro-atlantice”,…

20:05, 25.02.2022

Mesajul transmis de Klaus Iohannis după reuniunea extraordinară NATO în urma invadării Ucrainei de către Rusia

„Am subliniat necesitatea unui răspuns ferm, coordonat și puternic”, a afirmat șeful statului, vineri, 25 februarie, după participarea în format video-conferință la reuniunea extraordinară a șefilor de stat și…

20:00, 25.02.2022

Klaus Iohannis cere plasarea de urgență de militari NATO în România: 'Este nevoie de un răspuns ferm, coordonat și puternic'

Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, a spus că este nevoie de un răspuns ferm, coordonat și puternic din partea comunității Euro-Atlantice la ședința extraordinară a NATO. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

19:40, 25.02.2022

Statement by NATO Heads of State and Government on Russia’s attack on Ukraine

We have met today to discuss the gravest threat to Euro-Atlantic security in decades. We condemn in the strongest possible terms Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, enabled by Belarus. We call on Russia to…

10:30, 25.02.2022

CSAT meeting on Tuesday to assess security situation, managing possible influx of migrants

Developments in the Euro-Atlantic security situation in the context of the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine and the implications for Romania and the measures for the integrated management of a possible…

08:51, 25.02.2022

Fmr PM Orban: Putin has broader plan, Russians are chess players, they think strategically

The leader of the Force of the Right party, former Liberal Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, believes that one of Russia's goals is to destroy European unity and Euro-Atlantic cohesion, and Vladimir Putin's plan is…

11:35, 24.02.2022

Union of Ukrainians in Romania condemns aggression of Russian Federation, calls for responsibility

The Council of the Union of Ukrainians in Romania (UUR) expresses its solidarity with the Ukrainian people and strongly condemns the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, after recognizing…

08:35, 24.02.2022

Secretarul general al NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, a condamnat cu fermitate „atacul nesăbuit al Rusiei asupra Ucrainei“

Secretarul general al NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, a condamnat cu fermitate ”atacul nesăbuit al Rusiei asupra Ucrainei”, care ”pune în pericol nenumărate vieţi de civili”, transmite Reuters. El a spus că aliaţii se…

16:15, 23.02.2022

President Iohannis, Greek PM discuss tensions in EU's Eastern vicitnity during meeting in Bucharest

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday welcomed the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace, their meeting's agenda including topical issues on the European,…

18:35, 17.02.2022

Klaus Iohannis: Risks to European security still critical

President Klaus Iohannis reiterated on Thursday Romania's strong support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and for the right of this country to decide freely on its European and Euro-Atlantic…

16:55, 17.02.2022

Președintele Iohannis, mesaj pe Twitter despre criza din Ucraina: Riscurile pentru securitatea europeană sunt încă critice

Riscurile pentru securitatea europeană sunt încă critice, a transmis joi președintele Klaus Iohannis, într-un mesaj pe Twitter, care a lansat un apel la unitate și coordonare în UE, în contextul rizei de la granițele…

12:00, 14.02.2022

President Iohannis congratulates German President Steinmeier on reelection: Solidarity is important right now

On Monday, President Klaus Iohannis sent a congratulatory message to the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, on the occasion of the latter's reelection, while stating that, given…

22:00, 12.02.2022

ForMin Aurescu, Canadian counterpart Joly talk about Ukraine's proximity security situation

Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu discussed on Saturday, during a telephone conversation, with his Canadian counterpart Melanie Joly, about the worrying security situation in the proximity of Ukraine and the Black…

23:10, 11.02.2022

President Iohannis participates in US President-hosted consultations with allied, EU leaders on regional security

President Klaus Iohannis participated on Friday, at the invitation of the US President Joseph R. Biden in close consultations with a number of allied leaders and of the European Union institutions on the worrying…

14:41, 10.02.2022

Iohannis calls on other NATO states to consider contributions with national forces to multinational structures

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday, after his visit to the headquarters of the South-East Multinational Brigade in southern city of Craiova, that the decisions of the U.S. and France regarding the military…

23:30, 07.02.2022

Prime Minister disapproves of the act of aggression in Parliament against a member of the Government

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca disapproves of the act of aggression against a member of the Government, during a debate in the Parliament and calls for "decency and responsibility". "This reprehensible gesture, which…

23:30, 07.02.2022

Minister of Defence talks with Ukraine's Charge d'Affaires on regional security

The Minister of National Defence, Vasile Dincu, had a meeting on Monday, at the Ministry of National Defence headquarters, with the Chargé d'Affaires of Ukraine in Romania, Paun Rohovei. During the meeting, a series…

12:40, 03.02.2022

ForMin Aurescu: What happens in the Black Sea does not stay in the Black Sea

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said on Thursday that the current security crisis "is about the security of the Euro-Atlantic area" as a whole, pointing out that NATO member states must continue their…