Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:50, 02.02.2022

We must be very well prepared to counter aggressive actions, President Iohannis says

The risks and threats to regional, European and Euro-Atlantic security have increased, said President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday, in Campia Turzii, pointing out that Romania needs to be very well prepared "to…

15:45, 02.02.2022

Iohannis: Security context confirms necessity of NATO consistent presence on Eastern Flank

The security context on the Eastern Flank of the North Atlantic Alliance confirms the necessity for a more consistent presence of NATO, the United States and other allies in the Black Sea region and "concrete announcements…

20:31, 31.01.2022

Ovidiu Alexandru Raetchi appointed president of Euro-Atlantic Center for Resilience

Under a decision of Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca published today in the Official Journal, Ovidiu Alexandru Raetchi was appointed president of the Bucharest-based Euro-Atlantic Center for Resilience. Raetchi thus…

20:25, 28.01.2022

MAE's Neculaescu, German ambassador Gebauer discuss Eastern Neighbourhood security

Senior official for strategic affairs with Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) Dan Neculaescu on Friday welcomed German ambassador to Romania Peer Gebauer to discuss current security affairs with emphasis on recent…

09:05, 07.01.2022

ForMin Aurescu to participate in extraordinary meeting of ForMins in NATO states

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, will participate, on Friday, in the extraordinary meeting of the heads of diplomacies from the NATO states, held in videoconference system, the debates focusing…

21:45, 06.01.2022

Bogdan Aurescu to participate, on Friday, in meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu will take part on Friday in the meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers, which will take place through video-conference, the debates being about the security situation in…

21:10, 13.12.2021

Minister Aurescu, at Foreign Affairs Council, expresses concern about security developments on Ukraine's eastern border

Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu attended a meeting of EU heads of diplomats in Brussels on Monday, expressing "concern" over security developments on Ukraine's eastern border with Russia, "which is of concern at…

13:21, 30.11.2021

DefMin Vasile Dincu: Romania also owes its Euro-Atlantic integration to Army

Romania also owes its Euro-Atlantic integration to the Army, which is the most advanced component of modernity in our society, Minister of National Defense Vasile Dincu conveys in the message on Romania's National…

10:30, 14.09.2021

Romania, U.S. to face future challenges together, as partners and allies (joint statement)

Romania and the United Stats of America will continue to be a bulwark of Euro-Atlantic values and they will meet all the future challenges together, as partners and allies, a joint press statement issued on Monday…

15:26, 07.09.2021

Iohannis: We will find most adequate solutions for current political crisis

President Klaus Iohannis stated, on Tuesday, at the meeting with Romanian diplomats, that our country continues to be a stable country and that the most adequate solutions to the current political crisis will be…

15:15, 15.08.2021

Romanian Navy Day - Iohannis: Romania has active role in improving Euro-Atlantic space security

Romania has an active role in improving the security of the Euro-Atlantic space, a modern army means an army with well-trained naval forces, equipped with the latest generation tech and capable of responding successfully…

14:05, 12.07.2021

Diplomat George Ciamba has contributed substantially to important moments of Romania's Euro-Atlantic path

George Ciamba "contributed substantially to the important moments of Romania's Euro-Atlantic path" through his devoted diplomatic activity for over three decades, a press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs…

16:10, 15.06.2021

Liderii NATO afirmă că Articolul 5 privind apărarea colectivă se aplică și în spațiu

Liderii NATO și-au luat angajamentul de a răspunde colectiv la atacuri în spațiu, afirmând practic că Articolul 5 al Alinaței este valabil și în afara Pământului, relatează The Telegraph.Articolul…

08:35, 14.06.2021

President Klaus Iohannis to attend North Atlantic Alliance Summit in Brussels

President Klaus Iohannis is participating in the NATO Summit, on Monday, in Brussels, where he will uphold the North Atlantic Alliance's process of adaptation to the current security context, so that the organization…

21:25, 03.06.2021

Ministrul de Externe al Rusiei, Serghei Lavrov: 'NATO are planuri rău intenționate împotriva Rusiei'

Ministrul de Externe al Rusiei, Serghei Lavrov, a anunțat că NATO are ”planuri rău intenționate” împotriva Rusiei, relatează RT. Potrivit spuselor sale, încetarea apropierii NATO de granițele Rusiei este unul dintre…

21:20, 02.06.2021

Defence minister at Atlantic - Back Sea Security Forum, speaks of Euro-Atlantic Center for Resilience

The Minister of National Defence, Nicolae Ciuca, participated on Wednesday in the third edition of the Atlantic - Back Sea Security Forum, with the theme "Democratic Security and Resilience in the Era of Great…

14:25, 31.05.2021

Mircea Geoana: I believe NATO, EU represent a unitary platform for resilience approach in an integrated way

NATO and the European Union represent a unitary platform regarding the approach of resilience, declared, on Monday, the deputy of NATO secretary general, Mircea Geoana, within the third edition of the Atlantic-Black…

19:40, 19.05.2021

Gov't adopts organization and functioning of the Euro-Atlantic Center for Resilience

The Government adopted in its Wednesday's meeting a decision on the organization and functioning of the Euro-Atlantic Center for Resilience, as well as for the completion of Government Decision no. 16/2017 on the…

05:50, 14.05.2021

Bogdan Aurescu vorbește ca să audă și Rusia: 'Sistemul de la Deveselu este se dezvoltă în continuare'

Evenimentul "România şi sistemul NATO de rachete balistice defensive - o contribuţie strategică transatlantică pentru securitatea Euro-Atlantică" a fost un moment "deosebit de important", de marcare a cinci ani…

21:55, 12.05.2021

Foreign Minister Aurescu: Deveselu anti-ballistic missile system, a Romanian-US contribution to NATO's collective defense

Today's conference titled Romania and NATO's Ballistic Missile Defense System - a Transatlantic Strategic Contribution to Euro-Atlantic Security was a "particularly important" moment, marking five years since the…

21:25, 12.05.2021

Bogdan Aurescu: 'Sistemul antirachetă de la Deveselu, o contribuţie româno-americană la apărarea colectivă în cadrul NATO'

Evenimentul "România şi sistemul NATO de rachete balistice defensive - o contribuţie strategică transatlantică pentru securitatea Euro-Atlantică" a fost un moment "deosebit de important", de marcare a cinci ani…

20:45, 12.05.2021

Anca Dragu: 'România este puternic angajată în asigurarea securităţii şi stabilităţii graniţelor de est ale NATO'

România este puternic angajată în asigurarea securităţii şi stabilităţii graniţelor de est ale NATO, iar evoluţia complexă şi imprevizibilă a situaţiei din regiunea Mării Negre ne determină să reflectăm cu maximă…

19:16, 12.05.2021

President Iohannis discusses with Ukrainian counterpart Zelensky situation in region, Romanian minority rights

President Klaus Iohannis had, on Wednesday, a phone call with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, at the request of the Ukrainian dignitary, about the worrying security situation in the region, but also…

19:31, 10.05.2021

B9 Summit/Iohannis: US President, NATO Secretary General's participation has strengthened Allied unity sentiment

President Klaus Iohannis said today that the participation of US President Joe Biden and of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in the B9 Summit in Bucharest has strengthened the sentiment of Allied unity and…

19:40, 04.04.2021

Ludovic Orban, on NATO Day: Romania - stability pillar in the region; We continue to be reliable allies of the Alliance

Romania is a pillar of stability in the region, due to its membership in the North Atlantic Alliance, and NATO Day is celebrated in our country under the sign of Euro-Atlantic solidarity, through constant support…

14:10, 04.04.2021

MAE, on NATO Day: Romania fulfills consistently, without hesitation, its commitments of responsible ally

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) welcomes the marking of NATO Day in Romania and emphasizes that in the last 17 years since accession, "our country has made sustained efforts and demonstrated the will and…

14:35, 24.03.2021

NATO Meeting in Brussels: Romania supports New Strategic Concept

Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said on Tuesday in Brussels at a meeting of heads of diplomacy from the Alliance’s member states, that Romania supports the development of a new NATO Strategic Concept to better…

21:11, 23.03.2021

Meeting of Foreign Ministers of NATO countries / Aurescu: Romania supports drawing up new Strategic Concept

Romania supports the development of a new NATO Strategic Concept to better reflect current security realities, Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said on Tuesday at a meeting of heads of diplomacy from the Alliance's…

17:40, 01.03.2021

Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina celebrated the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) welcomes the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Romania and Bosnia and Herzegovina and emphasizes that the European and Euro-Atlantic…

13:16, 01.03.2021

Romania, Bosnia and Herzgovina celebrating 25 years of diplomatic ties

Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) is welcoming the 25th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Romania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, emphasising that the European and Euro-Atlantic prospects of the Balkan country…