Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

22:25, 04.02.2021

PM Citu conveys to Ukrainian counterpart support for his country's EU and Euro-Atlantic integration goals

Prime Minister Florin Citu had a phone call today with his Ukrainian counterpart, Denys Shmyhal, reiterating in this context Romania's support for Ukraine's European and Euro-Atlantic integration goals. "Today…

08:45, 01.02.2021

ForMin Aurescu: We've reached the stage where we're moving towards creating resilience centre

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu says Romania has already reached the stage where it is heading towards the creation of the Euro-Atlantic Centre for Resilience, mentioning that there are very good reactions…

20:41, 27.01.2021

Romania's Chief of Defence Staff Petrescu attends NATO Military Committee meeting

- Romania's Chief of Defence Staff Daniel Petrescu on Wednesday attended the 185th meeting of the NATO Military Committee, NATO's highest military authority, in a virtual format. During the working sessions, operational…

20:20, 27.01.2021

MApN: Şeful Statului Major al Apărării - la reuniunea Comitetului Militar al NATO

Şeful Statului Major al Apărării, general-locotenent Daniel Petrescu, a participat miercuri, prin videoconferinţă, la cea de-a 185-a reuniune a Comitetului Militar al NATO, cea mai înaltă autoritate militară a…

10:25, 06.12.2020

Orban: I vote for dynamic, modern, respected internationally Romania

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, National Liberal Party (PNL) chairman, said he voted for Romania's development, for "substantial reforms", a "clear Euro-Atlantic orientation" of the country, as well as for "a development…

21:25, 02.12.2020

ForMin Aurescu attends NATO session: He highlighted strategic importance of Black Sea for Euro-Atlanic region

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, on Wednesday, on the last day of the NATO meeting of foreign ministers, in two working sessions attended by a series of Alliance partners, in which context he highlighted…

20:31, 11.11.2020

PM Orban: Fruit of Corneliu Coposu's political courage - present in all the bright aspects of today's Romania

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban paid today tribute to the memory of the Christian Democratic National Peasant Party's (PNTCD) landmark personality Corneliu Coposu - who died 25 years ago on November 11, 1995, sending…

17:56, 06.11.2020

Official Iulia Matei: Romania firmly supports continuation of Euro-Atlantic integration process in South-East European region

Secretary of State for European Affairs Iulia Matei on Friday attended the informal meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), on which occasion she mentioned the importance…

15:45, 05.10.2020

ForMin Aurescu: Black Sea - part of arc of instability often fuelled by opponents of Romania's European path

The Black Sea is part of an "arc of instability" that is "often fuelled" by opponents of a European and Euro-Atlantic path, Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said on Monday, according to Agerpres."If we…

13:55, 17.09.2020

DefMin Ciuca at Patriot missile system reception ceremony: Essential equipment; three more by 2022

Romania's Defence Minister Nicolae Ciuca said Thursday that Patriot missile system received the same day is one of the most efficient and best air defence systems in existence and that it will be followed by three…

15:45, 08.09.2020

PM Orban meets Ukraine's ForMin Kuleba

Romania's Prime Minister Ludovic Orban had a meeting in Bucharest on Tuesday with visiting Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, extending a message of support for Ukraine's democratic course and aspirations…

14:55, 05.04.2020

PM Orban: We are marking NATO Day by showing the Euro-Atlantic unity and solidarity

We are marking the NATO Day in Romania this year by showing the Euro-Atlantic unity and solidarity, in the context of an unseen health crisis in our contemporary world, reads a message sent by Prime Minister Ludovic…

18:34, 25.03.2020

ForMin, Ukrainian counterpart phone conversation; Romanian minority in Ukraine, among topics

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Thursday had a telephone conversation with Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, with whom he talked about the situation of the Romanian minority in the neighbour…

15:15, 18.03.2020

Romania hails closing of ratification process of NATO Accession Protocol of North Macedonia

Romania, through the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) hails the closing of the ratification process of the NATO Accession Protocol of North Macedonia, after it has been ratified by Spain.Now, says the MAE, the path…

17:20, 16.03.2020

Romania reiterates strong condemnation of Crimea illegal annexation, six years thereafter

Romania reiterates its strong condemnation of the illegal annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol by the Russian Federation, a fact that "violates the international principles…

17:14, 15.01.2020

Military cooperation between Romania and Israel, discussed by Minister Ciuca with Ambassador Saranga

Minister of Defence Nicolae-Ionel Ciuca on Wednesday had a meeting with the Ambassador of the State of Israel to Bucharest, David Saranga, with whom he discussed mainly about the military cooperation existing between…

19:37, 08.01.2020

USR stresses need for urgently removing tense situation in Middle East

The Save Romania Union (USR) stresses the need for urgently removing the tense situation in the Middle East.In a statement issued on Wednesday for AGERPRES, USR considers that "Romania must maintain, as until now,…

12:13, 08.01.2020

PSD: Romania should treat responsibly the tensions escalating in the Middle East

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) believes that Romania should treat responsibly the tensions escalating in the Middle East and reaffirm its commitments toward its partners in NATO and the U.S. "Romania should…

18:55, 20.11.2019

ForMin Aurescu, SecState Pompeo discuss forward Black Sea NATO presence

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Wednesday met US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo on the sidelines of a meeting in Brussels of NATO chief diplomats. The two senior officials reviewed the agenda of…

07:05, 15.11.2019

Carmen Hărău: „Este greu dar foarte onorant să lupți acum pe frontul anti-PSD!”

Duminică, 10 noiembrie, cetățenii românii au demonstrat tuturor politicienilor angajamentul lor total față de valorile democratice, față de parcursul european al țării și față de principiile bunei guvernări, pe…

17:08, 11.11.2019

Orban: Corneliu Coposu showed freedom and human dignity cannot be defeated

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban laid a wreath of flowers at the bust of late political figure Corneliu Coposu and stated that the former leader of the Christian Democratic National Peasants' Party (PNTCD) showed that…

15:07, 11.11.2019

Orban: Corneliu Coposu a arătat că libertatea şi demnitatea umană nu pot fi înfrânte

Premierul Ludovic Orban a depus, luni, o coroană de flori la bustul fostului om politic Corneliu Coposu şi a afirmat că fostul lider al PNŢCD a arătat că "libertatea şi demnitatea umană nu pot fi înfrânte"."A însemnat…

13:10, 08.10.2019

Speaker Ciolacu: Romania to support European, Euro-Atlantic path of all states in region attached to EU values

Romania will support the European and Euro-Atlantic path of all the states in the region that prove their attachment to the fundamental values of the European Union, democracy and the rule of law, said the Speaker…

15:09, 27.08.2019

ForMin Manescu urges NATO, EU to increase attention to Black Sea security developments

At a meeting on Tuesday with Chairman of the Munich Security Conference Wolfgang Ischinger, Romania's Foreign Minister Ramona Manescu urged NATO and EU to increase their attention to security developments in the…

20:05, 17.07.2019

PM Dancila congratulates Geoana: We are glad to be represented in NATO by a Romanian with an ample political diplomatic experience

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Wednesday congratulated Mircea Geoana for his appointment as NATO Deputy Secretary General, also adding that he has an "ample" political and diplomatic experience and he is a supporter…

18:36, 11.06.2019

Iohannis: It is necessary for Black Sea, Balkans regions to remain stable, predictable area

President Klaus Iohannis emphasizes the need for the Black Sea region and the Balkans to remain "a stable and predictable area", pointing out that the answer to the challenges in the area is cohesion and adaptation…

15:08, 26.05.2019

#EuropeanElections2019/ PRO Romania's Tudose: I voted for a normal Romania

Romania's former Prime Minister and candidate of the PRO Romania Party in the elections to the European Parliament Mihai Tudose stated, upon exiting the polling station, that he voted for a normal Romania.  "I…

12:27, 22.05.2019

President Iohannis: Complex geopolitical context requires well-trained human resources, with modern endowment

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that the geopolitical context is currently complex, stressing that the new defense architecture requires the provision of highly-trained human resources with a modern…

22:58, 02.04.2019

Parliament adopts Declaration, on 15th anniversary of Romania's NATO membership, reaffirming attachment to Alliance's values, goals

Parliament reaffirms its attachment to NATO principles, values and goals and firmly supports a strong Alliance and the strengthening of the transatlantic relationship, indispensable for Euro-Atlantic security,…

23:02, 26.03.2019

IntMin Dan, Macedonian counterpart discuss police co-operation

Romania's Interior Minister Carmen Dan on Tuesday had a bilateral meeting with North Macedonia's Minister of Internal Affairs Oliver Spasovski to discuss police co-operation as well as emergency co-operation."Discussions…