Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:56, 21.06.2024

National Center for Customs Imaging Analysis is established once Romanian Customs Authority is reorganised

National Center for Customs Imaging Analysis is established once Romanian Customs Authority is reorganised

The government approved, on Friday, via emergency ordinance, the reorganisation of the Romanian Customs Authority, disposing, among other things, the establishment of the National Center for Customs Imaging Analysis,…

19:05, 17.06.2024

Romanias Senate marks 160 years since establishment

Romania's Senate marks 160 years since establishment

The president of the Senate, Nicolae Ciuca, leader of the National Liberal Party, emphasized on Monday, in the speech delivered at the celebration of the 160th anniversary of the establishment of the Senate, that…

15:06, 04.06.2024

Arrivals at Romanias tourist accommodation establishments up 1.9pct four months into 2024

Arrivals at Romania's tourist accommodation establishments up 1.9pct four months into 2024

Arrivals at Romania's tourist accommodation establishments, including flats and rooms for rent, totalled 3.36 million in the first four months of 2024, up 1.9% y-o-y, according to data with the National Institute…

19:05, 27.04.2024

Draw establishing ballot paper order in EP elections to take place on Monday

Draw establishing ballot paper order in EP elections to take place on Monday

The president of the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) will draw on Monday, April 29, the order on the ballot papers for political parties, electoral alliances, political alliances, organisations of citizens belonging…

18:10, 17.04.2024

Forta Dreptei party to have Saturday its first congress since its establishment

Forta Dreptei party to have Saturday its first congress since its establishment

Forta Dreptei party [Right Force] will hold its first congress on Saturday, at the Palace of the Parliament, during which elections for the national leadership will take place. Also, the candidates for the local…

06:20, 12.04.2024

Sexul, genul și delirul ideologic: Reticența establishment-ului medical de a vorbi onest despre realitatea biologică

Sexul, genul și delirul ideologic: Reticența establishment-ului medical de a vorbi onest despre realitatea biologică

Niciodată nu poate fi justificat să distorsionezi realitatea în serviciul unei cauze sociale ori politice, indiferent cât de justă ar fi acea cauzăAsociația Medicală Americană afirmă că termenul de „sex” - în sensul…

19:01, 24.03.2024

Iohannis, trompeta BRICS în războiul Rusia&China vs. Occident

Establishmentul american începe să se prăbușească și în Europa, după ce a fost făcut țăndări în Orientul Mijlociu de încăpățânatul Benjamin Netanyahu. Pericolul UE este, însă, mai mare și asta fiindcă la mijloc…

21:15, 22.02.2024

Gov't okays de minimis aid scheme for SMEs in amount of 86.5 mln RON

The Government has okayed a de minimis aid scheme for SMEs in the amount of 86.5 million RON, with the purpose of financing the interest differences generated by the ROBOR increase, said the spokesperson for the…

21:00, 25.01.2024

Over 20,000 pigs to be euthanized in Vrancea County, following outbreak of swine fever

More than 20,000 pigs will be euthanized in Golesti, Vrancea County, following an outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) that broke out at the largest pig breeding farm in the county, Vrancea Prefecture informed…

17:30, 17.01.2024

Biro Rozalia (UDMR): 2024 should be year of rebuilding trust, as was established at Davos

Biro Rozalia (UDMR): 2024 should be year of rebuilding trust, as was established at DavosHungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) deputy Biro Rozalia, the chairwoman of the Foreign Policy Commission in the…

17:35, 10.01.2024

Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey to sign memorandum establishing mine countermeasure group

Romania's Defence Minister Angel Tilvar and his Bulgarian and Turkish counterparts on Thursday in Istanbul will sign a memorandum of understanding regarding the establishment of a Black Sea mine countermeasure…

11:20, 04.01.2024

6,447 companies running on foreign capital established in Romania in first 11 months of 2023

The number of newly established foreign-owned companies in Romania decreased by 6.2% in the first 11 months of this year, compared to the same period in 2022, to 6,447 units, according to data centralized by the…

22:10, 28.12.2023

Gov't approves establishment of Romanian Agency for Technological, Industrial Cooperation for Security and Defense

The Government approved in Thursday's meeting an emergency ordinance aimed at establishing the Romanian Agency for Technological and Industrial Cooperation for Security and Defense (ARCTIS).According to a press…

21:15, 28.12.2023

President Iohannis promulgates law establishing voluntary certification of Romanian food products - D.O.R.

President Klaus Iohannis promulgated on Thursday the law establishing the voluntary certification scheme "De Origine Romania - D.O.R." for supporting activities to promote Romanian agri-food products.The scheme…

13:55, 20.12.2023

PNL's Ciuca: Changes in establishment and operation of micro-enterprises, assumed under PNRR

PNL's Ciuca: Changes in establishment and operation of micro-enterprises, assumed under PNRRThe changes in the establishment and operation of micro-enterprises are the result of the commitments undertaken through…

20:31, 04.12.2023

Establishing minimum norms for protection of crime victims, on agenda of discussions at JHA Council

Establishing minimum norms regarding the rights, support and protection of victims of crime was among the topics discussed at the meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council configuration (JHA), in which the…

20:11, 28.11.2023

Parliament adopts decision establishing Regional Special Operations Component Command

Parliament adopts decision establishing Regional Special Operations Component CommandParliament, in a joint session on Tuesday, adopted, at the request of President Klaus Iohannis, the decision to establish the…

18:41, 16.11.2023

Gov't approves establishment of Investment and Development Bank

Gov't approves establishment of Investment and Development BankThe Government approved on Thursday the articles of association of the Investment and Development Bank - S.A.. According to a Government press release,…

18:40, 02.11.2023

Governing coalition establishes five principles for building 2024 budget (sources)

The governing coalition has established five principles around which the budget for 2024 will be structured, aimed at investments, with a focus on projects financed from European funds, responsible spending for…

22:30, 23.10.2023

Senate: Establishment of Institute for Support of EU Integration of Republic of Moldova, bill passed

The Senate adopted on Monday the legislative proposal establishing the Institute for the Support of the EU Integration of the Republic of Moldova, during the accession negotiations.According to the bill, initiated…

13:30, 12.10.2023

Peste un milion de români au cumpărat RCA de la firmele de asigurări din afara țării

Vânzările societăților de asigurare care vând polițe în România în baza pașaportului european au crescut puternic în prima jumătate de an, scrie Economica.net, care citează date oficiale.Primele brute subscrise…

09:26, 02.10.2023

Government should have established a Waste Tracking System (Environmental Guard head)

Octavian Berceanu, former head of the Environmental Guard, appreciates that the searches carried out in five counties in the file regarding illegally introducing waste originating from the intra-community space…

12:15, 15.09.2023

Numismatic issue dedicated to 70 years since establishment of Court of International Commercial Arbitration

Numismatic issue dedicated to 70 years since establishment of Court of International Commercial ArbitrationThe National Bank of Romania (BNR) will put into circulation for numismatic purposes a silver coin dedicated…

14:55, 13.09.2023

Chamber: Interoperability unit of EU information systems established

The Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday adopted the draft on ensuring the framework for interoperability between the information systems of the European Union in the field of borders and visas, police and judicial…

15:50, 09.09.2023

Războiul din Caucaz ar putea începe înainte de alegerile din SUA: Este o amenințare pentru UE și Ucraina

Unii politicieni francezi sunt susținătorii aprigi ai separatiștilor armeni din Karabakh, care se află sub controlul Rusiei și care se opun în mod constant încheierii păcii cu Azerbaidjan. În timp ce Europa consolidată…

19:40, 14.08.2023

Economy minister signs approval for establishment of "Mamaia Nord Resort" DMO

Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism Stefan-Radu Oprea signed on Monday in Navodari the approval notice for the establishment of the "Mamaia Nord Resort" Destination Management Organization (DMO) and…

22:25, 07.08.2023

Ministry of Health says 2030 strategy establishes vaccination not mandatory

The Ministry of Health (MS) informs, on Monday, that the draft government decision on the national vaccination strategy in Romania until 2030, which was put up for public debate the other day, does not impose mandatory…

08:11, 07.08.2023


Representatives of the seven powers (United Kingdom, France, Austria, Prussia, Russia, Turkey, Kingdom of Sardinia) sign the Paris Convention, according to which the two Romanian principalities were to be named…

11:20, 03.08.2023

Arrivals at Romania's tourist accommodation establishments, up 17.3pct in H1 2023

Arrivals at Romania's tourist accommodation establishments, up 17.3pct in H1 2023Arrivals at Romania's tourist accommodation establishments including apartments and rooms for rent in H1 2023 totalled 5.616 million…

15:01, 12.07.2023

Romania, Morocco sign legislative co-operation protocol

On Wednesday, the Romanian and Moroccan justice ministries signed a protocol establishing a bilateral legal framework for collaboration regarding exchanges of information and legislation on legal issues of common…