Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:28, 11.02.2013

Dirty Valentine @ Cafe Papillon, 14 februarie

It’s Valentine’s Day. It s the perfect time for Valentine cards and romantic gifts…THAT IF YOU WERE A NORMAL PERSON … Let’s screw Valentine this year, and forget about the men and women in your past, that made…

21:04, 30.12.2012

Revelion 2013 Post Apocalyptic Heroes Party in Mojo Bar Iasi

In casa super roz se vor aduna super oameni care vor sarbatori super. Suuuuuuuuupeeeeeeer :)A trecut apocalipsa, copacul e in picioare... veselie mare (super mare).Costumul de super-erou nu este obligatoriu, dar…

09:40, 19.12.2012

Revelion 2013 @ The Office Lounge

Clubul The Office Lounge vă aşteaptă să sărbătoriţi impreună trecerea dintre ani. The champagne is chilling And we hope you’re willing To be our guest At a New Year’s Eve Fest! Grab your dancing shoes…

21:16, 05.12.2012


THE WEEK-END STARTS AT CAFE PAPILLON… SAINT NICHOLAS PARTY This Thursday 6th December… at 22 pm… You have to forget about your worries, forget about everything… let’s be beautiful, free,…

22:48, 17.10.2012

Show Your Glow @ Zona Partyspace

 It is your time to shine. To laugh. To dance.  To show the glow you wear inside every single day.  Dress code: glowing accessories  Entrance: girls – free; guys – 20 lei voucher drinks

14:16, 19.04.2012

I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees @ Cafe Papillon

Dear Friends, This Saturday, the 21th of April, we invite you to celebrate Spring! an exclusive party full with flowers, colors, love, friends … On Saturday night Caffe Papillon becomes a playground for all those…

14:18, 13.08.2011

„Mama natura” incinge atmosfera la mare

Roxana Ionescu, alias Mama natura , si Cosmina Pasarin vor incinge astazi litoralul, la Mamaia, pe plaja Crush Beach, incepand cu ora 15.00, perecerea continuand in Clubul Summer Crush la ora 22.00. Cosmina Pasarin…

19:28, 12.08.2011

Roxana Ionescu dansează la mare

Roxana Ionescu, alias "Mama natură", şi Cosmina Păsărin vor încinge sâmbătă litoralul, la Mamaia, la "Ziua Entran", din Clubul Crush. Sursa: foto Ringier Dacă cea de-a doua este gazda a două…