Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

21:30, 29.04.2023

(VIDEO) Atac al ucrainenilor în Crimeea

Un incendiu puternic a izbucnit sâmbătă dimineaţa la Sevastopol, principalul port de la Marea Neagră al marinei militare ruse, după un atac cu dronă, au anunţat autorităţile locale numite de Moscova în Crimeea…

12:25, 29.04.2023

(VIDEO) Atac major al ucrainenilor în Crimeea

Atac cu drone în principalul port de la Marea Neagră al marinei militare ruse. Un incendiu puternic a izbucnit sâmbătă dimineaţa la Sevastopol, principalul port de la Marea Neagră al marinei militare ruse, după…

20:00, 27.04.2023

Covid pandemic has put pressure on health system, which is a critical infrastructure (official Arafat)

The head of the Department for Emergency Situations, Raed Arafat, drew attention on Thursday to the need for states to learn together the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic and said that otherwise there could be…

18:20, 24.04.2023

Ordinance on budget freeze in public system does not have prime minister's approval (unions)

The Government's Emergency Ordinance (OUG) with budget freeze and other measures with predilection in the public system does not have the prime minister's approval, so the Government will not issue such an ordinance,…

18:15, 22.04.2023

Memorandum in field of emergency situations, signed in presence of Iohannis and Chilean counterpart

Memorandum of collaboration between the Romanian and Chilean institutions responsible for managing emergency situations was signed, on Saturday, in the presence of president Klaus Iohannis and his Chilean counterpart,…

21:00, 12.04.2023

Scene de groază pe străzile din orașele americane. Primul drog declarat amenințare emergentă în SUA

O substanță psihotropă a fost declarată amenințare națională în Statele Unite. Se vinde la colțul străzii pentru câțiva dolari și provoacă răni îngrozitoare care pot duce la amputarea membrelor.

16:16, 12.04.2023

Drog considerat ”ameninţare emergentă” în SUA

SUA au anunţat miercuri că desemnează drept ”ameninţare emergentă” xilazina, supranumită ”tranq”, în special pentru a putea debloca fonduri în lupta împotriva acestui drog care face deja ravagii în ţară, relatează…

11:20, 12.04.2023

Humanitarian shipment reaches Turkey

The humanitarian shipment from Romania to Turkey, with several types of products from the rescEU reserve, has reached its destination."The humanitarian transport was carried out on the basis of the decision of…

10:35, 12.04.2023

Italy declares state of emergency amid migration influx

Italy declared a nationwide state of emergency on Tuesday for the next six months following the exceptional increase in migrants continuously arriving via the Mediterranean routes, according to Euractiv. On Tuesday,…

17:36, 11.04.2023

Three containers for emergency situations management, handed over to Interior Ministry of Montenegro

The General Director for Civil Protection within the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU), colonel Marius Dogeanu, participated, on Tuesday, together with the Romanian ambassador to Montenegro, at the ceremony…

16:06, 11.04.2023

Michael Lerner a murit la 81 de ani. Actorul a fost nominalizat la Oscar pentru „Glee” și „Barton Fink”

Michael Lerner, care a avut roluri mici, dar memorabile în peliculele „Barton Fink” și „Elf”, dar și în alte zeci de filme și emisiuni de televiziune, a murit sâmbătă, 8 aprilie, la un spital din Burbank, California.…

09:50, 11.04.2023

(VIDEO) Shiveluch, noua amenințare pentru ruși

Vulcanul Shiveluch din peninsula Kamchatka, situată în extremitatea estică a Rusiei, a erupt marți dimineață. Coloana de cenușă ridicată reprezintă o amenințare sporită pentru traficul aerian, a declarat echipa…

20:45, 04.04.2023

Minister of Labor Marius Budai: Milestone 213, related to payment request 2 for PNRR, is currently fulfilled

Milestone 213, related to payment request 2 for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), is now fulfilled, the Constitutional Court of Romania rejecting the objection of unconstitutionality formulated…

16:30, 04.04.2023

Senate's Gorghiu: Setting up parliament committee on children's rights is an emergency

Interim Senate President Alina Gorghiu pleaded on Tuesday for the establishment of a joint parliamentary committee to protect children's rights, stressing that it is "an emergency.""The subject of children's rights…

12:55, 03.04.2023

PM Ciuca: Romanian gendarmes - always ready to step in during calm times, but particularly in emergency situations

The Romanian gendarmes are always ready to step in to help the citizens whenever necessary and to maintain the order and safety of the communities during calm times, but especially in emergency situations; also,…

15:20, 29.03.2023

Solidarity contribution is established, provisions for determining share of energy activities in turnover

The Chamber of Deputies adopted, on Wednesday, the draft law establishing the solidarity contribution for companies that are active in the extraction of crude oil, natural gas, coal, the manufacture of coke oven…

09:36, 24.03.2023

TAROM aircraft on Tel Aviv-Bucharest route makes emergency landing in Istanbul due to bomb threat

A TAROM aircraft on the Tel Aviv-Bucharest flight made an emergency landing in Istanbul on Friday morning due to a bomb threat that later turned out to be false, informs the national airline operator."The TAROM…

20:55, 22.03.2023

Gov't repeals decision postponing closure of some energy capacities operating on lignite

The Government decided on Wednesday to repeal the decision to postpone the closure of some energy capacities operating on lignite and their related mining operations."The repeal of Decision no. 1573/2022 regarding…

14:41, 16.03.2023

VIDEO Clădire a spionilor ruși (FSB) aruncată în aer. Cel puțin un mort

O cladire utilizata de Serviciul Federal de Securitate (FSB) al Rusiei în orasul Rostov, din sud-estul Rusiei, a luat foc. Fum dens poate fi vazut de la kilometri distanta Cel putin o persoana a murit si doua au…

15:55, 14.03.2023

Centre for training emergency response personnel from Romania and Ukraine inaugurated in Siret

The Centre for the specialised training of emergency response personnel from Romania and Ukraine was inaugurated on Tuesday in Siret, northern Suceava county, in the presence of Internal Affairs minister Lucian…

15:50, 14.03.2023

Military students, pupils to receive meal allowance even when they're not present at educational institutions

Military pupils and students will have the right to meal allowance even during the period when they are not present at the military educational institutions, according to the draft law amending Government's Emergency…

22:45, 01.03.2023

Creatorii primului consilier robot al lui Nicolae Ciucă: Să se uite la această sinteză şi să înţeleagă chiar şi domeniile emergente

Coordonatorul echipei de cercetători români, Nicu Sebe a declarat miercuri, la Palatul Victoria, despre proiectul ION;că practic, noi suntem ION. Dacă vă gândiţi, NOI în oglindă este ION, un nume generic să zicem…

13:21, 21.02.2023

Sustenabilitatea este în topul agendei de investiții în tehnologii emergente

Studiu EY – 76% dintre companii spun că temele de mediu, sociale și de guvernanță (ESG) sunt importante pentru investițiile lor în tehnologii emergente – 77% dintre companii acordă prioritate furnizorilor de tehnologii…

05:45, 16.02.2023

Dolarul american forțează un val de devalorizări pe pieţele emergente

O serie recentă de devalorizări evidenţiază presiunea intensă resimţită de multe economii emergente în condiţiile în care puterea dolarului american le forţează să cheltuiască preţioase rezerve valutare pentru…

19:31, 14.02.2023

First shipment of humanitarian aid from Romania to the Syrian population, received in Beirut

The first shipment of humanitarian aid for the Syrian population, sent from Romania, was received in Beirut on Tuesday, the Romanian ambassador to Syria, Dan Sandovici, told AGERPRES, while present at the reception…

16:50, 14.02.2023

Operational group for monitoring emergency intervention system, at Internal Affairs Ministry after Oltenia earthquake

Prime minister Nicolae Ciuca ordered the activation of an operative group to monitor the emergency intervention system, within the coordination center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI), following the earthquake…

13:15, 13.02.2023

IGSU: 2nd freight train carrying aid for Turkey leaves Bucharest on Monday

The second CFR freight train which carries aids for the Republic of Turkey left on Monday from the Bucharest West Train Station, the Inspectorate General for Emergency Situations (IGSU) informed. Fii la curent…

09:05, 11.02.2023

Europe's emergency response to the earthquake in Turkey and Syria (enr)

On Monday, a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck south-eastern Turkey, near the border with Syria. While the death toll continues to rise and search rescue operations drag on, countries in Europe and beyond are offering…

20:15, 08.02.2023

Decizie a Comisiei Europene: România va putea renegocia PNRR, data limită - 30 aprilie

Europarlamentarul Victor Negrescu a anunțat, miercuri, că solicitările PSD privind modificarea Planurilor de Redresare și Reziliență au fost transpuse în regulamentele europene. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

18:56, 08.02.2023

DSU's Arafat: Support for Syria to be mostly humanitarian

Romania will provide Syria with a mostly humanitarian support, as a result of this country's request at the level of the European Civil Protection, Secretary of State and chief of the Emergency Situations Department…