Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:50, 05.06.2023

Raluca Turcan împarte dreptatea: ”Nu s-ar fi ajuns aici”

Deputata PNL Raluca Turcan, fost ministru al Muncii. susține că dreptatea este de partea cadrelor didactice şi nu s-ar fi ajuns aici dacă salarizarea profesorilor nu era scoasă din Legile Educaţiei sau dacă măcar…

13:25, 05.06.2023

Un fost ministru al Muncii intervine în criza din educație: 'Nu s-ar fi ajuns aici dacă salarizarea profesorilor nu era scoasă din Legile Educației'

Dreptatea este de partea cadrelor didactice și nu s-ar fi ajuns aici dacă salarizarea profesorilor nu era scoasă din Legile Educației sau dacă măcar un draft al Legii Salarizării Unitare ar fi fost gata, afirmă…

20:30, 30.05.2023

Senate passes draft on 4-day monthly teleworking for parents with children up to 8

Senate passes draft on 4-day monthly teleworking for parents with children up to 8. The Senate adopted in Tuesday's plenary meeting a legislative proposal to amend the Labour Code by which parents of children up…

08:20, 18.05.2023

May 18 in history

1388 - Consecration of the large church of the Arges County's Cozia Monastery, an important religious foundation of Wallachia ruler Mircea cel Batran / Mircea the Old (1386-1418) CITESTE SI US Ambassador: I am…

22:55, 17.05.2023

US Ambassador: I am very proud of the American Corner network in Romania

US Ambassador: I am very proud of the American Corner network in Romania.The American Corner Center in Bucharest marked 10 years since its establishment on Wednesday, in the presence of the US Ambassador in Bucharest,…

22:00, 17.05.2023

Draft law on Romania's accession to OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, approved by Government

Draft law on Romania's accession to OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, approved by Government.The Government on Wednesday adopted a draft law on Romania's accession to the Convention on Combating Corruption of Foreign…

10:05, 12.05.2023

Ce discipline ar trebui să învețe totuși elevii? Specialist în educație: „Școlile ar putea să aibă orare esențialmente diferite”

Un draft de proiect pentru planurile-cadru (scheletul de materii pe care le învață elevii) a fost publicat la începutul săptămânii de Edupedu. Discuțiile publice au alunecat repede spre ce ore dispar și de ce e…

08:45, 11.05.2023

Romanian Chamber of Deputies adopts bill to prevent child separations

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies adopted a draft bill to prevent the separation of children from their families on Wednesday despite the far-right party AUR falsely claiming the bill included provisions legalizing…

21:50, 10.05.2023

Judoka Florentina Ivanescu defeated in the first round of World Judo Championships in Doha

Romanian judoka Florentina Ivanescu was defeated by Chaewon Shin, on Wednesday, in the first round of the 63 kg category, at the World Judo Championships in Doha (Qatar). CITESTE SI Bucharest Stock Exchange closes…

18:55, 10.05.2023

Approximately 10,000 troops to train in SABER GUARDIAN 23 military drill

Approximately 10,000 troops from Romania and 13 Allied and partner nations: Albania, Bulgaria, France, Georgia, Greece, Italy, North Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, the Netherlands, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal…

16:05, 10.05.2023

CultMin Romascanu: National Village Museum - the most prominent representative of Romanian cultural diplomacy

CultMin Romascanu: National Village Museum - the most prominent representative of Romanian cultural diplomacy.The Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum is the most prominent representative of Romanian cultural…

15:45, 10.05.2023

Draft law on preventing separation of child from family, adopted by Chamber of Deputies

Draft law on preventing separation of child from family, adopted by Chamber of Deputies.The Chamber of Deputies, as a decision-making body, adopted, on Wednesday, with 222 votes "for" and 40 "against", the draft…

18:00, 03.05.2023

EC draft anti-corruption directive provides for abuse of functions without criminal threshold (minister)

Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu on Wednesday said that the draft anti-corruption directive published by the European Commission regulates the crime of abuse of functions without a value threshold for criminalisation…

18:16, 28.04.2023

Încă o încercare pentru modificarea PNRR

Ministrul Investiţiilor şi Proiectelor Europene, Marcel Boloş, a declarat că are mandat din partea Executivului pentru a trimite la Bruxelles documentul privind renogocierea unor jaloane şi investiţii din PNRR,…

17:00, 28.04.2023

Ministrul Investiţiilor şi Proiectelor Europene anunţă că are mandat din partea Guvernului pentru renegocierea PNRR / Boloş, despre pensiile speciale:…

„Draftul informal pentru modificarea PNRR va fi trimis, până pe data de 30 aprilie, Comisiei Europene. Este mandatul pe care l-am primit din partea Guvernului României. Avem această scădere a grantului cu 2,1 miliarde…

18:40, 20.04.2023

Gov't: Draft law on ratification of Cooperation Agreement with Palestine on prevention and combating of organized criminality

The Government approved, on Thursday, the draft law on the ratification of the Agreement with the Government of Palestine regarding Cooperation in the Prevention and Combating of Organized Crime, Terrorism and…

15:15, 13.04.2023

President Iohannis says he will take care that it doesn't come to budget flip-flopping in Romania

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that he will take care that it doesn't come to "a budget flip-flopping" in Romania, adding that he promulgated the draft law that provides for salary increases for mayors.Klaus…

16:00, 05.04.2023

Se constituie Consiliul Consultativ pe Probleme de Tineret Argeș. Puteți face propuneri sau sugestii

Astăzi, la sediul Consiliului Județean, vicepreședintele Adrian Dumitru Bughiu a avut o nouă rundă de consultări pe tema constituirii Consiliului Consultativ pe Probleme de Tineret Argeș. La întâlnirea cu vicepreședintele…

15:10, 05.04.2023

PM Ciuca : Gov't is considering simplification, digital transformation for Cohesion Policy management

At its sitting today, the government is looking at a draft emergency ordinance aimed at simplification and digital transformation for the management of European funds under the Cohesion Policy 2021 - 2027, according…

16:15, 04.04.2023

După o prezentare SF, a fost publicat și primul draft oficial din PUG-ul municipiului Arad

Ni se dezvăluie un prim document oficial care face parte din seria de proiecte componente ale Planului Urbanistic General (PUG) al Aradului – cel care... The post După o prezentare SF, a fost publicat și primul…

17:00, 29.03.2023

Education draft laws, adopted by Gov't to be debated in Parliament as a matter of urgency (minister)

The draft education laws were approved at Wednesday's Government meeting and will be sent to Parliament for debate and adoption as a matter of urgency, Education minister Ligia Deca announced."We have received…

15:20, 29.03.2023

Solidarity contribution is established, provisions for determining share of energy activities in turnover

The Chamber of Deputies adopted, on Wednesday, the draft law establishing the solidarity contribution for companies that are active in the extraction of crude oil, natural gas, coal, the manufacture of coke oven…

14:06, 28.03.2023

Preoți fără Bac și școală fără „diversitate”. Modificările cerute de cultele religioase la legile educației, explicate de doi experți și de BOR

„Există o direcție a bisericilor din România de a reacționa exagerat la cuvântul «gen»”, spune într-un interviu pentru Libertatea Daniela Vișoianu. Specialista în educație consideră că propunerile venite din partea…

12:25, 24.03.2023

Gov't to pass next week draft decision on RCA policies' prices' capping

The government will pass next week the draft decision on capping the prices of the mandatory car insurance (RCA) policies, after the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) will harmonize the draft piece of legislation…

11:50, 24.03.2023

ASF pulls down draft regulation capping RCA policy rates in order to examine submitted observations

The Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) pulled down a draft regulatory act on mandatory civil liability car insurance (RCA) fees in order to carry out an analysis of the submitted observations, ASF spokesman…

20:00, 22.03.2023

Gov't approves draft on intergovernmental agreement between Romania, North Macedonia on corruption combat

The Government approved in Wednesday's meeting a draft law for the ratification of the Agreement between the Governments of Romania and North Macedonia on strengthening cooperation in the area of internal control…

19:41, 20.03.2023

Defence Ministry withdraws bill on including civil personnel's activities in special working conditions category

The National Defence Ministry (MApN) announced that it decided to withdraw the draft law amending Law No.263/2010 which aimed to create a normative framework that would allow the civil personnel's activities from…

05:55, 16.03.2023

Google integrează tool-uri AI în Gmail şi Docs; Ce aduc nou?

Chatboţii şi AI-ul sunt cuvintele de bază în ziua de azi atunci când lansezi un nou produs software. Dacă Microsoft a integrat ChatGPT în Bing, acum Google începe să aducă tot mai multe tool-uri AI în aplicaţiile…

16:00, 14.03.2023

Draft on African swine fever prevention receives favourable report

The draft law on pig farms and the fight against African swine fever in Romania, initiated by the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) parliamentary group, received a favourable report, with unanimous votes,…

05:05, 14.03.2023

Ministrul Mediului: Proiectul noului Cod silvic va ajunge pe masa Guvernului la începutul lui iunie

Draft-ul noului Cod silvic va ajunge pe masa Guvernului la începutul lunii iunie, după ce va fi elaborat de consorţiul de specialişti format din Universitatea din Suceava, cea din Braşov şi Institutul de Cercetare-Dezvoltare…