Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:10, 02.11.2022

Gov't approves draft law on Romania's participation to the Schengen Information System

On Wednesday, the Government approved the draft law on the organization and operation of the National Informatics System for Alerts and Romania's accession to the Schengen Information System, as well as on the…

16:41, 02.11.2022

PM Ciuca: We are to approve draft regarding the organization of the national alert system

The government will approve, on Wednesday, the draft law on the organization and operation of the national alert system, which aims to meet the technical standards of the Schengen acquis, Prime Minister Nicolae…

22:25, 01.11.2022

Gov't to analyse Wednesday Ordinance on private pensions, organization of National Signaling Information System

The Government has on the agenda of Wednesday's meeting, among other things, the analysis of a draft emergency ordinance on private pensions and the draft law on the organization and operation of the National Signaling…

19:55, 31.10.2022

Deputies Chamber's plenum approves chamber's budget

The plenum of the Chamber of Deputies on Monday passed the draft budget of the Chamber of Deputies for the year 2023, after the same forum's standing bureau approved the draft earlier in the day, told Agerpres.…

22:20, 28.10.2022

Pan-European personal pension product, draft law approved by government

The government approved, on Friday, the draft law that establishes in Romania a pan-European personal pension product, which targets Romanians who have employment contracts in several EU states and who will be…

15:00, 25.10.2022

PNL spune că „e destul de riscant” să se revină la prețuri reglementate în energie: PSD să vină în Coaliție cu draftul

Purtătorul de cuvânt al PNL, Ionuţ Stroe, a declarat marţi că, dacă PSD îşi doreşte reglementarea preţurilor la energie, trebuie să vină cu propunerea în coaliţie pentru a fi discutată.

19:17, 18.10.2022

National Strategy for Sport draft, presented at Victoria Palace

The new National Strategy for Sport motivates the high performance and aims to develop and modernise the infrastructure in the area, stated Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca who participated on Tuesday, at the Victoria…

19:20, 17.10.2022

Senate: CSM draft law, adopted

The draft law on the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) was adopted on Monday, as a decision-making body, by the Senate plenary sitting, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

15:16, 14.10.2022

AUR's Simion: Draft law of statute of magistrates, mutilated in Parliamentary Committee on Laws of Justice

Chairman of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) George Simion criticized, on Friday, the amendment adopted by the Parliamentary Committee for Justice Laws eliminating the magistrates' misconduct for non-compliance…

17:35, 12.10.2022

Parliamentary Committee for Justice Laws finalises debate on the judicial organization draft law

The Parliamentary Committee for Justice Laws finalised, on Wednesday, the debate on the judicial organization draft law and the amendments submitted by the senators. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

12:30, 11.10.2022

Comisia Europeană deschide robinetul la ajutoare de stat pentru companiile afectate de război și facturile la energie și gaze

Comisia Europeană plănuiește să lase statelor membre o mai mare libertate în sprijinirea companiilor care suferă consecințele invaziei ruse în Ucraina și a prețurilor mari la energie, potrivit unui document citat…

21:55, 04.10.2022

Draft Dinamic Construct SRL controlata de Dumitru Țiganescu a incheiat un contract cu RAEDPP (DOCUMENTE)

Regia Autonoma Exploatarea Domeniului Public si Privat Constanta a atribuit un contract de servicii de elaborare a documentatiei tehnico economice, pentru reabilitare imobilului de pe strada Mercur nr. 10 Castigator…

15:10, 04.10.2022

Deputies' Chamber clears draft law on judges' and prosecutors' statute

The draft law regarding the statute of judges and prosecutors was adopted, on Tuesday, by the plenary meeting of the Chamber of Deputies, with 198 votes "in favour," 80 votes "against" and 4 abstentions. Fii la…

13:05, 04.10.2022

JusMin Predoiu requests whistleblowing draft law be rediscussed for introduction of EC observations

Minister of Justice Catalin Predoiu requested that the draft law on protection of whistleblower in public interest, under review at the Chamber of Deputies, be re-sent to the Legal Committee for the introduction…

12:50, 21.09.2022

Draft budget, developed until October 20, to be submitted to parliamentary debate in November

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca announced on Wednesday that the Ministry of Finance will present the draft budget for next year by October 20, so that it can be submitted to the parliamentary debate in November. Fii…

15:55, 20.09.2022

Ministry of Research, Innovation, Digitization launches draft decision of Governmental Cloud Platform into public debate

The Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization (MCID) has put into public debate the draft decision on the governance of the Governmental Cloud Platform that establishes standards, rules and obligations…

15:20, 20.09.2022

Un tată şi-a ucis fiul: bărbatul a fost lovit cu toporul şi cuţitul în cap şi în gât

Un bărbat din Drobeta Turnu Severin a fost reţinut de procurorii mehedinţeni după ce şi-a ucis fiul, lovindu-l cu toporul în cap şi cu cuţitul în zona gâtului. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

14:41, 19.09.2022

Sistem integrat de climatizare pentru sediul DRDP Constanta. Cine se ocupa de proiectare si executie (DOCUMENT)

In valoare de 649321.83 lei, contractul are data 15 septembrie a.c. Compania Nationala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere SA a atribuit contractul "Proiectare si executie sistem integrat de climatizare pentru…

13:26, 16.09.2022

Deputatul Daniel Suciu, amenințat online: „Am auzit că ești părinte?! Vrei să nu-ți mai vezi copilu` niște ani de zile din cauza unei legi anti-drog?”

În cadrul unei conferințe de presă deputatul Daniel Suciu a mărturisit faptul că a fost amenințat în mesaje online de către persoane care nu sunt de acord cu testarea anti-drog în școli. Asta după ce împreună cu…

19:30, 15.09.2022

JusMin Predoiu: Draft justice laws have taken into account Venice Commission's opinions

The draft justice laws, under debate in the Parliament, took into account the opinions of the Venice Commission and were drawn up after consultation with the European partners, respectively with the European Commission,…

11:21, 15.09.2022

Romania bans use of Russian antivirus software in public institutions

The Government of Romania approved on Wednesday the draft law on the protection of IT systems of public authorities and institutions in the context of the invasion launched by the Russian Federation against Ukraine,…

19:15, 14.09.2022

Government approves draft law on prohibition of purchase&use of antivirus software from Russian Federation

The government approved on Wednesday the draft law on the protection of the IT systems of public authorities and institutions in the context of the invasion launched by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the…

18:50, 13.09.2022

Development Bank of Romania to start activity after getting authorisations from EC, national bank (draft)

The Development Bank of Romania (BDR) will be able to start its activity after the European Commission will issue an authorization decision in the matter of state aid and after obtaining the operating authorization…

20:40, 12.08.2022

CSM - favorable opinion on draft modifications to the Justice laws (sources)

The Plenary of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) on Friday gave a favourable opinion, with observations, the draft modifications to the Justice laws, CSM sources told AGERPRES. Fii la curent cu cele mai…

18:45, 12.08.2022

JusMin Predoiu: Many of received modifications found in draft modifications to Justice laws

Minister of Justice Catalin Predoiu stated on Friday that many of the modifications received and examined were found in the draft amendments to the Justice laws. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

15:06, 12.08.2022

Education Ministry approves proposals of Romanian Alliance of Universities of Technology to improve Higher Education draft law

Most of the proposals of the Romanian Alliance of Universities of Technology (ARUT) developed in order to improve the Educated Romania Higher Education draft law were approved following a meeting held on Friday…

21:40, 11.08.2022

Budget revision draft: Consolidated budget deficit to be increased by 2.649 billion RON

The revenues of the general consolidated budget will increase, on balance, by 29.941 billion RON, spending by 32.591 billion RON, while the consolidated general budget deficit on a cash basis will increase by 2.649…

19:05, 11.08.2022

Budget rectification draft: General consolidated budget to be increased by 2.649 billion lei

Revenues of the general consolidated budget will increase, on balance, by the amount of 29.941 billion lei, expenditures by 32.591 billion lei, while the deficit of the general consolidated budget in cash terms…

15:50, 03.08.2022

PM Ciuca: Gov't to approve draft law on maintaining minimum stocks of crude oil and/or petroleum products

On Wednesday, the government will approve the draft law on the establishment and maintenance of minimum reserves of oil and petroleum products, by modifying Law No. 85/2018, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said. Fii…

21:35, 13.07.2022

Gov't publishes new draft amendments to Tax Code

The Ministry of Finance published on Wednesday new draft amendments to the Tax Code, with the main additions regarding new deadlines for specific taxation and changes in the income tax system of micro-enterprises.…