Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:21, 19.06.2024

Almost 600 million euros for digitization of health system in Romania

Almost 600 million euros for digitization of health system in Romania

The health system has been allocated approximately 600 million euros for digitization, from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the funds to be used for the implementation of solutions such as the PIAS system,…

13:16, 17.05.2024

Presa sălăjeană digitizată

Presa sălăjeană digitizată

Biblioteca Județeană „I. S. Bădescu” Sălaj, instituție aflată în subordinea Consiliului Județean Sălaj și Arcanum, o companie cu experiență în digitizarea, arhivarea și publicarea materialelor tipărite, au încheiat…

15:30, 12.04.2024

Creation of AI cloud to serve Central and Eastern Europe, Romanias proposal in Vilnius at 3SI summit

Creation of AI cloud to serve Central and Eastern Europe, Romania's proposal in Vilnius at 3SI summit

The Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Bogdan Ivan, declared on Friday, in northern Bistrita, that, during the Summit of the Three Seas Initiative organized in Vilnius, he proposed on behalf of…

19:10, 15.03.2024

Romanians to have unique application to get rid of counters in relation with state

Romanians to have unique application to get rid of counters in relation with state

Romanians will have, by the end of this year, a unique application to get rid of counters and papers in the relationship with the state, the contract for the implementation of the application will be signed next…

20:50, 31.01.2024

20 centers of excellence in research to be financed with 1.6 billion RON

The Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization (MCID) announced on Wednesday the launch of the competition for centers of excellence in research, whose budget of 1.6 billion RON represents the "biggest"…

22:35, 30.01.2024

Cyber attack on Chamber of Deputies/STS reiterates it does not have authority to administer security of attacked system

The Special Telecommunications Service (STS) reiterated on Tuesday evening that it "does not have the authority to administer or ensure cyber security" of the IT system of the Chamber of Deputies."In the context…

19:01, 29.01.2024

Babes-Bolyai University creates two data centers through 2.2 million euros investment

Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca continues its digitization process through an investment of 2.2 million euros in two state-of-the-art data centers, the university informs in a release."Babes-Bolyai University…

21:45, 23.01.2024

Investment of almost 17 mln RON in largest digitization project at Romanian Post

Romanian Post has started the procurement procedure for an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, this strategic move marking another significant step in the company's digital evolution and represents a firm…

10:35, 01.11.2023

Prime minister announces talks for fast-forward digitization of Healthcare Insurance Office

Prime minister announces talks for fast-forward digitization of Healthcare Insurance OfficePrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said that he wants the National Healthcare Insurance Office to go digital in a fast-track…

22:26, 30.10.2023

Results of European Center for Cybersecurity, discussed by Vice-President of European Commission and State Secretary Mititelu

Romania's path in the European Digital Decade program, the implementation of the reforms provided for in Component 7 - Digital Transformation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, but also the results of…

12:00, 06.09.2023

Drumul la Biblioteca Județeană poate fi înlocuit cu un click. Mii de ziare și cărți istorice, digitizate

Printr-un parteneriat între Biblioteca Județeană Timiș „Sorin Titel” a Consiliului Județean Timiș și o firmă privată au fost digitizate gratuit peste 124.000 de pagini de presă și carte istorice. Economia realizată…

12:55, 01.09.2023

MAP Digitization of municipalities in Dobrogea: At least 20% of localities have not accessed EU money and will not do so soon in order to get rid of the…

At least 21 of the 121 municipalities in Dobrogea have never carried out a project for the digitisation of their institution, 26 have already taken European money for this domain of activity, and 39 have tried…

09:20, 24.08.2023

Funding worth 320 million euros for best Romanian researchers

The best Romanian researchers, both from the country and from the diaspora, "will receive millions of euros" for their research projects, through the Centers of Excellence competition, announced on Wednesday the…

14:00, 09.06.2023

International astronauts come to Romania between 11 and 14 June

International astronauts come to Romania between 11 and 14 June.International astronauts will be present in Bucharest from 11 to 14 June to take part in the AIM Higher Romania event organized by Space for a Better…

10:50, 16.05.2023

By 2026, 70 billion RON will be allocated to research (PM Ciuca)

Through the government program, it was agreed that, until 2026, 70 billion RON will be allocated to research, prime minister Ciuca said on Tuesday, stressing that an appropriate financing of this field can contribute…

14:20, 05.05.2023

Romania will have a committee for artificial intelligence

The minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Sebastian Burduja, signed an order regarding the establishment, organization and functioning of the Romanian Committee for Artificial Intelligence, as a result…

16:45, 24.04.2023

Ministry of Research and Moldovan partners organize first hackathon on 'Digitization of public services'

The Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization (MCID), in collaboration with the E-Governance Agency of the Republic of Moldova, is organizing the first hackathon on "Digitization of Public Services" on…

01:05, 24.04.2023

Serviciile sociale, digitizate la Albești

Aleșii locali ai comunei Albești au aprobat recent, în data de 13 aprilie, cu prilejul unei ședințe ordinare de lucru, cu unanimitate de voturi, 14, implementarea proiectului "HUB de servicii MMSS-SII MMSS", Cod…

23:10, 07.04.2023

Burduja: In order to develop, we must generate innovation in our country, not always import technologies of others

The Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Sebastian Burduja, stated, on Friday, at the University of Craiova, that if Romania is not be able to generate research, innovation to be exported to the rest…

20:40, 28.03.2023

Prime Ministers Ciuca, Morawiecki confirm 2022 - 2026 action plan

The joint meeting of the Romanian and Polish governments this Tuesday at the Victoria Palace of Government was an occasion for the two sides to confirm the 2022 - 2026 action plan agreed upon in previous meetings…

10:45, 23.03.2023

PM Ciuca received by Moldovan President Maia Sandu

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca was received on Thursday in Chisinau by President of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu.The head of the Romanian government is accompanied on his official visit to the Republic of Moldova…

15:31, 20.03.2023

Romania, United Arab Emirates sign memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of energy

Energy Minister Virgil Popescu and his counterpart of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Suhail Mohamed Al Mazrouei signed on Monday a memorandum of understanding in the energy area, which opens new ways of cooperation…

14:45, 13.03.2023

Fiscal controls to be more numerous, more efficient and faster, due to digitization (study)

Fiscal controls will be more numerous, more efficient, faster and directed towards certain risk areas due to the digitization of the fiscal administration and the introduction of almost real-time reporting of taxes…

20:25, 27.02.2023

Memorandum of scientific cooperation, signed by Romania and Israel

The representatives of the ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization from Romania and those of the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology from the State of Israel signed a Memorandum of Understanding…

10:46, 01.02.2023

Criminal record certificates to be available for online issue, as of Wednesday

The criminal record certificates will be available for online issue, as of Wednesday, through the ghiseul.ro and hub.mai.ro platforms, the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization and the Ministry of Interior…

19:25, 30.12.2022

Minister Burduja: We've met all milestones for 2022 under Recovery and Resilience Plan

The Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Sebastian Burduja, informs that the institution he leads had three PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) milestones to meet in December 2022, all of…

00:10, 30.12.2022

Romanian Research Gala - on January 31, at Romanian Athenaeum

The Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization announces the organization, on January 31, at the Romanian Athenaeum, of the first edition of the Romanian Research Gala, in which the achievements of the most…

15:55, 12.12.2022

Romania, Republic of Moldova sign Memorandum with Microsoft to speed up digitization process

The Romanian and Moldovan government will become part of a trilateral Memorandum of Understanding with Microsoft, meant to advance and speed up digital transformation projects in both countries. Fii la curent cu…

19:36, 21.11.2022

PM Ciuca, South Korean ambassador discuss nuclear energy, digitization, military cooperation

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca met on Monday at the Victoria Palace of Government with South Korean ambassador Rim Kap-Soo, with the two looking at the priorities in bilateral relations: nuclear and renewable energy,…

18:21, 02.11.2022

Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization - at Web Summit 2022 in Lisbon

The Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Sebastian Burduja, is currently paying a visit to Lisbon, where he is participating in the world's largest event for new technologies - Web Summit 2022, told…