Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

09:10, 21.06.2024

21st Century – The Century of Spirituality – A Glimpse into the MyAngels Social Platform

21st Century – The Century of Spirituality – A Glimpse into the MyAngels Social Platform

The digital era we are living in has brought the world to the most sophisticated stage of fragmentation. For the first time in history, people as social animals are joining communities independent of their national,…

20:10, 10.06.2024

President Iohannis promulgates law on research, development, innovation workers

President Iohannis promulgates law on research, development, innovation workers

President Klaus Iohannis on Monday signed a decree promulgating a law on research, development and innovation workers.On May 14, the Chamber of Deputies, the decision-making body in this case, passed a bill on…

09:46, 09.06.2024

PNLs Ciuca: I voted for Romanias development, preservation of values, European journey

PNL's Ciuca: I voted for Romania's development, preservation of values, European journey

National leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Nicolae Ciuca said on Sunday, upon exiting the polling station, that he voted for Romania's development, for the preservation of values, traditions and faith,…

22:45, 06.06.2024

Promises of PSD-PNL candidates in Bucharest: development, rebuilding, end of experiments, bringing sectors to light

Promises of PSD-PNL candidates in Bucharest: development, rebuilding, end of 'experiments', bringing sectors to light

The candidates of the PSD - PNL Alliance for the sector municipalities promised, on Thursday, at an electoral event organized by the social democrats, which ended the campaign for the June 9 elections, development…

17:05, 04.06.2024

Conferința “Challenges and opportunities for a sustainable development”, la Universitatea ...

Conferința “Challenges and opportunities for a sustainable development”, la Universitatea ...

Facultatea de Economie, Administrație și Afaceri (FEAA) din cadrul Universității Ștefan cel Mare din Suceava (USV), în parteneriat cu Forumul Belgiano-Roman, a organizat la finele săptămânii trecute, în format…

15:06, 04.06.2024

ICI Director General Vevera discusses cyber-security solutions, healthcare digital transformation in Chisinau

ICI Director General Vevera discusses cyber-security solutions, healthcare digital transformation in Chisinau

Director General of the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics (ICI Bucharest) Adrian-Victor Vevera has had a series of talks in Chisinau on the implementation of cyber-security solutions…

21:01, 30.05.2024

Economy Ministry can initiate expropriations for development of production capacities in defence industry

Economy Ministry can initiate expropriations for development of production capacities in defence industry

The Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, as the relevant ministry, can initiate and carry out expropriation procedures for reasons of public utility exclusively for the purpose of building, modernising,…

17:00, 30.05.2024

Mai mult de trei sferturi dintre companiile cu sedii multiple care fac container development s-au confruntat cu atacuri de securitate cibernetică

Mai mult de trei sferturi dintre companiile cu sedii multiple care fac container development s-au confruntat cu atacuri de securitate cibernetică

Potrivit celui mai recent studiu Kaspersky, mai mult de trei sferturi (85%) dintre companiile cu sedii multiple care utilizează pachete de software pentru development au suferit incidente de securitate cibernetică…

18:30, 29.05.2024

Bucharest Chamber of Commerce getting involved in the developing Romania-Brazil business ties

Bucharest Chamber of Commerce getting involved in the developing Romania-Brazil business ties

The Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIB) is involved in the development of business ties between Romania and Brazil, offering its members, and the business community in general, opportunities for new…

22:46, 27.05.2024

ICI Bucharest hosts ASEAN ambassadors discussing strengthening diplomatic ties, promoting technology co-operation

ICI Bucharest hosts ASEAN ambassadors discussing strengthening diplomatic ties, promoting technology co-operation

The National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics - ICI Bucharest hosted on Monday a high-level meeting with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) ambassadors - Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand…

20:11, 22.05.2024

The Art and Science of Developing Slot Games

The Art and Science of Developing Slot Games

Slot games are the heart of any online casino, captivating players with their vibrant graphics, engaging themes, and the promise of big wins. When it comes to exploring the world of online gambling , wypłacalne…

21:55, 16.05.2024

Luca Niculescu, on Romanias accession to OECD: We are on schedule; the process is very alert

Luca Niculescu, on Romania's accession to OECD: We are on schedule; the process is very alert

Romania is "on schedule" regarding the process of joining the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and now we are in the phase where the hearings have already started, the national coordinator…

19:50, 14.05.2024

Team of Romanian researchers develop open source language model dedicated to Romanian language

Team of Romanian researchers develop open source language model dedicated to Romanian language

A team of researchers from the Politechnica University of Bucharest and the Institute for Logic and Data Science has developed a language model dedicated to the Romanian language, which can be used for the development…

16:26, 10.05.2024

Developează pozele preferate, transformându-le în amintiri unice!

Developează pozele preferate, transformându-le în amintiri unice!

Ai un depozit impresionant de fotografii în format digital, ai captat acele cadre inedite pe care ţi le doreai de mult timp sau ai surprins un moment important din viaţa familiei tale, atunci nu ezita, ci apelează…

14:15, 09.05.2024

BVB, EBRD to review Romanian market corporate governance code

BVB, EBRD to review Romanian market corporate governance code

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will work together to review the Romanian market's corporate governance code, aligning it with recent regulatory changes…

14:05, 26.04.2024

PM Ciolacu: By developing strategic projects with UAE we will contribute to the economic development of both countries

PM Ciolacu: By developing strategic projects with UAE we will contribute to the economic development of both countries

Romania developing strategic projects with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will contribute to the economic development of both countries, Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Friday at the third session…

15:55, 25.04.2024

Executivul a aprobat memorandumul privind participarea României ca membru activ al D4D Hub

Executivul a aprobat memorandumul privind participarea României ca membru activ al D4D Hub

Conform comunicatului de presă al Guvernului, pentru a susţine sistemul naţional de IT&C pe pieţele emergente şi a face posibilă accesarea de fonduri externe, Guvernul a aprobat un Memorandum ce include următoarele…

20:30, 16.04.2024

Senates Ciuca on the Middle East situation: We must not rule out any kind of developments

Senate's Ciuca on the Middle East situation: We must not rule out any kind of developments

Senate chair Nicolae Ciuca on Tuesday stated that no scenario should be left aside when it comes to the analysis of the developments of the situation in the Middle East, because "the potential for escalation is…

19:25, 15.04.2024

Statute of research, development and innovation staff, adopted

Statute of research, development and innovation staff, adopted

The Senate adopted, on Monday, in a plenary sitting, the Government's draft law on the status of research, development and innovation personnel in order to fulfill Milestone 274 (Reform 5 - Component 9) of the…

22:00, 12.04.2024

Foreign Ministry recommends avoiding travels to Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran due to security developments in region

Foreign Ministry recommends avoiding travels to Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran due to security developments in region

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) recalls the recommendation addressed to Romanian citizens to avoid any travel to the State of Israel, Palestine, the Lebanese Republic and the Islamic Republic of Iran, in…

12:50, 10.04.2024

3.4 Richter degrees quake in Vrancea County on Wednesday morning

3.4 Richter degrees quake in Vrancea County on Wednesday morning

An earthquake with a magnitude of 3.4 Richter degrees occurred in Vrancea County on Wednesday at 9:54 a.m., according to information published by the National Institute for Research and Development in Earth Physics…

17:50, 04.04.2024

În România, diagnosticarea copiilor cu autism este în continuare foarte scăzută. Terapia începută până la vârsta de 3 ani duce la recuperare

În România, diagnosticarea copiilor cu autism este în continuare foarte scăzută. Terapia începută până la vârsta de 3 ani duce la recuperare

De Ziua Mondială a Conștientizării Autismului, HILS Development, alături de dr. Adina Negoiță, Founder & CEO Medikali, în parteneriat cu Asociația Blue Life, au organizat un workshop pe tema autismului pentru a…

23:30, 03.04.2024

Atlantic Councils Distinguished Leadership Awards: Klaus Iohannis, among personalities honored at this years edition

Atlantic Council's Distinguished Leadership Awards: Klaus Iohannis, among personalities honored at this year's edition

The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, will be honored by the Atlantic Council for outstanding leadership in a ceremony that will take place on May 8 in Washington D.C. Similar honors will be given to US Secretary…

18:50, 03.04.2024

BNR, interested in drawing up in-depth economic studies on developments in construction field

BNR, interested in drawing up in-depth economic studies on developments in construction field

The situation in the construction sector can be considered an important indicator of the general economic state of the country, and the National Bank of Romania (BNR) is interested in drawing up in-depth economic…

22:11, 02.04.2024

BVB closes Tuesdays session on trades of over RON 65 million

BVB closes Tuesday's session on trades of over RON 65 million

The Bucharest Stock Exchange reported trades of RON 65.097 million (EUR 13.096 million) on Tuesday, including RON 57.723 million (EUR 11.613 million) in share trades. The main BET index reflecting the developments…

15:20, 30.03.2024

Consiliul Judetean Constanta investeste in reparatiile curente a heliportului SMURD Constanta (DOCUMENTE)

Consiliul Judetean Constanta investeste in reparatiile curente a heliportului SMURD Constanta (DOCUMENTE)

Consiliul Judetean Constanta achizitioneaza prin cumparare directa componente necesare reparatiilor curente a heliportului SMURD Constanta.Ofertantul castigator a fost declarat ABC Development Aviation.Valoarea…

17:00, 20.03.2024

Compania administrata de Attila Marton va asigura serviciile de mentenanta la heliportul SMURD de la Constanta (DOCUMENT)

Compania administrata de Attila Marton va asigura serviciile de mentenanta la heliportul SMURD de la Constanta (DOCUMENT)

Contractul in valoare de 72.000 lei fara TVA, adica peste 14.400 euro a revenit societatii ABC Development Aviation SRL Serviciile lunare de mentenanta a heliportului SMURD se vor efectua pentru o perioada de 8…

22:15, 19.03.2024

Study in Romania programme to become tool for developing university partnerships with US (official)

Study in Romania programme to become tool for developing university partnerships with US (official)

The 'Study in Romania' National Programme for Internationalisation of University Studies will become a powerful tool for supporting and developing university partnerships with educational establishments in the…

12:20, 15.03.2024

Bucharest Stock Exchange opens amid mixed developments

Bucharest Stock Exchange opens amid mixed developments

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) indices recorded a mixed performance on Friday, with turnover reaching RON 6.139 million (EUR 1.234 million), 80 minutes after the start of trading, told Agerpres. The main BET…

12:51, 13.03.2024

Romania’s GDP to grow 3.1% in 2024 says OECD

Romania’s GDP to grow 3.1% in 2024 says OECD

Romania’s economy is expected to expand by 3.1% in 2024 and by 3.3% next year said the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), according to See News. Cost pressures on households will gradually…