Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:50, 01.12.2022

Thousands attend National Day military parade at Triumphal Arch, despite rain

Thousands of people attended on a rainy Thursday a military parade on December 1, Romania's National Day, at the Triumphal Arch in Bucharest, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

10:55, 07.11.2022

European energy bills hit record despite government support

European households are paying more than ever for their electricity and natural gas, even as governments spend billions to shield consumers from the energy crisis, Bloomberg reports. The average retail gas price…

13:11, 22.10.2022

Stere Halep, prima reacție după ce Simona a fost despitată pozitiv - Care este starea fostei lidere WTA

Stere Halep, tatăl Simonei Halep, a oferit primele informații despre starea de spirit a fiicei sale, după ce aceasta a fost suspendată provizoriu fiind testată pozitiv cu roxadustat, o substanță interzisă.

08:00, 26.09.2022

A 10-a noapte de proteste violente în Iran: Moarte dictatorului!

Iranienii au ieșit în stradă pentru a zecea noapte consecutiv pentru a protesta față de moartea Mahsei Amini, sfidând un avertisment din partea justiției. Oficial, cel puțin 41 de persoane au murit de la începutul…

14:10, 30.06.2022

Russia open to dialogue on nuclear non-proliferation, says Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Moscow was open to a dialogue on strategic stability and nuclear non-proliferation, according to Reuters. Despite Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, both Moscow…

17:35, 23.06.2022

„Cu astfel de eroi nu putem fi învinși!”. Veteranul ucrainean Vasil Ștefko luptă pe front, deși a rămas fără picioare

La 55 de ani, fără picioare, pe care și le-a pierdut într-un accident de muncă în Rusia, ucraineanul Vasil Ștefko din Kușniția, un sat din regiunea Transcarpatia, s-a angajat pe front pentru a-și apăra țara. Povestea…

13:45, 08.06.2022

Euro zone GDP growth speeds up in Q1 despite Ukraine war

The euro zone economy grew much faster in the first quarter of the year than in the previous three months despite the impact of the war in Ukraine, the European Union statistics office said on Wednesday, revising…

09:20, 07.06.2022

Ambasadorul Rusiei la ONU a plecat de la o ședință a Consiliului de Securitate. Afirmația care l-a înfuriat

Ambasadorul Rusiei la ONU, Vassily Nebenzia, a părăsit furios reuniunea Consiliului de Securitate al Națiunilor Unite, după ce președintele Consiliului European, Charles Michel, a acuzat că invazia rusă din Ucraina…

08:30, 13.05.2022

(VIDEO) Cum se trage la Azovstal

Scenă filmată cu luptele de la oțelăria Azovstal. Ultimii apărători ai Mariupolului continuă să contraatace, deși sunt depășiți numeric, iar rușii sunt mai bine dotați cu armament. 78th day of the war, in conditions…

23:11, 06.04.2022

Incident în curtea Capitoliului din SUA. Un politician a fost atacat de… o vulpe

„Nu am văzut-o şi dintr-o dată am simţit că ceva mă mușcă de picior. Am sărit şi mi-am luat umbrela”, a povestit Bera.Thanks everyone for the well wishes! I feel healthy and am glad to be back at work.Despite the…

14:20, 01.03.2022

Ucrainenii atacă mașinile rușilor cu mâinile goale! VIDEO

Ucrainenii de rând se opun blindatelor și atacă mașinile rușilor într-un oraș din estul țării " #Kupyansk is #Ukraine ???????? "Despite the mayor of the city surrendered the city to #Russians , the inhabitants…

13:15, 11.02.2022

Some European countries are scrapping all Covid rules despite scientists warning it’s too soon

Several European countries are scrapping Covid regulations, despite the World Health Organization (WHO) urging governments to protect their people using every tool in the toolkit, according to CNBC.  Sweden lifted…

11:26, 07.02.2022

Road Workers Union: Working staff is insufficient, inappropriate salaries

The staff designated for snow removal has a permanent activity, "24 hours", during the months of October-April, regardless of weather conditions, the working staff is insufficient and with inappropriate salaries,…

11:50, 02.02.2022

Romania sees the end of state of alert despite record Covid-19 incidence

Romanian health minister Alexandru Rafila said on Tuesday that the country “may return to normal” at the end of March and indicates there will be no need to extend the state of alert, according to Romania-Insider.…

11:50, 25.01.2022

Ecosystem development in Romania must be key to overall economic development (EconMin)

Ecosystem development in Romania must be the key to overall economic development, Economy Minister Florin Spataru said on Tuesday at the "Romanian Industry: Investing for a Green Future" event. Spataru added that…

21:00, 20.01.2022

Despite ruling for prompt service resumption, Bucharest public transport strike might continue

The Bucharest public transport workers who went on strike today refuse to resume activity despite a ruling requiring them to end their protest immediately, and the vehicles might stay off the road tomorrow too,…

18:56, 16.01.2022

Proteste de amploare în Olanda împotriva campaniei de vaccinare și a restricțiilor pandemice

Protestatarii au cântat şi au scandat sloganuri anti-guvern. Ei au defilat apoi şi au blocat traficul.“Să revenim acum la normal!” şi “Destul cu minciunile” sunt doar două din mesajele afişate de manifestanţi.…

13:35, 13.01.2022

Djokovic included in Australian Open draw despite visa threat

Novak Djokovic has been entered into the first tennis grand slam of 2022 even as doubts remain over whether he’ll be allowed to stay in Australia and compete, according to Bloomberg.  The Australian Open number…

16:50, 10.01.2022

Reacția lui Novak Djokovic, după decizia instanței: „Sunt mulţumit şi recunoscător”

Jucătorul sârb de tenis Novak Djokovic a transmis un mesaj prin intermediul unei rețele de socializare, după ce instanţa din Melbourne a întors decizia de anulare a vizei lui de intrare în Australia. Liderul clasamentului…

15:35, 10.01.2022

FOTO Novak Djokovic, prima postare de la izbucnirea scandalului de la Melbourne

​Absent din social medial în ultimele zile din cauza scandalului în care a fost implicat, Novak Djokovic a redevenit activ în cursul zilei de luni. Liderul ATP a postat o imagine pe contul personal…

13:50, 04.01.2022

France vows to go ahead with vaccine pass despite parliamentary glitch

French government officials on Tuesday vowed to enact by mid-January as planned a law to block unvaccinated people from hospitality venues, despite the legislation hitting a procedural hitch in parliament overnight,…

15:15, 03.01.2022

Romania's GDP goes up by 17 billion Euro in 2021, from 2019 (minister)

Romania's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has gone up in 2021 by 17 billion Euro, as opposed to 2019 and reached almost 1.190 billion RON, a historic record, according to the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Tourism,…

16:40, 26.12.2021

New bishop of Deva and Hunedoara, enthroned at cathedral in Deva

His Grace, father Nestor, was enthroned on Sunday as bishop of Deva and Hunedoara, where the Metropolitan Laurentiu of Ardeal participated, along with a council of priests. During the religious ceremony, which…

19:10, 23.12.2021

Bucharest mayor invites parties to submit proposals for City Hall budget

Bucharest general mayor Nicusor Dan says that, based on the state budget adopted in Parliament, it will be impossible for Bucharest Mayoralty (PMB) to "cover the needs" of the capital at the level of the current…

17:55, 20.12.2021

Local wine market will got up by 20% this year (analysis)

The turnover of Romanian winemakers will go up by 20% this year, from a level of 1.7 billion RON in 2020, Romania having the highest yearly estimate upfront fee of wine manufacturing in the EU in 2021, according…

12:15, 20.12.2021

London banking job exodus to EU slows despite Brexit

The number of finance jobs shifting from Britain to the European Union due to Brexit is less than initially expected despite billions of euros in share trading moving to the bloc and London losing most of its access…

13:45, 18.10.2021

Dacian Ciolos submits minority cabinet list to Romanian Parliament, with approval unlikely

Romanian Prime Minister-Designate and USR party leader Dacian Ciolos submitted a proposed minority government to parliament, though its chances of approval are remote, meaning the current political crisis is likely…

10:05, 24.09.2021

Orban says he will not leave politics, even though PM Citu already `retired him

The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Ludovic Orban, says that he does not intend to leave politics and that he is only taking into account that he will win the internal elections, even though Florin…

15:40, 10.09.2021

Actor Ion Caramitru burried with military honours at Bellu Cemetery, Actors' Alley

Actor Ion Caramitru was buried on Friday, with military honours, on the Actors' Alley of the Bellu Cemetery in the Capital City, in the presence of dozens of people who applauded for a long time. Despite the large…

14:46, 27.08.2021

Cyclist Eduard Novak wins silver at Tokyo 2020 Paralympics

Romanian cyclist Eduard Novak, the current Minister of Youth and Sports, won the Paralympic silver medal in the men's C4 4000 m individual pursuit on Friday, at the Izu Velodrome in Tokyo. Despite a better start,…