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20:30, 18.06.2024

EURO 2024 | Fan Zone-ul din Köln, închis din cauza alertei de furtună. Fanii scoțieni ajunseseră în oraș

EURO 2024 | Fan Zone-ul din Köln, închis din cauza alertei de furtună. Fanii scoțieni ajunseseră în oraș

Toate evenimentele de la Köln, de marți, 18 iunie, au fost anulate din cauza temerilor de „vreme severă”. Cei mai afectați au fost fanii scoțieni, care se află deja în orașul din Renania de Nord-Westfalia pentru…

15:05, 17.06.2024

15 morţi şi cel puțin 54 de răniţi, după ciocnirea a doua trenuri în India. Unul dintre vagoane a rămas în poziție aproape verticală: imagini halucinante

15 morţi şi cel puțin 54 de răniţi, după ciocnirea a doua trenuri în India. Unul dintre vagoane a rămas în poziție aproape verticală: imagini halucinante

Trenul de marfă a lovit trenul Kanchanjunga Express care se deplasa spre Kolkata, capitala Bengalului de Vest, dinspre statul nord-estic Tripura, scoţând de pe şine trei vagoane ale trenului de pasageri, relatează…

16:56, 25.03.2024

Science Report: Un gigant al industriei americane de armament va crea căile ferate de pe Lună ● AI ar putea despita bolile pulmonare după un simplu strănut…

Un gigant al industriei americane de armament va crea căile ferate de pe Lună ● AI ar putea despita bolile pulmonare după un simplu strănut ● Prețul alimentelor poate crește anual pe fondul încălzirii globale

13:06, 25.03.2024

Agenţia ONU pentru refugiaţii palestinieni spune că Israelul i-a interzis să livreze ajutoare în nordul Fâșiei Gaza

Anunțul privind interdicția stabilită de Israel a fost făcut duminică de șeful Agenției ONU de Ajutorare și Lucrări pentru Refugiații din Palestina în Orientul Apropiat (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, relatează AFP,…

14:50, 20.03.2024

Slovakia scraps graft prosecution unit despite EU criticism

Slovakia dismantled its dedicated state graft prosecution unit on Wednesday despite European Union concerns but seemed unlikely to face anytime soon hefty financial penalties akin to those Hungary received over…

14:40, 27.02.2024

EU Parliament passes nature law despite political backlash

The European Parliament approved an EU flagship law to restore nature on Tuesday, salvaging at least part of its plans to protect the environment after farmers’ protests ignited a backlash, according to Reuters. …

10:35, 19.01.2024

Protests in Romania rage on despite the government adopting brokered measures

The Romanian government adopted measures on Thursday, transposing into law the solutions reached in negotiations with protesting transporters and farmers during the week, although protesters remain on the streets…

13:10, 23.11.2023

PM Ciolacu: Despite all difficulties Minister Bolos secured resources of RON 13.7 billion

PM Ciolacu: Despite all difficulties Minister Bolos secured resources of RON 13.7 billionPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu says that Finance Miniser Marcel Bolos has managed to secure financial resources of RON 13.7…

10:25, 22.10.2023

Un suporter al echipei FC Sevilla a fost scos de pe stadion după ce a făcut gesturi rasiste către un fotbalist de la Real Madrid

FC Sevilla a anunţat că un suporter cu “comportament rasist şi xenofob” a fost scos din stadion la meciul de sâmbătă, 21 octombrie, cu Real Madrid, a anunțat clubul FC Sevilla într-un comunicat, informează BBC.Într-o…

15:01, 17.10.2023

Ungaria nu a vrut niciodată să se opună Rusiei, îi spune Orban lui Putin în marja summitului Noilor Drumuri ale Mătăsii al lui Xi

Ungaria încearcă să salveze contactele bilaterale ungaro-ruse în contextul unor tensiuni internaţionale importante, i-a spus Viktor Orban lui Vladimir Putin, la o întâlnire înainte de începerea summitului Noilor…

16:40, 12.10.2023

Cristian Mitrica swims over 20 km in solidarity with Israeli people, across Sea of Galilee

Cristian Mitrica swam, at the beginning of this week, across the Sea of Galilee, in the midst of war, in solidarity with the Israeli people and became the fastest Romanian swimmer to complete this race, despite…

12:10, 09.10.2023

OPEC boosts oil demand forecast to 2045 despite climate crisis

OPEC raised its world oil demand forecasts for the medium and long term in an annual outlook, and said $14 trillion of investment is needed to meet this demand even as renewable fuel use grows and more electric…

14:00, 08.09.2023

Food prices resume decline despite lingering supply threats

Global food prices resumed declines to the lowest in more than two years amid ample supplies of cooking oils and dairy, even as worries persist over flows of key staples from some regions, according to Bloomberg.…

09:20, 31.08.2023

Another patient injured in Crevedia explosions dies

Another patient injured in Crevedia explosions diesAnother patient injured in one of the explosions that took place in Crevedia late last week has died at Floreasca Emergency Hospital, the Health Ministry informed…

11:00, 23.08.2023

Romania risks missing 2025 recycling target despite national campaign

Romania is still far from meeting its 55% recycling target by 2025, with only 12-14% currently subject to selective collection, Environment Minister Mircea Fechet said at the launch of an anti-waste campaign on…

12:55, 14.08.2023

China defense minister to visit Russia, Belarus in show of support despite West’s objections

Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu is visiting Russia and Belarus in a show of support for those nations which the West has sought to isolate over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, according to AP News. Li departed…

10:10, 09.08.2023

EU countries cut firefighter jobs despite climate crisis, new data shows

The number of firefighters in the EU is declining, even as the bloc faces more wildfires as a result of climate change, Politico reports.  The bloc counted a total of 360,000 firefighters last year — 2,800 fewer…

09:10, 18.06.2023

Violențe în Alpi, în timpul unui protest față de construcția unei linii de cale ferată de mare viteză. 12 polițiști, răniți

Cel puțin 12 polițiști au fost răniți, sâmbătă, 17 iunie, în urma unei manifestații împotriva unui proiect feroviar, relatează Reuters. Totodată, 50 de protestatari au fost și ei răniți, în urma confruntărilor.Aproximativ…

12:06, 06.06.2023

Romania's accession to Schengen, off JHA Council meeting agenda despite being called priority

Romania's accession to Schengen, off JHA Council meeting agenda despite being called priority. Romania's accession to the Schengen area will not feature on the agenda of the last Justice and Home Affairs Council…

15:35, 06.05.2023

Flavius Biea wins IBA world middleweight title

Romanian boxer Flavius Biea won the vacant IBA world middleweight title after defeating Argentinian Juan Jose Velasco on points on Friday evening in a match that lasted 12 rounds, in a professional gala hosted…

18:55, 28.04.2023

Good agricultural year expected, yet total blockage looming due to product surplus from Ukraine

Despite expectations for a good agricultural year, Romanian farmers request the European Commission's support to avert the risk of "a total blockage" caused by massive Ukrainian exports, Florentin Bercu, executive…

15:15, 01.04.2023

Bistrita-Nasaud: Saxons Easter fair - Ostermarkt, tradition continued despite the weather and the times

The centuries-old tradition of the Saxons Easter Fair - Ostermarkt, held in the historic centre of the old medieval town of Bistrita on the Saturday before the Catholic Palm Sunday, was continued this year, despite…

12:16, 15.03.2023

ECB likely to stick to big rate hike despite banking turmoil, source says

European Central Bank policymakers are still leaning towards a half-percentage-point rate hike on Thursday, despite turmoil in the banking sector, as they expect inflation will remain too high in coming years,…

20:55, 13.03.2023

EU finance ministers play down SVB contagion despite banking shares rout

European finance ministers and the EU’s economics commissioner played down the contagion risk of the collapse of U.S. Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) while European bank shares saw their biggest rout since the start…

10:40, 22.02.2023

Erdogan clings to his ideal election date despite earthquakes

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan plans to step up rebuilding efforts following two deadly earthquakes and stick to an election timetable he declared earlier, as he seeks to shore up popularity ahead of a…

21:21, 20.02.2023

China și Ungaria, gata să coopereze pentru a pune capăt conflictului din Ucraina

China și Ungaria sunt gata să coopereze cu „națiunile iubitoare de pace” pentru a pune capăt războiului din Ucraina, a declarat luni cel mai înalt diplomat de la Beijing, notează AFP. Wang Yi a vorbit la Budapesta…

11:55, 19.12.2022

What Is the Best Essay Writing Service?

Regardless of what kind of writing you’ll need It is crucial to know a few things that you should look for when deciding on the essay writing services. This will professional essay writing service prevent costly…

13:15, 13.12.2022

Despite upward trend of COVID-19 cases, no cause for concern (HealthMin)

Minister of Health Alexandru Rafila confirmed that, similar to other European states, an increasing trend of COVID-19 cases is being recorded in the country, without any cause for concern, most of the cases being…

11:51, 07.12.2022

Romania-Schengen/Negrescu: Despite Austria's oppossition, Romania has four more solutions to enter Schengen

Despite Austria's opposition, Romania still has four possible solutions to enter the Schengen Area, says MEP Victor Negrescu, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook…

15:00, 05.12.2022

Money Back Guarantee For Paper Writer

If you require a piece of writing prepared by a research paper writer and/or one who’s an ESL writer or someone competent to write short compositions, you can locate a writing service for your specific needs. It…