Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:57, 22.04.2020

USR's Barna announces he voted against IBRD loan to Gendarmerie

Leader of the Save Romania Union (USR) on Wednesday announced he was the only member of the Committee for foreign affairs of the Deputies Chamber who voted against the ratification agreement of a 40-million euros…

22:05, 29.01.2020

CSM: Elimination of service pensions of magistrates seriously affects justice independence

The Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) said the elimination of the service pensions of the magistrates "is a very serious matter that affects justice independence." "The Superior Council of Magistracy is concerned…

17:46, 16.01.2020

UDMR's Korodi Attila on censure motion announced by PSD: Yes, we'll vote for it

Leader of the UMDR (Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania) Group in the Deputies Chamber, Korodi Attila, on Thursday told AGERPRES that the MPs of this political entity will vote for the censure motion that the…

20:36, 06.12.2019

PM Orban: Gov't to take responsibility for abrogation of "catastrophic provisions" of GEO No.114

The Government will take responsibility for the abrogation of "all the catastrophic provisions" of the GEO No. 114 in the next interval, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated on Friday.  "We will take responsibility…

09:13, 02.10.2019

Standing Bureaus of Parliament to convene on Wednesday to schedule debates on censure motion

The Standing Bureau of the two chambers of Parliament were convened on Wednesday, starting 10.30 am, to establish the timetable for the debates on the censure motion.  On Tuesday evening, the first attempt to have…

19:16, 03.06.2019

Deputies' Ciolacu: Right now, PSD has a draft regarding the revision of the Constitution

Speaker of the Deputies Chamber, Social Democrat Marcel Ciolacu, on Monday stated that the PSD (Social Democratic Party) will go to consultations at the Cotroceni Palace with a draft meant to modify the Constitution,…

18:43, 29.03.2019

Speaker Dragnea discusses with PM Tsipras about capitalising on development opportunities at regional level

Speaker of the Deputies Chamber Liviu Dragnea on Friday discussed with the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, Alexis Tsipras, who is currently paying a visit to Bucharest, about bilateral cooperation in fields…

16:06, 28.02.2019

PSD's Dragnea assures Zaev of Romania's support in European aspiration's of North Macedonia

Speaker of the Deputies Chamber Liviu Dragnea on Thursday will meet Zoran Zaev, the President of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, on which occasion he assured the Macedonian official about Romania's…

14:15, 20.01.2019

COSAC meeting starts in BUcharest on Sunday

The meeting of the Chairpersons of the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC) starts Sunday at the Romanian Parliament, being the first event organised…

10:06, 17.01.2019

JusMin Toader, about CCR decision on protocols: Not surprised

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said on Wednesday evening that he was not surprised by the decision of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR), which admitted the notification filed by the Speaker of the Deputies…

15:43, 16.01.2019

CCR: A conflict does exist between Public Ministry and Parliament regarding SRI protocols (sources)

Romania's Constitutional Court (CCR) on Wednesday admitted the notification filed by the Speaker of the Deputies Chamber regarding the existence of a conflict of a constitutional nature between the Public Ministry,…

15:12, 12.01.2019

USR's Rodeanu: Army's endowment programme, a national and international priority

The endowment programme of the Romanian Army represents both a national and a international priority, since we undertook to contribute to the defence of the NATO and EU borders, the USR (Save Romania Union) Deputy…

18:57, 20.12.2018

Deputies Chamber's Dragnea on adoption of 2019 state budget: 'In January, from what I know'

The state budget for 2019 will be adopted in January next year, the Speaker of the Deputies' Chamber, Liviu Dragnea, stated on Thursday."In January, from what I know. Because of this game we were forced to play…

20:38, 19.11.2018

CExN of the PSD votes on new Dancila Cabinet formula

The National Executive Committee (CExN) of the PSD (Social Democratic Party) on Monday approved the new formula of the Dancila Cabinet, after some ministers were reshuffled.Ilan Laufer will join again the government…

13:26, 16.10.2018

MP Bode: 'Romania needs to start a new phase, of implementing sustainable infrastructure, based on intelligent technologies'

Romania needs to leave behind the current phase of analysis and evaluation and start a new phase of action and implementation to create a sustainable transport infrastructure by implementing new intelligent technologies,…

19:32, 03.09.2018

PNL's request for Prime Minister to come to "Gov't Hour", rejected by Chamber's Standing Bureau

The Deputies' Chamber Standing Bureau rejected on Monday the National Liberal Party (PNL)'s request that Prime Minister Viorica Dancila should come in Parliament at "Government's Hour" to provide explanations regarding…

09:44, 10.08.2018

Liviu Dragnea, leader of the PSD: 'Prime Minister Viorica Dancila told me how President Klaus Iohannis yelled at her'

Speaker of the Deputies Chamber, Liviu Dragnea, leader of the PSD (Social Democratic Party) stated that Prime Minister Viorica Dancila told him how President Klaus Iohannis yelled at her in relation to the negative…

09:16, 10.08.2018

Liviu Dragnea: 'For President Klaus Iohannis normality means to overthrow a government'

Speaker of the Deputies Chamber, Liviu Dragnea, and leader of the PSD (Social Democratic Party), stated that for President Klaus Iohannis normality means to overthrow a government and break the parliamentary majority…

17:55, 04.07.2018

Parliament: Gabriel Vlase validated by Senators and Deputies as SIE head

The plenary sitting of the Deputies Chamber and Senate on Wednesday validated the Social Democrat Gabriel Vlase as head of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SIE) of Romania. As many as 340 votes were cast in "favour"…

13:28, 04.07.2018

Amendments to Criminal Code - adopted on articles by Deputies Chamber

The Chamber of Deputies' plenary Wednesday voted on articles the amendments to the Criminal Code.  The final vote will take place on Wednesday, also. The report was adopted on Tuesday afternoon by the MPs of the…

13:36, 03.07.2018

Dragnea on President's suspension:We will discuss in coalition whether we wait or not, it makes sense or not

Speaker of the Deputies Chamber and leader of the Social democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea stated on Tuesday that the option of suspending from office president Klaus Iohannis "is not out", mentioning that the…

12:43, 03.07.2018

Liviu Dragnea: Gov't reshuffle, discussed in coalition and with Prime Minister

The theme of a government reshuffle is discussed within the coalition and with the Prime Minister, Deputies Chamber Speaker and leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea.  According to him, the…

15:43, 02.07.2018

Dragnea-Sefcovic meeting; discussion on Romania's role in promoting energy security at European level

The Clean Energy file and Romania's role in promoting energy security at European level were the main topics discussed on Monday by Speaker of the Deputies Chamber Liviu Dragnea with Vice-President of the European…

20:15, 21.06.2018

PNL and USR notify CCR about Law on modification and completion of Law on judicial organization

The National Liberal Party (PNL) and the Save Romania Union (USR) on Thursday notified the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) abut the Law on modification and completion of Law no. 304/2004 on judicial organization.…

21:57, 29.05.2018

Chairman Orban: PNL tables motion against Finance Minister; next week against Economy Minister

The Liberals will table this week a simple motion with the Chamber of Deputies against Finance Ministers Eugen Teodorovici and next week, a simple motion with the Senate against the Minister of Economy, Danut Andrusca,…

08:57, 18.05.2018

Speaker Liviu Dragnea meets European Commissioner Elzbieta Bienkowska; main topic - continuation of cohesion policy

Speaker of the Deputies Chamber Liviu Dragnea on Thursday met with the European Commissioner for Single Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Elzbieta Bienkowska, the main topic…

14:45, 16.05.2018

Deputies Chamber adopts modification on Law regarding prevention and combating of terrorism

The plenary sitting of the Deputies Chamber on Wednesday adopted, 241 votes "in favour", 18 "against" and 7 "abstentions" a bill on the modification of Law no. 535/2004 regarding the prevention and combating of…

13:27, 15.05.2018

High Court: DNA prosecutors ask for jail sentence for PSD's Liviu Dragnea

National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) on Tuesday requested the Supreme Court to rule a prison sentence in the case of Speaker of the Deputies Chamber Liviu Dragnea, who is investigated in the DGASPC Teleorman…

10:37, 08.05.2018

President Iohannis says evolution of public finance totally lame, hence PM Dancila's resignation paramount

The evolution of the public finances is 'totally unsatisfactory' said on Monday night President Klaus Iohannis, in a statement at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace, adding that Prime minister Viorica Dancila stepping…

10:09, 04.05.2018

PSD' Dragnea: see no serious reason why the President would ask PM's resignation

Speaker of the Deputies Chamber Liviu Dragnea on Thursday stated he saw no serious reason why the head of the state Klaus Iohannis would ask for the resignation of Prime Minister Viorica Dancila.  "I, for one,…