Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:26, 30.05.2024

Over half billion PET bottles, cans, bottles recovered under Romanias deposit-refund system (official)

Over half billion PET bottles, cans, bottles recovered under Romania's deposit-refund system (official)

Over half a billion PET bottles, cans and glass bottles have been recovered so far under Romania's deposit-refund system RetuRo, which confirms that we are reaching our targets and indicators, Minister of the Environment,…

14:45, 27.05.2024

Aprils household and business deposits up 0.9 pct month-on-month

April's household and business deposits up 0.9 pct month-on-month

The deposits of non-government resident customers were 0.9 percent up this April from the previous month, to RON 589.925 billion; compared to April 2023, the advance was 11.9 percent (5.6 percent in real terms),…

13:10, 08.04.2024

Over half of Romanians currently recycling under Deposit-Refund System (Kantar)

Over half of Romanians currently recycling under Deposit-Refund System (Kantar)

More than half of Romanians have adopted the Deposit-Refund System (DRS), and 25% of them say they frequently return packages with the DRS symbol to collection points, according to findings of a recent Kantar survey.

13:06, 23.01.2024

Household and business deposits up 3.3 pct month-on-month in December 2023

Household and business deposits up 3.3 pct month-on-month in December 2023The deposits of non-government resident customers were 3.3 percent up in December 2023 from the previous month, to RON 573.951 billion;…

16:36, 26.10.2023

OMV Petrom delists from London Stock Exchange

OMV Petrom announces the entry into force of the delisting of GDRs from the standard listing segment of the Official List of the Financial Conduct Authority and the cessation of trading of GDRs on the Main Market…

12:31, 10.10.2023

ANRE's Niculescu: On October 9 gas deposits were 99.72pct full

Romania's gas deposits were 99.72pct full in early October, with 2.861 cubic metres being stored, meaning that our country will have no problem to cover for its needs this winter, stated the head of the National…

16:55, 21.09.2023

EnviMin Fechet: There are only 70 days left before the Deposit Return System is commissioned

EnviMin Fechet: There are only 70 days left before the Deposit Return System is commissionedMinister of the Environment, Waters and Forestry Mircea Fechet told the "PRIA Competition and Circular Economy" conference…

09:45, 30.08.2023

Primăria Capitalei, despre reamplasarea statuii împăratului Traian: Mai durează

După ce “România liberă” a arătat că statuia împăratului Traian, din Capitală, este ținută în deposit de Primăria Municipiului București (PMB), de aproximativ patru ani, administrația publică locală condusă de…

08:35, 14.06.2023

OMV Petrom makes largest crude oil discovery in decades

Romanian oil and gas group OMV Petrom, majority-controlled by Austria’s OMV, said on Tuesday it discovered new crude oil and natural gas deposits equal to about three quarters of its overall 2022 production, according…

11:35, 24.03.2023

ECB to reassure EU leaders on bank stability, call for EU deposit insurance

The European Central Bank is likely to reassure European Union leaders on Friday that euro zone banks are safe after market turbulence caused by Swiss and U.S. banks, but call on them to push on with an EU deposit…

13:45, 25.10.2022

Deposits of non-government customers up 1pct in September

Deposits of non-government resident customers went up by 1.0 percent month on month to 491,700.7 million RON, while the annual growth rate was 8.7 percent (down 6.2 percent in real terms), the National Bank of…

15:41, 14.09.2022

Natural gas deposits reach 79 pct, Energy minister says

The filling rate of natural gas deposits has reached the level of 79 pct and by the end of the week it will exceed the threshold of 80 pct, Energy Minister Virgil Popescu announced on Wednesday at the briefing…

08:51, 20.08.2022

Grup de Investitori: Ucraina a declanşat un eveniment de restructurare, prin blocarea plăţii datoriilor suverane

Comitetul de determinare pentru instrumentel derivate de credit (CDDC) a declarat că membrii săi au votat ”da” în cazul unei întrebări pentru a determina dacă a avut loc ”un eveniment de restructurare a creditului”…

07:45, 14.07.2022

Euro, mai slab decât dolarul SUA. Cum s-a ajuns aici, ce înseamnă acest lucru și la ce ne putem aștepta mai departe

​De peste 20 de ani, euro a fost o monedă mai puternică decât dolarul SUA. Asta până zilele trecute, când raportul a devenit de 1:1, iar miercuri euro a fost cotat la mai puțin de un dolar. De ce scade euro Europa…

13:41, 15.05.2022

Miliardarul rus Roman Abramovici a încercat să-și vândă vila de 10 milioane de euro din Portugalia. Tranzacția a fost blocată de autorități

Portugalia a blocat vânzarea unei vile de 10 milioane de euro a miliardarului rus Roman Abramovici, relatează ziarul  Publico , citat de The Guardian. Potrivit sursei citate, documentele de proprietate pentru vila din…

10:01, 15.05.2022

Portugalia a blocat vânzarea unei vile de 10 milioane de euro a lui Abramovici

Portugalia a blocat vânzarea unei vile în valoare de 10 milioane de euro care îi apartine miliardarului rus Roman Abramovici, noteaza jurnalul Publico, citat de The Guardian. Abramovici ar fi încercat sa vânda…

18:15, 27.04.2022

Deposits in banks of companies, population down 0.5pct in March

Deposits of non-government resident customers went down 0.5 percent month on month to RON 478,751.9 million, while the annual growth rate was 11.1 percent (0.9 percent in real terms), the National Bank of Romania…

11:05, 06.04.2022

„Avem totdeauna în deposit şi primim comandă”

„Avem totdeauna în deposit şi primim comandă"„Noi avem totdeauna în deposit şi primim comandă pentru locomobile şi maşine de îmblătit cu vapor, vârtejuri stabile şi transportabile, maşine de îmblătit ţântuite şi…

18:10, 30.03.2022

Saharan dust deposits especially in western, central and northern Romania, as of Thursday

A tropical air mass from northern Africa loaded with dust particles of Saharan origin will advance to southern and southeastern Europe, including Romania, in the coming days, informs the National Environmental…

17:20, 15.03.2022

Over half a million RON deposited in account opened by Red Cross Suceava for support in Ukraine

In the account opened by the Red Cross Suceava, aimed at acquiring necessary materials for granting humanitarian aid for Ukraine, donations were deposited until now, summing up 544,993 RON, the northeastern Suceava…

13:25, 26.01.2022

Deposits in banks of firms and population up by 3.6 pct in December

Deposits of non-governmental resident clients have increased in December 2021 by 3.6% over the previous month, up to the level of 479.302 billion RON, as well as by 13.9% (5.3% in real terms) over December 2020,…

15:00, 23.07.2021

Bank deposits for companies and population go up slightly in June, by only 0.5%

The deposits of non-government clients have gone up in June 2021 by 0.5% as opposed to May, to up to 438.084 billion RON, and by 14.7% (10.3% in real terms) when comparing with the similar period of last year,…

15:30, 23.06.2021

Bank deposits of companies and population up by 0.6 pct in May

The deposits of non-governmental clients increased in May 2021 by 0.6 pct over April, up to the level of 435.904 billion RON, and by 13.7 pct (9.5 pct in real terms) over the same month of the previous year, the…

12:40, 27.05.2021

Bank deposits of companies and population increase 0.6pct in April

At end-April 2021, deposits of non-government resident customers advanced by 0.6 percent month on month to RON 433,339.5 million and the annual growth rate was 14.5 percent (10.9 percent in real terms), according…

18:21, 20.04.2021

De ce Biden are nevoie de expulzarea rușilor din Cehia?

Acum, solidaritatea se manifestă prin faptul că ambele maluri ale Atlanticului trebuie să aibă relații la fel de proaste cu Rusia – și dacă relațiile ruso-americane se înrăutățesc, atunci Europa nu are dreptul…

18:01, 08.04.2021

ANRM: Romania's interest is in Black Sea natural gas investment to start in 2022, or deposits will devalue

Romania's interest is for investment in the Neptune Deep field in the Black Sea to start in 2022, otherwise the natural gas there will lose its value, said on Thursday Director of the National Mineral Resources…

16:56, 10.03.2021

Ne va afecta pe toți: Carnea de pasăre se va scumpi

CHIȘINĂU, 10 mart - Sputnik. Din cauza secetei din anul trecut, recolta de cereale s-au redus considerabil, fapt care a influențat și asupra prețurilor. Cel mai mult sunt afectați crescătorii de păsări. © Sputnik…

12:55, 28.12.2020

Deposits of non-government resident customers rise by 1.5% in November

Deposits of non-government resident customers have gone up in November 2020, by 1.5% as opposed to the previous month, to the level of 410,279 million RON and by 15% (12.6% in real terms) as opposed to the same…

09:11, 25.12.2020

Cum alegi cadoul perfect de Anul Nou și care ar fi darul greșit

CHIȘINĂU, 25 dec – Sputnik. Cel mai prost cadou de Anul Nou ar fi o mască de protecție, în opinia mai multor persoane cu care a stat de vorbă corespondentul Sputnik. © Sputnik / Rostislav NetisovUn Revelion cu…

13:10, 22.12.2020

Bibliotecile în pandemie: Ce s-a schimbat în 2020

PodcasturiBibliotecile în pandemie: Ce s-a schimat în 2020 De exemplu, Biblioteca Națională a Republicii Moldova, la fel ca și celelalte instituții de profil, a avut parte de multe schimbări în programul de activitate.…