Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:13, 07.09.2019

Table tennis: Romania's women's team, through to final of ITTF European Table Tennis Championships in Nantes

Romania's women's team on Saturday qualified for the final of the ITTF European Table Tennis Championships in Nantes, France, after it defeated Poland's team in the semifinals, 3-1. Defending champion, team Romania…

20:14, 05.09.2019

Romanian women's team through to European Table Tennis Championships quarterfinals

The Romanian women's team advanced on Thursday to the quarterfinals of the European Table Tennis Championships in Nantes (France), after blanking Spain 3-0 in its last Group 1 match.Defending champion Romania claimed…

23:53, 05.08.2019

Jaguar si Land Rover au probleme grave! Cele doua marci au sanse sa devina falimentare

Conform celor de la Autocar cele doua marci trebuie sa se redereseze prin lansarea a 5 noi modele in anii care urmeaza, masini care trebuie sa salveze de la faliment cei doi producatori. Land Rover se afla pe ultima…

14:41, 03.08.2019

Caracal case/DIICOT: Lab tests show genetic profile of a single person - Alexandra Macesanu

The lab tests conducted so far in the Caracal case showed the genetic profile of a single person - Alexandra Mihaela Macesanu, the result being based on the scientific comparison of the genetic profile of the sample…

20:36, 30.07.2019

PM Dancila suggests complex assessment of citizens defenders' professionalism

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Tuesday at the Interior Ministry that a complex assessment of the professionalism of those who are involved in defending the citizens is needed, given the recent Caracal tragedy,…

22:55, 27.07.2019

Caracal case/ Gheorghe Dinca - arrested for 30 days; decision taken by Dolj Court

The Dolj County Court on Saturday decided to held in preventive detention for 30 days Gheorghe Dinca, the man from Caracal Town suspected of murdering a teenager of 15 from the Dobrosloveni locality, Olt County,…

22:44, 10.07.2019

Tabãrã de pregãtire pentru sportivii de la “Defender” Vaslui

Kempo ANTRENAMENTE… Sportivii vasluieni, legitimati la C.S “Defender” Vaslui, au participat la Summer Camp – Kranevo, Bulgaria. La tabãra de pregãtire au fost prezenti sportivi din România, Bulgaria, Republica…

17:19, 02.07.2019

(update) Scurgere de informaţii despre noul Defender! O versiune va avea opt locuri pentru pasageri

Seria de informaţii despre noul Defender, care tot apar în spaţiul online, pare să nu contenească. De această dată aflăm primele specificaţii ale SUV-ului pregătit inclusiv pentru escapade în off-road.

22:18, 27.06.2019

Defender din Iasi se înfruptã grosolan din “cascavalul” lui Pavãl!

Scandal la împãrtirea bugetului pentru sport SUPÃRÃRI…Lumea sportului vasluian stã pe un butoi de pulbere dupã ce Primãria Vaslui a publicat lista cu asociatiile sportive care vor primi finantare nerambursabilã…

16:25, 27.06.2019

Antigraft body: 34 defendants receive final court rulings in May in corruption cases

The National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) announced on Thursday that in the files handled by the anticorruption prosecutors in May, 34 defendants were convicted by 20 final court rulings.According to a DNA…

10:57, 04.06.2019

Imagini noi din timpul testelor cu viitorul Defender: modelul britanicilor debutează în ...

La finalul anului trecut, Land Rover a publicat un set de fotografii din timpul testelor cu viitorul Defender. Acum, constructorul britanic a pregătit imagini noi realizate în cadrul proiectului demarat în Kenya…

10:57, 04.06.2019

Pe urmele succesului

La finalul anului trecut, Land Rover a publicat un set de fotografii din timpul testelor cu viitorul Defender. Acum, constructorul britanic a pregătit imagini noi realizate în cadrul proiectului demarat în Kenya…

21:46, 03.06.2019

Romania's Halep advances to French Open women's singles quarter-finals

Defending champion Romania's Simona Halep on Monday advanced to the women's singles quarter-finals at the French Open tennis tournament, a Grand Slam tournament, after defeating Polish Iga Swiatek 6-1 6-0.It took…

21:14, 21.05.2019

O navă de război britanică a distrus o dronă, cu o rachetă supersonică. Imagini impresionante VIDEO

Royal Navy a postat pe 20 mai imagini care arată cum distrugătorul HMS Defender îşi testează sistemul său de apărare aeriană PAAMS. Exerciţiul simula un atac cu dronă asupra navei, în întâmpinarea acesteia fiind…

22:42, 20.05.2019

6 medalii pentru “Defender” Vaslui la Campionatul National de Kempo

REZULTATE… Sportivii de la “Defender” Vaslui au urcat pe podium la Campionatul National de Kempo Submission si Knockdown. Vasluienii au cucerit sase medalii, dintre care patru de aur si douã de bronz. Cele mai…

21:32, 17.05.2019

Iohannis urges students to turn out to vote, defend their interests

President Klaus Iohannis on Friday urged the students to turn out for the May 26 elections to the European Parliament."In 2016 I encouraged the students to take part in elections. Next week you will have this chance…

12:48, 14.05.2019

Viitoarea generație Range Rover va fi prezentată în 2021: viitorul SUV va avea o versiune ...

În acest moment, reprezentanții Land Rover pregătesc lansarea noii generații Defender. Dar pe lista scurtă a constructorului britanic se află și o nouă generație a lui Range Rover. Conform unor surse apropiate…

16:53, 09.05.2019

In Sibiu Declaration, EU leaders agree on 10 commitments, including defending one Europe

At an informal summit in Sibiu on Thursday, EU leaders unanimously agreed on 10 commitments, including defending "one Europe", a Europe that will be "a responsible global leader.""We reaffirm our belief that united,…

15:26, 09.05.2019

#Romania2019.eu / In Sibiu Declaration, EU leaders agree on 10 commitments, including defending one Europe

At an informal summit in Sibiu on Thursday, EU leaders unanimously agreed on 10 commitments, including defending "one Europe", a Europe that will be "a responsible global leader."  "We reaffirm our belief that…

11:35, 02.05.2019

Land Rover a publicat imagini noi din timpul testelor cu viitorul Defender: prototipurile au ...

La finalul anului trecut, Land Rover a publicat primele imagini oficiale cu viitoarea generație Defender. Acum, constructorul britanic revine cu noi fotografii realizate în timpul testelor. Până în acest moment,…

21:17, 06.03.2019

Marea Britanie a trimis un distrugător puternic pentru a escorta mai multe nave militare rusești care traversează Canalul Mânecii - VIDEO

Un distrugător al Forţelor navale britanice a fost trimis să escorteze nave militare ruse care traversează Canalul Mânecii, anunţă Ministerul Apărării de la Londra, avertizând că Marea Britanie urmăreşte dacă ambarcaţiunile…

15:57, 28.01.2019

Anti-corruption authority: 131 defendants handed down final sentences in November - December 2018

A total of 131 defendants have been handed down final sentences in November - December 2018 in corruption cases built by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA); the said defendants include a former deputy,…

22:44, 09.11.2018

DefMin Fifor says Romanian Artillery distinguished through heroic sacrifices for defending national identity

The Romanian artillery distinguished, since its establishment, through heroic sacrifices for defending the national identity, reads a message of National Defence Minister Mihai Fifor delivered on the celebration…

21:06, 25.10.2018

DefCamp anunță agenda completă a conferinței și noutățile din acest an

DefCamp, cea mai mare conferință de securitate cibernetică din Europa Centrală și de Est, anunță agenda completă pentru cea de-a noua ediție, care va avea loc în Bucuresti pe 8-9 noiembrie. În cele…

14:52, 25.10.2018

Judges' Forum requests minister of Justice to abandon revoking procedure of Prosecutor General

The Romanian Judges' Forum Association (FJR) and the Movement for Defending the Status of Prosecutors have requested the minister of Justice, Tudorel Toader, on Thursday, to abandon the procedure for revoking the…

13:17, 23.10.2018

Iohannis: Romanians, actively connected to civic values, proved when rule of law needs defending

Romanians are actively connected to the civic values and they proved this when the rule of law and democracy needed to be defended, on Tuesday said president Klaus Iohannis in the European Parliament's plenary…

12:18, 09.10.2018

Iohannis, on Holocaust Remembrance Day: Democracy, freedom, diversity - values that we need to defend

Democracy, peace, diversity and respect for human rights represent the fundamental values of the European construct that we need to defend with all our energy, President Klaus Iohannis said, on Tuesday in the message…

10:04, 08.10.2018

#FamilyReferendum CpF: Overwhelming vote, even if we miss target. We will succeed next time

The leader of the Coalition for Family (CpF), Mihai Gheorghiu, said on Sunday evening, after the polls closed, that the battle against gender ideology will continue in the future as well because the voice of four…

00:44, 12.09.2018

IJ: 134 defendants acquitted in 2016, by 39.58 pct more than in 2015 (DNA control report)

A number of 134 defendants were acquitted in 2016 in corruption files, by 39.59 per cent more than in 2015, reads a report of the Judicial Inspection (IJ), which conducted a thematic control at the National Anti-corruption…

15:05, 15.08.2018

DefMin Fifor: Marines' duties are essential in defending Eastern flank of NATO and EU

Minister of National Defence, Mihai Fifor, on Wednesday sent a message to the marines, on the Romanian Navy Day, telling them that their duties are essential in defending the Eastern flank of NATO and the EU. …