Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

22:08, 07.08.2018

Trei vasluieni, pe podiumul Campionatului Mondial de Kempo | FOTO

Au reprezentat cu succes judetul MEDALIATI… Performantã extraordinarã pentru sportivii Clubului “Defender” la Campionatul Mondial de Kempo, competitie organizatã în Las Vegas, Statele Unite ale Americii. Toti cei…

15:53, 12.07.2018

DNA: In June, 73 defendants sentenced through 28 final court rulings

The National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) announces that in June,as many as 73 defendants were sentenced in the cases handled by anticorruption prosecutors, through 28 final court rulings.  According to a DNA…

19:04, 05.07.2018

Supreme Council of Magistrates takes up defending judicial independence from attacks by other powers

The Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) announced on Thursday having decided to defend judicial independence against attacks by representatives of other powers. "At its meeting on July 4, 2018, the plenum decided…

17:56, 04.07.2018

Speaker Dragnea: Criminal Code is for defendants; decision about me is to be annihilated anyway

The criminal code adopted by Parliament is one dedicated to defendants in Romania, said Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea on Wednesday. He argued that, as far as he is concerned, President Klaus…

17:14, 04.07.2018

PG Lazar:2,099 defendants charged with abuse of office in 4 years didn't committ offenses for self or relatives

Over the past four years 2,099 defendants - public servants, persons elected at local or county level - have been sent to court for committing some abuse of office offenses, but none of them have committed the…

21:55, 08.05.2018

Romania's Halep glides into Mutua Madrid Open women's singles third round

Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, world number one, on Tuesday glided into the women's singles third round at the 6,685,828-euro WTA Mutua Madrid Open tournament, after defeating Belgian Elise Mertens 6-0 6-3.…

22:26, 03.05.2018

Sportivii clubului Defender au fãcut furori la Mondialele de Kempo

CAMPIONATUL MONDIAL DE KEMPO PE PODIUM… Toti cei trei sportivi de la Clubul “Defender” care au reprezentat România la Campionatul Mondial de Kempo de la Budapesta s-au întors cu medalii acasã. Performera clubului…

12:26, 20.04.2018

Mercedes-Benz Clasa X ar putea avea un nou rival: Land Rover nu exclude lansarea unui pick-up ...

Noua generație Defender ar urma să fie lansată în 2018. Conform zvonurilor, din 2020, am putea vedea și un Defender pick-up. Modelul va fi comercializat în SUA, America de Sud, Europa și Africa.

22:56, 03.04.2018

Podium pentru vasluieni la Campionatul National de Kempo | FOTO

Luptele aduc medalii PREMIATI… Iustin Costea a avut un weekend de senzatie! Sportivul legitimat la C.S. “Defender” Vaslui a reusit sã obtinã douã medalii, una de aur si una de bronz, la probele Submission, respectiv…

19:14, 08.03.2018

PG Lazar: Public Prosecution Service to invest in software transcribing witness's, suspect's or defendant's statement

Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar announced that the Public Prosecution Service will invest in software that will transcribe whatever the witness, suspect or defendant, declares. "I want to assure you that through…

22:26, 07.03.2018

PG Lazar: In 2017, prosecutors solved 533,040 case files, sent 59,839 defendants to trial

Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar on Wednesday stated that, in 2017, the prosecutors instrumented 1,752,067 case files, out of which they managed to solve 533,040, 58,839 defendants being sent to trial. "The major…

09:53, 21.02.2018

MpRP voices regret over violent incidents in Ragusa, Italy

The Ministry for Romanians Abroad (MpRP) voiced its regret regarding the violent incidents in Ragusa involving members of the Romanian community who reside in the territory and announced that, together with the…

22:41, 14.02.2018

DNA's Kovesi: This attack aims to bring Romanian state to its knees, humiliate society

Chief Prosecutor of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) Laura Codruta Kovesi said on Wednesday that the latest attack on justice is not by chance, as it is designed to "bring the Romanian state to its…

20:14, 12.02.2018

Concert Judas Priest - "Firepower" la București

Membrii legendarei trupe Judas Priest revin la București pe 22 Iulie, la Romexpo, unde vor susține un concert în aer liber, în cadrul turneului Firepower, pentru a prezenta o producție fantastică, total nouă, publicului…

09:25, 18.01.2018

God of War Stone Mason Edition anunțat

GameStop a anunțat că va comercializa God of War Stone Mason Edition, care include jocul pentru PlayStation 4 și multe “goodies”. Pe lângă joc, Stone Mason Edition include o figurină cu Kratos și fiul…

21:11, 13.01.2018

UDMR's Kelemen: In 21st century still fighting for right to preserve and defend our identity

Chairman of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor said on Saturday in Turda that 2018 will be a difficult year, remarking also that in the 21st century the Hungarian minority is still fighting…

00:34, 05.01.2018

Top 2017: Retrospectiva anului sportiv

2017 a fost anul taekwondo-ului și a adus cluburilor vasluiene numeroase titluri mondiale și naționale. Iustin Costea, de la “Defender” Vaslui, a devenit dublu campion mondial la kempo. La sporturile olimpice,…

12:32, 27.12.2017

Judas Priest cântă pe 22 iulie 2018 la Romexpo

Judas Priest cântă pe 22 iulie 2018 la Romexpo, în cadrul turneului „Firepower”. Judas Priest revin la Bucuresti pe 22 iulie la Romexpo in aer liber, in cadrul turneului Firepower, pentru a prezenta o productie…

12:23, 12.12.2017

Serialul Netflix The Witcher va fi condus de regizorul lui Daredevil și Defenders

Publicația Variety anunță că Lauren Schimdt Hissrich, regizorul și scenaristul lui Daredevil și Defenders, va conduce producția serialului Netflix The Witcher. Serialul a fost anunțat oficial în mai, iar compania…

12:52, 01.12.2017

DefMin Fifor: Should remember today those who fell on battlefields, defending Romania's interests, people

December 1 is the union moment within the same borders of all territories inhabited by Romanians, a moment possible through the sacrifice and blood of the Romanian soldiers, on Friday said the National Defence…

11:05, 24.08.2017

Vasluianul Doru Hapiuc a cucerit medalia de aur la Campionatele Mondiale de Kempo din Las Vegas

Vasluianul Cristian Doru Hapiuc a reusit sã câstige medalia de aur la categoria 95 de kg, la Campionatele Mondiale de Kempo, desfãsurate în aceastã lunã în Statele Unite ale Americii, Las Vegas – Nevada. Judetul…

13:43, 22.08.2017

CommMin Sova: Romanian Internet users know very little about how to defend themselves against cyber attacks

Romania has many Internet users, but they are very little prepared to defend themselves from such cyber attacks, Lucian Sova, the Minister of Communications and Information Society on Tuesday explained at the opening…

14:17, 20.07.2017

Supreme Court reasoning in Microsoft case: Defendants colluded to influence governmental decisions

The four defendants in the Microsoft overpriced licensing case - Dorin Cocos, Nicolae Dumitru, Gabriel Sandu and Gheorghe Stefan - colluded to influence governmental decisions and secure exorbitant amounts of money,…

16:13, 27.06.2017

(foto) Mr. Bean îşi vinde prin licitaţie Defender-ul construit în ediţie limitată

Renumitul actor Rowan Atkinson, cunoscut prin interpretarea în filmele de comedie a personajului Mr. Bean, este şi un mare pasionat de automobile. Acesta deţine mai multe modele de maşini, însă nu toate stau în…

18:59, 05.04.2017

Marvel Heroes Omega a fost anunțat pentru PlayStation 4 și Xbox One

Gazillion Entertainment a anunțat Marvel Heroes Omega, care va fi lansat în această primăvară pe PlayStation 4 și Xbox One. Acest Action RPG MMO va include majoritatea supereroilor din universul Marvel, din IP-uri…

22:13, 03.04.2017

Sportivii de aur ai Vasluiului (foto)

Nu au avut adversari CINSTE LOR…Performantã extraordinarã pentru sportivii clubului Defender, care s-au întors încãrcati cu medalii de la Campionatele Nationale de Submission & Knockdown si Campionatul Universitar…

18:17, 30.03.2017

Vi-l mai amintiți pe Daniel Georgievski? Ce transfer a prins fostul jucător de la FCSB

Daniel Georgievski, fostul fundaș al celor de la FCSB, a semnat astăzi un nou angajament, devenind jucătorul lui Newcastle Jets, echipă din prima ligă australiană.  Ajuns la 29, macedoneanul a jucat în ultimii…

12:44, 06.03.2017

Bucharest protest for defending independence of institutions

Approximately 6,000 protesters, according to some official sources, participated on Sunday night in the "Independent institutions march," that took place on the route Victoria Square - Parliament Palace - Justice…

11:33, 30.01.2017

EU must be pro-active in defending human rights in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait

ALDE MEPs have today expressed their concern about the worsening human rights situation in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait. Authorities in Bahrain recently carried out three executions, ending a 7 year moratorium…

19:44, 17.01.2017

Kovesi on amnesty and pardoning: Defendants won't serve sentences, money stays in their pocket

The chief prosecutor of the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA), Laura Codruta Kovesi, stated in an interview granted on Tuesday to Agerpres, that the adoption of a law regarding the amnesty or pardoning…