Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:45, 16.02.2023

Decision To Leave, un thriller captivant despre dragoste și dorință de Park Chan-wook, în cinema din 17 februarie

Decizia de a pleca/ Decision To Leave, captivantul thriller care i-a adus la Cannes 2022 premiul pentru regie reputatului cineast coreean Park Chan-wook, are premiera în cinematografele din România pe 17 februarie,…

14:00, 09.02.2023

Ciolacu: Whether governing stability ensured by PSD will continue hinges on president's decision

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said on Thursday that the prime minister's appointment is the exclusive prerogative of the president, but this decision is key to whether the governing…

12:45, 09.02.2023

Iohannis: When coalition decides to make a change in gov't, I'll make the best decision for Romania

President Klaus Iohannis declared on Thursday that, when the coalition decides to make a change in the government, in accordance with the Constitution I will make the decision that seems best for Romania regarding…

12:25, 30.01.2023

TOP 15 cele mai bune filme din 2022, pe care merită să le vezi oricând ai ocazia

De la filme care te emoționa puternic sau te vor face să plângi, până la superproducții cu bugete uriașe și orice alt gen de peliculă la care te poți gândi, anul acesta a existat ceva pentru toată lumea și toate…

20:16, 26.01.2023

PM Ciuca: Romanian sport has extraordinary potential, as decision-makers, we have the duty to support it

Romanian sport has an extraordinary potential and the decision-makers at government level have the duty to support it, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca stated on Thursday, at the "Athlete of the Year" Gala, an event…

15:10, 24.01.2023

Germany says decision on tanks could come soon

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said Chancellor Olaf Scholz is talking to allies about supplying Ukraine with Leopard battle tanks and could give the green light to ship them in the next few days, according…

13:25, 24.01.2023

Senate's Gorghiu: Memory of remarkable events, lessons of the past-determining factor in choices,decisions of the present and future

Acting Senate President Alina Gorghiu sent a message on Tuesday, occasioned by the Romanian Principalities Union Day, stating that the celebration of beautiful events of history shows us, every time, how important…

20:25, 11.01.2023

Interministerial committee regarding Romania-UAE projects of interest established by PM decision

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca has decided to establish the Interministerial Committee for the organization, coordination and development of projects, strategic programmes of common interest for Romania and the United…

09:10, 29.12.2022

Two decisions for development of natural gas transportation network, passed by gov`t

In Wednesday's meeting, the executive approved two Decisions regarding the development of the natural gas transport network, announced Dan Dragan, secretary of state in the Ministry of Energy, at the briefing from…

22:05, 28.12.2022

Elie Wiesel Institute has no involvement in draft decision regarding Mircea Vulcanescu's bust

The Elie Wiesel Institute says that it has no involvement in the draft decision and the result of the vote cast by the local council of the district 2 of the Capital City regarding the initiation of procedures…

17:35, 24.12.2022

Filme de văzut vacanța asta: Cele mai bune 20 de producții ale anului 2022, într-un top al criticilor de film de la BBC/ Top Gun: Maverick, The Fabelmans,…

Suntem în vacanța de iarnă, ne bucurăm de concedii și timp liber. Se știe că una dintre activitățile preferate în această perioadă este un tur de filme alături de prieteni, familie, animalele de companie sau de…

12:46, 23.12.2022

MAE: Decisions to prohibit Romanian citizens' access to Mexico must be solidly substantiated

Representatives of Romania's Embassy in Mexico City conveyed to the Mexican Foreign Affairs Ministry the "dissatisfaction" with the fact that several Romanian citizens were denied access to this country and underscored…

13:45, 14.12.2022

PM Ciuca: We will make the decision ensuring operationalization of REpower EU

The government will approve on Wednesday the operationalization of REpower EU, an objective that will ensure the necessary funds for the creation of new energy sources, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca announced. Fii…

19:46, 12.12.2022

Supreme court cancels CSM decision to exclude judge Cristi Danilet from magistracy

A panel of five judges from the High Court of Cassation and Justice on Monday annulled the decision of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) from December 2021 by which judge Cristi Danilet was excluded from…

12:45, 09.12.2022

Romania's ambassador to Austria, Emil Hurezeanu, called to the country for consultations (MAE)

Romania's ambassador to Austria, Emil Hurezeanu, was called to the country for consultations, this decision being, according to diplomatic customs, "a political gesture that underlines Romania's position of firm…

22:00, 08.12.2022

Foreign Ministry firmly rejects as totally inadmissible Austria's negative vote on Romania's accession to Schengen

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) firmly rejects the "totally inadmissible" position of Austria to vote against the Decision on Romania's accession to the Schengen area, at the Council of Justice and Internal…

21:40, 08.12.2022

Increase in minimum gross salary in 2023 to 3,000 RON, approved by Gov't

The Executive approved in Thursday's meeting the Decision for the establishment of the country's minimum gross salary, which provides that its level will be increased to 3,000 RON monthly, starting on January 1,…

17:06, 08.12.2022

USR's Drula: JHA Council decision, deeply unfair

The decision of the JHA Council is deeply unfair, because Romanians deserve to enter Schengen area, says the chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR), Catalin Drula. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

17:46, 07.12.2022

70% of Romanians believe increase in energy price, caused by decisions of authorities (survey)

More than two-thirds of Romanians (69.7%) believe that energy prices have increased as a result of the wrong decisions made by the state authorities, according to the Energy Barometer, launched on Wednesday by…

18:25, 30.11.2022

NATO2022Bucharest/Geoana: Decisions to provide military equipment to Ukraine belong to NATO countries and partners

The decisions to grant military equipment to Ukraine belong to NATO countries and NATO partners, said, on Wednesday, in Bucharest, the deputy secretary general of the North Atlantic Alliance, Mircea Geoana, told…

20:01, 29.11.2022

Gov't: Olympiad medalist students to be granted 6,000 euros in prize, for gold, 5,500 for silver

On Tuesday, the government adopted a Decision to modify and complete Government Ordinance no. 403/2017, by which the annual cash prizes awarded to students who won medals at the national and international Olympiads…

15:50, 29.11.2022

NATO2022 Bucharest/ Iohannis: It is our joint responsibility to fully implement the decisions taken in Madrid

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that the decisions adopted at the NATO Summit in Madrid this year, particularly those regarding the Eastern Flank posture, must be implemented as soon as possible. Fii la…

13:05, 29.11.2022

Aspen Forum/Stoltenberg: NATO expansion is the result of democratic decisions, it is not against Russia

The expansion of NATO is the result of democratic decisions and is not a gesture against Russia, declared, on Tuesday, the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, in an intervention at the Aspen - GMF Bucharest…

19:45, 22.11.2022

PM Ciuca: CVM report encourages Gov't to continue course established for supporting the judiciary's independence

The European Commission's report on Romania under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) released on Tuesday acknowledges for the first time the fulfillment of the recommendations and benchmarks, as set…

12:56, 09.11.2022

PM Ciuca: Gov't to adopt two decisions on continuation of infrastructure works in Constanta, Galati ports

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca stated that the government is set to adopt two decisions at its meeting on Wednesday, which are related to the continuation of the infrastructure development works in the ports of Constanta…

22:30, 08.11.2022

Deputy PM Kelemen says a decision on new energy price compensation system must be made soon

Deputy Prime Minister Kelemen Hunor, president of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR), says that a decision must be made as soon as possible regarding a new energy price compensation system, advocating…

13:00, 03.11.2022

Over 400 return decisions for foreign citizens, issued in October

The General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) issued, in October, more than 400 return decisions and dozens of people were removed under escort, following the actions aimed at permanent control over compliance…

10:55, 02.11.2022

Romania expects key decision on Schengen membership in December

The Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union set the calendar for the decision on the accession of Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia to the Schengen area, according to Romania-Insider.  The final decision…

16:40, 01.11.2022

PM Ciuca welcomes Nokian Tyres decision to invest EUR 650 million in Romania

Romania's Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca has welcomed he decision announced by the Nokian Tyres PLC Company to invest 650 million euros in Romania, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

17:31, 28.10.2022

Decisions on statutes of limitation for criminal liability: consequences in 557 cases, damage of 1.2 billion euros

The direct enforcement of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) and of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) on the statutes of limitation for criminal liability will have consequences…