Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:45, 25.10.2022

Supreme Court: CCR decision on limitation period applies retroactively, thousands of corruption cases could be closed

The full bench of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (Supreme Court, ed. n.) decided on Tuesday that the decision of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) on the limitation period applies retroactively.…

13:10, 24.10.2022

Ciolacu: I respect Vasile Dincu's decision and thank him for his activity within MApN

Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Marcel Ciolacu says he respects Vasile Dincu's decision to resign from the National Defence Ministry (MApN) office and thanks him for the activity he carried out within the…

09:01, 24.10.2022

MAE regrets decision of Gabonese UN Security Council Presidency not to allow Romania to take floor on 21 Oct

The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) regrets the decision of the Gabonese Presidency of the UN Security Council of not allowing Romania's and Lithuania's representatives to take the floor within the meeting on 21…

13:05, 22.10.2022

INTERVIU. Un mare regizor și o poveste de dragoste cu iz polițist pe care nu ar trebui să o ratați: „M-am îndrăgostit și asta mi-a distrus ancheta”

Premiat pentru regie la Cannes, noul film al lui Park Chan-wook, „Decizia de a pleca”/„Decision to Leave” face parte din selecția celei de-a XIII-a ediții a Festivalului Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest (21-30 octombrie).…

13:00, 13.10.2022

EduMin Deca: We take into account that curriculum at school's decision to become curriculum at pupils' decision

The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, announced on Thursday that she is taking into account the transformation of the curriculum at the decision of the school into the curriculum at the decision of the pupils…

10:05, 12.10.2022

PM Ciuca welcomes France's decision to strengthen its military presence in Romania

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca welcomed France's decision to strengthen its military presence in Romania with a new battle group with Leclerc tanks, underlining French President Emmanuel Macron's commitment to the…

08:40, 06.10.2022

Monitoring and control structure for executing judicial decisions pronounced by ECHR

The government approved, on Wednesday, to establish within the General Secretariat of the Government (SGG) a structure with the role of monitoring and controlling the execution of judicial decisions pronounced…

19:56, 05.10.2022

PM Ciuca on amendment to increase local taxes by 50pct: The decision was taken in the coalition

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Wednesday, when asked about an amendment submitted by senators from the ruling coalition for a 50% increase in local rates and taxes, that the decision was taken inside the…

17:05, 03.10.2022

Right Force's Orban says Iohannis preferred Cimpeanu as EduMin;all decisions of PNL's remnant taken by Iohannis

Right Force Party Chairman Ludovic Orban stated that the proposal made by the Liberals for the Education Minister office - namely presidential adviser Ligia Deca, proves that all the decisions of the National Liberal…

16:26, 22.09.2022

OMV Petrom needs 9-12 months for final decision on Black Sea gas project says CEO

Romanian oil and gas group OMV Petrom, majority-controlled by Austria’s OMV needs 9 to 12 months to make a final investment decision on a long-awaited offshore Black Sea project, but it is moving at full speed,…

15:55, 20.09.2022

Ministry of Research, Innovation, Digitization launches draft decision of Governmental Cloud Platform into public debate

The Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization (MCID) has put into public debate the draft decision on the governance of the Governmental Cloud Platform that establishes standards, rules and obligations…

17:11, 12.09.2022

7 million euros for establishment of mountain sheep farms (project)

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) will allocate, through a state aid scheme, 34.6 million RON, the equivalent of 7 million euros, for the establishment of mountain sheep farms, the total…

18:20, 06.09.2022

PM Ciuca says decision to be made to aid Romanians with Blue Air cancelled flights

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Tuesday that he had a discussion with Minister of the Environment Barna Tanczos regarding the situation created following the suspension of Blue Air flights. Fii la curent cu…

18:00, 02.09.2022

Energy Minister to present in Brussels decisions made by the Government regarding Energy Emergency Ordinance

The Emergency Ordinance for the modification of OUG (government emergency ordinance) 27/2022 was inspired by models approved by the European Commission, and the decisions related to this normative act will be presented…

09:20, 28.08.2022

FOTO/VIDEO: Katatonia @ WTF Rock Festival, o experiență răscolitoare

După ce ani de zile le-am șoptit versurile și le-am sorbit melancolia urmărindu-i doar pe youtube, a fost uimitor să-i vedem la Bistrița, pe scena WTF Rock Festival, în carne și oase pe muzicienii suedezi de la…

00:00, 11.08.2022

Gov't approves decision on establishment, organization and functioning of National Toxic Substances Registry

On Wednesday, the Government approved a decision regarding the establishment, organization and operation of the National Toxic Substances Registry, in order to record information on chemical mixtures dangerous…

11:56, 03.08.2022

Locuitorii din Kansas, SUA, votează în favoarea garantării dreptului la avort în constituţia statului

Locuitorii statului american Kansas au votat, marti, în favoarea garantarii dreptului la avort în constitutia statului, înregistrând o victorie uriasa pentru drepturile la avort în Statele Unite. Kansas este primul…

12:51, 27.07.2022

PM Ciuca: Final decision on budget rectification, by mid-August

A final decision on the budget rectification will be taken by mid-August, and both the budget execution for the first six months, and the indicator aimed at reducing expenditure for goods and services by 10% will…

17:10, 20.07.2022

National Committee to prevent and limit healthcare-associated infections, established through Government decision

The Government has approved on Wednesday, through a decision, to establish the National Committee for the Prevention and Limitation of the Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs). Fii la curent cu cele mai noi…

11:55, 13.07.2022

Ciolacu: Minister of Finance to request decision be made on families of victims in 'Colectiv' case

Minister of Finance Adrian Caciu will request in the government meeting a decision to be made so that the families of the victims of the "Colectiv" nightclub fie urgently receive the compensations established by…

16:50, 30.06.2022

Romanian Foreign Minister: Supplementing allied troops, one of the decisions favouring Romania's security interests

Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu highlighted on Thursday that supplementing the allied troops in Romania favours Romania's security interests. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

17:10, 28.06.2022

Romania's Defence Minister Vasile Dincu: Fundamental decisions to NATO's profile and posture are expected in Madrid

Romania's Defence Minister Vasile Dincu says that at the forthcoming NATO summit in Madrid decisions are expected that are fundamental to the profile and posture of the alliance at regional and global level, to…

14:41, 31.05.2022

Dincu on Russian companies in Constanta Port: Romania follows European decisions

In Constanta on Tuesday, Romania's Defence Minister Vasile Dincu said about Russian investments in Romania that the country fully respects the relevant decisions taken at European level, Agerpres reports. Fii la…

21:01, 30.05.2022

President Klaus Iohannis: There is no decision in coalition to change taxation system: It will not happen soon

AGERPRES Special Correspondent Florentina Peia reports: President Klaus Iohannis has stated that there is currently no decision in the governing coalition to change the taxation system and he does not believe that…

11:20, 29.05.2022

Festivalul de la Cannes: Palme d’Or pentru „Triangle of Sadness. Vezi lista completă a câștigătorilor

Cea de-a 75-a ediţie a Festivalului de Film de la Cannes s-a încheiat sâmbătă seară prin tradiţionala ceremonie de decernare a premiilor, informează Hotnews.ro. Lungmetrajul „Triangle of Sadness”, regizat de cineastul…

23:00, 28.05.2022

Câștigătorii Festivalului de Film de la Cannes. Palme d’Or, câștigat de regizorul suedez Ruben Östlund. Niciun premiu pentru Cristian Mungiu

Marele premiu al festivalului de Film de la Cannes a fost câștigat de regizorul suedez Ruben Östlund, cu pelicula Triangle of Sadness. Acesta a repetat astfel perfomanța din 2017, an care a obținut Palme d’Or pentru…

22:55, 28.05.2022

Cineastul Park Chan-wook a câştigat premiul pentru regie

Cineastul sud-coreean Park Chan-wook a câştigat sâmbătă seară premiul pentru regie la cea de-a 75-a ediţie a Festivalului de Film de la Cannes cu lungmetrajul "Decision To Leave", potrivit site-ului oficial al…

18:45, 24.05.2022

PM Ciuca: Decision to postpone bank installments, discussed with BNR governor and Ministry of Finance

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca declared on Tuesday that the decision for postponing bank installments for 9 months, for citizens and companies that are facing financial difficulties, was made after talks with the…

09:30, 23.05.2022

Park Chan-wook, regizorul sud-coreean care s-a remarcat cu 'Old Boy', pe covorul roșu de la Cannes

Park Chan-wook, regizorul sud-coreean care s-a remarcat cu ''Old Boy'', revine luni la Cannes cu mult aşteptata producţie ''Decision to leave'', în cadrul unui festival la care Coreea de Sud este foarte prezentă,…

15:26, 18.05.2022

PM Ciuca: Economic growth - result of Government's work, dialogue with business environemnt, coalition decisions

The growth recorded by the economy of Romania in the first quarter of this year is the result of the work of the Government, of the dialogue with the business environment and the decisions made at the political…