Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

22:50, 07.02.2022

European Startups Universe incubator brought to Romania by ROTSA

The European Startups Universe incubator was brought to Romania by ROTSA, with the Romanian technology startups at the beginning of their journey, either incorporated locally or in the diaspora, to have February…

21:25, 28.01.2022

Romanian Patriarchate’s representative to Cyprus awarded Order of Cultural Merit by President Iohannis

The Romanian Patriarchate’s representative to Cyprus, Fr. Matei Petre, received an order of cultural merit from the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, in recognition of his efforts to consolidate Romanian spirituality…

14:15, 11.01.2022

Criteria for community transmission of Omicron variant at national level have been met (INSP)

The National Institute of Public Health (INSP) reported on Tuesday that the criteria for significant community transmission of the Omicron variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus at the national level have been met, Agerpres…

19:25, 06.01.2022

Founding members of ConTempo Quartet and Honorary Consul in Cyprus, decorated by President Iohannis

On Thursday, President Klaus Iohannis signed the decrees decorating the founding members of the ConTempo Quartet, the Honorary Consul of Romania in the Republic of Cyprus, Klitou Marios, and priest Matei Petre.…

14:50, 12.12.2021

Bogdan Aurescu to attend EU member-state foreign ministers' meeting; Ukraine situation on agenda

Minister Bogdan Aurescu will attend, on Monday, the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the European Union's member-states, reunited within the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC), which will take place in Brussels.…

12:55, 27.10.2021

US authorities consider adding Romania and three other countries to Visa Waiver Program

US Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the United States is considering adding four countries to its Visa Waiver Program that allows citizens to come to America without a visa for a stay of up to…

19:35, 23.09.2021

Updated list of high risk countries: Croatia, Latvia, Austria - in red zone; Romania - in yellow zone

The National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) updated on Thursday the list of countries/territories posing high epidemiological risk based on which the quarantine measure is imposed on people arriving…

20:10, 21.09.2021

CONAF: Economic mission to Republic of Cyprus to strengthen economic and trade cooperation

The delegation of the National Confederation for Women's Entrepreneurship (CONAF) carried out the first economic mission abroad, in the Republic of Cyprus, between September 14-15, in order to promote women's entrepreneurship,…

13:55, 19.08.2021

Romania to face Israel, Cyprus, Moldova, in phase one of men's handball WC 2023 qualifications

Romania's men's handball national team was assigned to Group 3, along with Israel, Cyprus and the Republic of Moldova, in the first phase of the 2023 World Cup qualifiers, on Thursday in Vienna.Team Romania, to…

12:10, 04.08.2021

Romanian national detained in Cyprus; family, employer apply for consular assistance

Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) has reported that a Romanian national, a sailor on a ship in the port of Vassilikos, Cyprus, has been detained by the Cypriot authorities. According to a MAE press statement, the…

17:50, 25.07.2021

"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University studends win silver and bronze medals at SEEMOUS 2021

Students of the Faculty of Automation and Computers within the "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University from Iasi (TUIASI) won four medals at the 15th South Eastern European Mathematical Olympiad for University Students…

09:01, 23.07.2021

Updated list of high epidemiological risk countries: UK, The Netherlands, Spain, Portugal - in red zone

On Thursday, the National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) updated the list of countries/territories depending on the cumulative incidence rate of COVID cases, in order to establish the need for a quarantine…

04:01, 17.06.2021

O orhidee foarte rară și protejată prin lege a înflorit în Parcul Natural Putna Vrancea (VIDEO)

Papucul Doamnei, o orhidee sălbatică foarte rară și protejată prin lege, a înflorit în Parcul Natural Putna Vrancea. Anunțul a fost făcut de Romsilva, care a publicat și imagini cu floarea. „Imagini frumoase cu…

16:05, 16.06.2021

FOTO! O plantă foarte rară, Papucul Doamnei, a înflorit în pădurile din Parcul Natural Putna Vrancea

O orhidee sălbatică, foarte rară și protejată prin lege, a înflorit în Parcul Natural Putna Vrancea. Planta se numește Papucul Doamnei și înflorește doar în anumite locuri, dacă sunt îndeplinite mai multe condiții.…

21:51, 09.04.2021

Eurostat: Romania had the highest current account deficit in the EU in Q4

The European Union recorded a current account surplus of 110.30 billion euros (3.2% of GDP) in the fourth quarter xc of 2020, and the EU member states with the highest current account deficits were Romania (minus…

22:31, 07.04.2021

Accidentarea nu e gravă! Mihăilă n-are leziuni și speră să reintre cu Cagliari

Parma răsuflă ușurată. Una dintre cele mai scumpe achiziții ale sezonului nu va lipsi mult de pe gazon. Valentin Mihăilă (21 de ani) a aflat astăzi că accidentarea suferită la antrenamentul de luni nu este chiar…

13:05, 02.04.2021

Fully vaccinated travellers arriving in Romania can avoid quarantine

Romania is reopening to travellers who have received the COVID-19 vaccine and a number of other destinations are choosing to drop border restrictions for travellers who’ve been fully vaccinated or ease them significantly,…

23:10, 19.03.2021

CNSU updates list of countries with traveler quarantine requirement

The National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) has updated today the list of high infection risk countries / areas / territories for which travelers to Romania shall be put in a 14-day quarantine. According…

21:20, 11.03.2021

Health Ministry's Baciu: Romania hasn't received vaccines from Austria batch

Romania hasn't received vaccines from the one million dose batch from which two people in Austria had been immunised and had adverse reactions, Health Ministry's Secretary of State Andrei Baciu pointed out for…

16:00, 11.02.2021

Romania submits to CJE Registry requests for annulment of Mobility Package I provisions

Several requests regarding the intervention of the Romanian government in 12 actions for annulment of some provisions in Mobility Package I brought by Bulgaria, Cyprus, Lithuania, Malta, Poland and Hungary have…

15:15, 20.01.2021

MEP Siegfried Muresan calls for visas to be lifted for all EU citizens traveling to the US

MEP Siegfried Muresan (European People's Party/National Liberal Party- EPP/PNL) called for visas to be lifted for all EU citizens traveling to the US in Wednesday's debate in the European Parliament's plenary session…

18:25, 06.01.2021

Serie A | Mihăilă a început să-și facă simțită prezența la Parma

Fostul atacant al Universității Craiova, Valentin Mihăilă, a început să-și facă simțită prezența în ofensiva Parmei, chiar dacă noua sa echipă a pierdut clar, scor 0-3, în deplasare, la Atalanta. Partida a contat…

10:25, 06.01.2021

Romanians have fewer problems than Italians in heating their homes (Eurostat)

Approximately 6.9 pct of the inhabitants of the European Union stated in 2019 that they cannot afford to sufficiently heat their homes, a share that has been steadily declining in recent years from a peak of 10,…

12:10, 05.12.2020

ParliamentaryElection2020/ Until 7:00 Romanian time, over 21,500 Romanians abroad cast their vote

The electoral process in the parliamentary election is under way abroad, where by 7:00 Romanian time on Saturday more than 21,500 Romanians from outside the country voted, according to AGERPRES. According to data…

18:35, 16.11.2020

ParlamentaryElections2020/Training sessions for people to be part of polling stations abroad

The Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) informs that, between November 11 and 15, as many as 30 training sessions were organized in videoconference system for the persons to be appointed as presidents of the electoral…

18:00, 05.11.2020

President Iohannis meets with new ambassadors of Thailand, Norway, Cyprus

On Thursday, at the Cotroceni Palace, President Klaus Iohannis received the Ambassador Agreed of the Kingdom of Thailand, Chairat Porntipwarawet, the Ambassador Agreed of the Kingdom of Norway, Siri Beate Barry,…

08:05, 23.10.2020

Ce s-ar fi întâmplat dacă BNR ar fi aprobat cumpărarea Băncii Transilvania de către Bank of Cyprus?

Cele mai tensionate momente în perioada crizei economice a fost atacul asupra leului de la începutul crizei. Nicolae Cinteză, fostul şef al supravegherii bancare din România, spune că Banca Transilvania ar fi fost…

19:00, 16.09.2020

In phone conversation with Cypriot counterpart, ForMin Aurescu discusses tensions in Eastern Mediterranean

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu had on Wednesday, a telephone conversation with his Cypriot counterpart, Nikos Christodoulides, upon the latter's request, the two addressing in detail the current situation…

09:00, 28.08.2020

Generația „R”, angajații care lucrează de acasă sunt pregătiți să reseteze piața muncii

În timp ce lumea așteaptă terminarea perioadei de carantină, a apărut o nouă generație de angajați, pregătită să acapareze piața muncii post-pandemie. Munca de acasă a unificat modul în care diferite generații…

20:15, 26.08.2020

Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu: 'EU member states must continue to show solidarity with Greece, Cyprus in EastMed crisis'

The EU member states "must continue to show solidarity with Greece and Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean crisis," Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said on Wednesday in a Twitter message one day before the informal…