Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

00:15, 05.08.2020

Explozia din Beirut a avut puterea unui cutremur de magnitudine 4,5

Explozia din Beirut a avut puterea unui cutremur cu magnitudinea de 4,5, potrivit calculelor realizate de seismologii de la Observatorul Seismologic din Iordania, scrie Digi24.ro.Al Jazeera a publicat, marți seară,…

11:40, 28.07.2020

Blue Air cancels 64 flights Romania - Italy, Romania - Cyprus

Blue Air will cancel 64 flights to Italy and Cyprus, scheduled between August 3 and 31, 2020, in the context of the restrictions imposed by the authorities of the two countries, informs the low-cost air operator."Following…

14:00, 26.07.2020

GCS: COVID-19 case count of Romanians abroad reaches 5,329, death toll - 123

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official novel coronavirus communication task force, reported on Sunday that 5,329 Romanians abroad had been confirmed infected with the novel coronavirus, with the…

13:40, 26.07.2020

MAE: Access of persons from Romania to Cyprus, allowed only with a negative test for COVID-19

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informs that Romania has been included by the Cypriot authorities on the list of category C states, which means that access for persons coming from Romania to this country…

09:55, 24.07.2020

Eurostat: Hospitals in Romania rank last in EU in terms of number of CT scanners available

Romania had the lowest number of CT scanners per 100,000 inhabitants (0.8), in 2018, followed by France (1.2), Poland, the Netherlands and Slovenia (1.4 each), according to data published by the European Statistical…

11:54, 23.07.2020

Romanians may enter Cyprus only on negative COVID-19 test, travel card

Romania's Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) has reported that the Cypriot authorities have revised the conditions for entry into Cyprus, with the new measures entering into force today. According to the information…

00:12, 23.06.2020

Eurostat: Financial corporations held almost half of Romania's government debt last year

Financial corporations held almost half (49.8 pct) of Romania's government debt last year, while non-residents accounted for 46.3 percent and resident non-financial entities for 3.9 percent thereof, shows data…

12:08, 13.05.2020

Tour operators adapt to travel conditions, resume holiday sales for Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Turkey

Several tour operators have resumed the activity of selling holiday packages for destinations such as Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Turkey and Croatia, but also for the Romanian coast, where there is demand from customers.…

16:49, 10.03.2020

Iohannis in videoconference with EU heads of state or government on coronavirus, today

President Klaus Iohannis is participating on Tuesday in a videoconference with the heads of state or government of the European Union member states on measures regarding the management of the new coronavirus (COVID-19),…

11:17, 02.03.2020

Eurostat: Latvia, Estonia, Greece, Cyprus, France, Romania, Lithuania, earmark highest GDP percentage to defence

The 27 member states of the European Union earmarked 162 billion euros to the defence sector in 2018, 2.6 per cent of their total governmental expenditures, showed data published on Monday by the European Statistical…

16:17, 21.02.2020

President Iohannis, in Friends of Cohesion Group, working meeting to obtain EU ambitious budget

President Klaus Iohannis attended on Friday a working meeting with counterparts in the Friends of Cohesion Group, on the sidelines of the extraordinary meeting of the European Council where the future budget of…

20:30, 31.01.2020

Romanian duo Ruse-Cristian advances to Andrezieux-Boutheon Open doubles final

Romanian tennis duo Elena Gabriela Ruse/Jaqueline Cristian on Thursday advanced to the women's doubles final event at the 60,000-USD W60 Andrezieux-Boutheon ITF tournament in Andrezieux-Boutheon, France, after…

16:37, 22.12.2019

Schi alpin: Norvegianul Kristoffersen, învingător în slalomul uriaş de la Alta Badia

Norvegianul Henrik Kristoffersen a câştigat, duminică, proba de slalom uriaş de la Alta Badia (Italia), contând pentru Cupa Mondială de schi alpin, fiind cronometrat după două manşe cu timpul de 1 min. 57 sec.…

11:36, 10.12.2019

Cyprus, Romania the lowest percentage in EU in high-growth companies

About 190,000 companies in the European Union were classified as high-growth companies in 2017, with a total 16.4 million employees, shows data released on Tuesday by the European Statistical Office (Eurostat). …

13:42, 24.11.2019

Ligue 1 / Olympique Lyon s-a chinuit pentru victoria cu Nice

Olympique Lyon, cu Ciprian Tătăruşanu nici măcar în postura de rezervă, s-a impus destul de greu, sâmbătă seara, pe teren propriu, cu Nice, în etapa a 14-a din Ligue 1 . OL s-a impus cu 2-1 (2-0), pe „Stade des…

09:43, 18.10.2019

Conferinţă privind viitorul industriei alimentare, pe 31 octombrie, la Romexpo

Potrivit organizatorilor, au confirmat deja prezenţa Radu Timiş, preşedinte Asociaţia Română a Cărnii, Arie Veldhuizen, consilier agricol Ambasada Olandei la Bucureşti, Pim Biewenga, director pentru Europa la MS…

18:58, 01.09.2019

Rennes, adversară a CFR Cluj în grupele Ligii Europa, a fost învinsă, scor 2-1, de OGC Nice

Formaţia Rennes, adversară a CFR Cluj în grupele Ligii Europa, a fost învinsă, duminică, pe teren propriu, cu scorul de 2-1, de echipa OGC Nice, într-un meci din etapa a patra a campionatului Franţei, potrivit…

20:14, 29.08.2019

Minister Intotero, Cyprus's president discuss Romanian community in Cyprus

On a working visit to Cyprus on Thursday, Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia-Elena Intotero had a meeting with Cypriot President Nikos Anastasiadis to discuss the Romanian community in Cyprus, the bilateral…

20:24, 27.08.2019

President Iohannis, Malaysian ambasador discuss situation of Romanians convicted in Malaysia for drug trafficking

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday welcomed the ambassadors in Romania of Cyprus, Morocco, Malaysia and Estonia, who presented their letters of accreditation at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace on Tuesday.According…

10:15, 22.08.2019

Romanians generating smallest quantity of municipal waste in EU

The amount of municipal waste generated per person in Romania in 2017 was 272 kg, the smallest one among the EU member states, against an average of 486 kg, according to data released on Thursday by the Eurostat…

21:14, 25.06.2019

Romanian pupils win five gold, one silver medals at Balkan Mathematical Olympiad for Juniors

The junior pupil team of Romania won five gold medals and a silver medal at the XXII edition of the Balkan Mathematical Olympiad for Juniors, held 20-25 June in Agros, Cyprus, the Education Ministry (MEN) informs…

17:34, 10.06.2019

ForMin Melescanu, about elections in Diaspora: We have exhausted available resources

Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu said on Monday that the ministry he runs has "exhausted the resources" it can put at the disposal of the Romanians in the Diaspora who want to vote.Melescanu said he presented…

22:02, 09.05.2019

Tusk: EU stands united behind Cyprus, expects Turkey to respect sovereign rights of EU member states

The European Union stands united behind the Republic of Cyprus and expects Turkey to respect sovereign rights of the EU member states, European Council President Donald Tusk stated on Thursday, when referring to…

10:57, 09.05.2019

Appeal signed by 21 presidents from EU: Our common Eurpean future is on ballot

As many as 21 presidents from the European Union signed, on the occasion of Europe Day, an appeal for Europe before the European Parliament elections, informs the Presidential Administration.  The elections in…

14:18, 02.05.2019


Raiffeisen Bank S.A., Raiffeisen Centrobank AG și WOOD & Company Financial Services, a.s. au fost desemnați Coordonatori Globali Comuni și Deținători Comuni ai Registrului de Subscriere al Ofertei. BT Capital…

22:04, 10.04.2019

Hotelul Zenith din Mamaia va fi reamenajat. Ce modificari se vor face

Mamaia Resort Hotels SRL, controlata de RC2 Cyprus LTD, cu sediul in Cipru, DLC Management SRL din Ramnicu Valcea si Becsenescu Stefania, a anuntat ca va reamenaja hotelul Zenith din Mamaia. Primaria Constanta…

10:05, 26.03.2019

Blue Air anunţă un nou acord cu Tarom

Transportatorul aerian Blue Air a anunţat, luni, semnarea unui acord bilateral cu Tarom, prin care îşi extinde prezenţa inclusiv în Europa. ”În baza acestui acord, implementat din 15 martie 2019, Blue Air îşi extinde…

22:52, 22.03.2019

Milioane de vizualizări pentru un clip despre România făcut de un francez: „Pun țuica în sticle de Evian și San Pellegrino”

România văzută prin ochii unui vlogger francez cu origini mioritice. Așa s-ar putea traduce filmulețul realizat de Ciprian sau Cyprien, în varianta pariziană, care le-a oferit câteva sfaturi utile conaționalilor…

17:15, 04.03.2019

Industrial production prices increased on average by 0.3pct in EU; in Romania they went up 0.9pct

Industrial production prices increased in January by 0.4 percent in Eurozone and by 0.3 percent in the EU compared to the previous month, the according to data published on Monday by Eurostat.In January, the highest…

11:30, 26.11.2018

Romanians rank last in online purchases at EU level, in 2017

Only 23 per cent of the Internet users in Romania made online purchases in 2017, compared with an average of 68 per cent in the European Union, shows the data released on Monday by the Eurostat.The champions of…