Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:40, 20.01.2023

Dacă vrei să fii cameristă, agent de securitate, ospătar, AJOFM Botoșani organizează cursuri pe parcursul acestui an

Dacă vrei să fii cameristă, agent de securitate, ospătar, AJOFM Botoșani organizează cursuri pe parcursul acestui an Agenția Județeană pentru Ocuparea Forței de Muncă (A.J.O.F.M.) Botoșani, în calitate de beneficiar…

14:15, 19.01.2023

Euro trades at 4.9293 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

22:15, 18.01.2023

Gov't spokesperson: Currently, no question of dismissing any member of Cabinet following accident at Oltenia Energy Complex

The spokesperson of the Government, Dan Carbunaru, declared on Wednesday that, at this moment, there is no question of the resignation or dismissal of any member of the Cabinet, as a result of the tragic accident…

17:40, 18.01.2023

Croatia clashes with traders over post-euro ‘wild’ price hikes

The Croatian government and businesses are at loggerheads as traders dismiss measures aimed at battling price hikes after the introduction of the euro by blaming inflation, according to Reuters. Costs rose as soon…

13:55, 18.01.2023

Euro trades at 4.9355 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Wednesday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

21:16, 16.01.2023

Need for human resources on current labour market rises considerably in last months of 2022 (survey)

The need for human resources on the labour market rose considerably in the last months of 2022, recording in the last quarter a 34% advance compared to the same period in 2021, and the forecasts for 2023 are on…

21:15, 15.01.2023

Delfinii sunt deranjați de zgomotul produs de oameni. Ce se întâmplă

Delfinii „strigă” pentru a încerca să se facă auziţi de semenii lor peste nivelul de zgomot subacvatic din ce în ce mai intens, conform unui nou studiu publicat în jurnalul ştiinţific Current Biology, preluat de…

17:20, 13.01.2023

Studiu: Delfinii, nevoiți „să strige” la semenii lor din cauza poluării fonice

Delfinii fac eforturi mari pentru a se face auziţi între ei, peste nivelul de zgomot subacvatic produs de om, din ce în ce mai intens, conform unui nou studiu publicat în jurnalul ştiinţific Current Biology, citat…

15:45, 13.01.2023

Radio Europa Liberă și-a deschis un nou birou în Letonia pentru a combate dezinformarea din partea Moscovei

Postul american Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (Radio Europa Liberă / Radio Libertatea, RFE/RL) şi-a inaugurat joi seara, 12 ianuarie, un nou birou în Letonia, pentru a asigura acoperirea evenimentelor referitoare…

13:35, 12.01.2023

Euro trades at 4.9359 RON

The exchange rate of the national RON currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

13:05, 11.01.2023

Bucharest mayor Dan: City Hall's current debts, settled at the end of last year

Bucharest City Hall (PMB) started 2023 without current debts, given that at the end of 2020 the debts had amounted to 3 billion RON, announced, on Wednesday, the general mayor of the capital, Nicusor Dan, in a…

11:51, 09.01.2023

Virtual tour of Palace of European Commission of the Danube, current headquarters of V. A. Urechia Library

The Galati County Council, through the Europe Direct Center, with funding from the European Commission, made a virtual tour of the Palace of the European Commission of the Danube, the current headquarters of the…

14:05, 04.01.2023

Euro trades at 4.9264 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu (RON) currency resulting from the quotations announced on Wednesday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

14:41, 23.12.2022

Euro trades at 4.9020 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu (RON) currency resulting from the quotations announced on Friday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

13:40, 22.12.2022

Euro trades at 4.8981 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu (RON) currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

14:15, 21.12.2022

Euro trades at 4.9023 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu (RON) currency resulting from the quotations announced on Wednesday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

14:35, 20.12.2022

Euro trades at 4.9140 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu (RON) currency resulting from the quotations announced on Tuesday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

13:45, 13.12.2022

Euro trades at 4.9314 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Tuesday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

14:45, 12.12.2022

Euro trades at 4.9286 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Monday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

14:45, 09.12.2022

Euro trades at 4.9211 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Friday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

18:00, 08.12.2022

AUR's Simion: Rejection of Romania's Schengen bid, a failure of current Gov't and of President Iohannis

Chairman of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), deputy George Simion, considers that the rejection of Romania's Schengen bid is a "failure of the current government and of President Klaus Iohannis",…

14:15, 08.12.2022

Euro trades at 4.9192 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

14:06, 07.12.2022

Euro trades at 4.9186 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Wednesday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

13:36, 06.12.2022

Euro trades at 4.9126 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Tuesday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

14:21, 05.12.2022

Euro trades at 4.9207 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Monday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

13:36, 02.12.2022

Investments for environmental protection last year represent 0.3 pct of GDP

Current domestic expenses for environmental protection last year represented 0.9 pct of GDP, and investments 0.3 pct of GDP, according to the data centralized by the National Institute of Statistics. Fii la curent…

12:50, 28.11.2022

Romanian companies need to take solid currency hedging measures (analysis)

Romanian companies must take solid measures to hedge away currency risk, as fluctuations in the financial markets tend to increase along with economic problems growing critical, shows an analysis conducted by Moneycorp…

12:11, 28.11.2022

NATO2022 Bucharest: High-level meetings in Bucharest show importance of Black Sea in current security context (ForMin Aurescu)

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu said on Monday that the organisation in Bucharest of the Meeting of NATO Foreign Affairs Ministers and the Munich Leaders Meeting (MLM) clearly shows the strategic importance…

14:05, 25.11.2022

Euro trades at 4.9250 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Friday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

14:45, 24.11.2022

Euro trades at 4.9309 RON

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…