Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:45, 27.06.2024

UDMR will have a candidate for Romanias presidency, says party leader Kelemen

UDMR will have a candidate for Romania's presidency, says party leader Kelemen

National leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor said on Thursday in Cluj-Napoca, after a meeting of the Council of UDMR Representatives (CRU), that his party will file a candidate…

17:55, 26.06.2024

Hungarys EU presidency: How could Orban influence the direction of the EU? (enr)

Hungary's EU presidency: How could Orban influence the direction of the EU? (enr)

On Monday, Hungary takes over the rotating EU Council presidency from Belgium. Watched closely by many, the country aims to "Make Europe Great Again" and plans to focus on EU enlargement, defence and competitiveness.…

20:10, 10.06.2024

UDMRs Hunor: We got 6.5pct%, we have two MEPs, 200 mayors, four presidents of county councils

UDMR's Hunor: We got 6.5pct%, we have two MEPs, 200 mayors, four presidents of county councils

The president of UDMR (Democratic Union of Hungarians of Romania), Kelemen Hunor, on Monday told a press conference in Cluj-Napoca, that his party obtained the best results in elections in the last 20 years.

09:41, 28.05.2024

Hungary to do everything in its power to help Romania join Schengen Area, says Hungarian ForMin Szijjártó

Hungary to do everything in its power to help Romania join Schengen Area, says Hungarian ForMin Szijjártó

The Hungarian minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Péter Szijjártó, told a press conference in central Targu Mures, the Mures County on Monday evening that one of the important objectives of the Hungarian…

06:35, 24.05.2024

Peste 400 de manageri IT au participat la CIO COUNCIL CYBERSECURITY FORUM „Cybersecurity in the Age of AI”

Ieri, 22 mai 2024, la Palatul BNR din Capitală, a avut loc Conferința Directorilor de IT din România, organizată de către Asociația CIO Council România și Revista CARIERE. Prestigiosul eveniment a reunit peste…

20:05, 08.05.2024

Activele ruseşti îngheţate vor fi folosite pentru înarmarea Ucrainei, au decis statele UE

Activele ruseşti îngheţate vor fi folosite pentru înarmarea Ucrainei, au decis statele UE

Ambasadorii statelor Uniunii Europene au convenit de principiu ca banii Rusiei, blocați după sancțiunile impuse în urma invadării Ucrainei, să fie folosiți pentru susținerea militară a armatei lui Zelenski, a transmis…

19:21, 26.04.2024

Papa Francisc va participa la summitul G7 pentru a discuta despre inteligența artificială, anunță Italia: „Este pentru prima dată în istorie”

Papa Francisc va participa la summitul G7 din acest an pentru a discuta despre provocările pe care le ridică inteligența artificială (IA), a declarat, vineri, premierul italian Giorgia Meloni, relatează Reuters.Papa…

18:56, 15.03.2024

We are trying to give Romania all support to join Schengen area, Hungarian ForMin says

The Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade minister, Szijjarto Peter, said on Friday, in Sfantu Gheorghe, central Covasna County, that his country, which is going to take over the presidency of the Council…

10:25, 07.03.2024

Scheduled events for March 7, 2024

PRESIDENCY: - President Klaus Iohannis will receive at the Cotroceni presidential palace:* the Austrian federal chancellor, Karl Nehammer* the Polish prime minister, Donald Tusk * the Finnish prime minister, Petteri…

08:20, 07.03.2024

INTERVIEW/Roberta Metsola: Hope to see an increase in voting participation in Romania after EP, local elections' combining

The president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, expressed her hope, in an interview granted to AGERPRES, that Romania's decision to combine the European Parliament elections with the local ones will…

12:50, 03.03.2024

PMs Ciolacu, Sanchez discuss dual citizenship for Romanians in Spain

Romania's Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, national leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), on Saturday met Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez to establish the "last details" on awarding dual citizenship to…

12:50, 21.02.2024

Război în Ucraina, ziua 728: UE a aprobat al 13-lea pachet de sancțiuni împotriva Rusiei. Când devine oficial documentul și ce prevede acesta - LIVE TEXT

UPDATE 12:30 - Uniunea Europeană a aprobat, miercuri, al 13-lea său pachet de sancțiuni împotriva Rusiei.„Ambasadorii UE tocmai au ajuns la un acord de principiu privind al 13-lea pachet de sancțiuni în contextul…

12:20, 21.02.2024

UE a aprobat al 13-lea pachet de sancțiuni împotriva Rusiei

UE a aprobat miercuri cel de-al 13-lea pachet de sancțiuni împotriva Rusiei, a anunțat președinția belgiană a UE pe platforma de socializare X, confirmând ceea ce sursele au declarat anterior pentru Reuters, citate…

00:11, 08.02.2024

Bastonul de mareșal din desaga pribegiei prin lumea mare

Luiza Rădulescu Pintilie Astrologii susțin că anul în care am intrat e unul al revoluțiilor astrale. Unii dintre cei care se ocupă de mersul vieții pe pământ par a ține cu tot dinadinsul să ducă omenirea în primele…

16:41, 07.02.2024

PM Ciolacu reiterates govt's commitment to NRRP implementation

The government is fully committed to implementing the NRRP and to attracting as many European funds and foreign investments as possible, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu on Wednesday told the EU member states' ambassadors…

13:35, 25.01.2024

Steps for full integration of Romania in Schengen will continue this year, says minister Predoiu

Steps for full integration of Romania in Schengen will continue this year, says minister PredoiuThe steps for Romania's full integration into the Schengen area will continue this year, the key to success being…

22:10, 19.01.2024

PM Ciolacu welcomes Financial Supervisory Authority's decision on mandatory vehicle insurance for hauliers

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu on Friday welcomed the decision of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) Council through which hauliers will have access to a "reasonable" premium rate in the case of mandatory…

12:40, 12.01.2024

Romania's and Bulgaria's Schengen accession (enr)

Romania's and Bulgaria's Schengen accession (enr)After more than ten years of waiting: Bulgaria and Romania have been given the green light to join Europe's free-travel Schengen area by air and sea from March 2024.…

22:50, 05.01.2024

Ce conflicte urmărim în 2024? Războiul din Ucraina se află abia pe locul patru (raport)

Raportul PPS (Preventive Priorities Survey/Sondajul Priorităţilor de Prevenţie) anual al Consiliului pentru Relaţii Externe (Council on Foreign Relations), publicat pe 4 ianuarie, prezintă 30 de conflicte de urmărit…

15:15, 03.01.2024

Detaliul stânjenitor descoperit în clipul de lansare al președinției belgiene a Consiliului Uniunii Europene

Marca audio a „Audio Jungle”, un agregator de sunete, poate fi auzită pe tot parcursul videoclipului de lansare a președinteției, o dovadă că coloana sonoră a fost încărcată fără plata taxelor de utilizare, relatează…

12:05, 29.12.2023

What's in store for the European Union in 2024? (enr)

In 2024, elections will take centre stage - not only domestically but also EU-wide as well as in the USA and Russia. The Union is looking at elections in early June. Many of the present discussions revolving around…

16:36, 28.12.2023

Spanish presidency of the EU Council actively supports Romania's efforts to join Schengen

The Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union "actively" supports Romania's efforts to join the Schengen Zone, according to a joint statement of the foreign ministries from Bucharest and Madrid, issued…

10:30, 18.12.2023

Environment minister to participate in Environment Council meeting in Brussels

Environment minister to participate in Environment Council meeting in BrusselsEnvironment, Water and Forests Minister Mircea Fechet will attend the Environment Council meeting in Brussels on Monday, the ministry…

20:05, 15.12.2023

Minister Raluca Turcan: Sibiu is the most relevant cultural city of Romania

Minister Raluca Turcan: Sibiu is the most relevant cultural city of RomaniaThe minister of culture, Raluca Turcan, on Friday stated that Sibiu, a former European cultural capital, is "the most relevant cultural…

13:30, 09.12.2023

Bucharest mayor Dan, CEB vice-governor Bocek on seismic risk buildings' financing

In a meeting with the vice-governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), TomᚠBocek, the mayor of Bucharest, Nicusor Dan addressed the possibility of obtaining funds for the consolidation of buildings…

14:35, 05.12.2023

Schengen/IntMin Predoiu: There is time for Dutch parliament and gov't to decide by the end of year

Minister of Interior Catalin Predoiu stated on Tuesday, upon arriving at the meeting of the Council of Justice and Home Affairs in Brussels, that there is time for the parliament and the government in The Hague…

11:40, 05.12.2023

MEP Negrescu: Romania must remain firm in supporting its Schengen cause with JHA Council

Romania must be very firm in supporting its Schengen case with the Council of Justice and Home Affairs, in order to get sure that Austria remains isolated in terms of its opposition to the expansion of the free…

13:30, 04.12.2023

MEP Tomac: We have failed to join Schengen this year, next year there is almost no chance

Romania has failed to join Schengen again, and next year there is almost no chance, because member states have as priority the elections for the European Parliament and then the election of a new European Commission,…

13:16, 29.11.2023

Schengen enlargement, not discussed because Dutch Government has not specified its position (IntMin)

The enlargement of the Schengen Area has not been discussed at the JHA Council since the beginning of December, in which the Netherlands has not officially expressed its position towards Bulgaria after the elections…

20:36, 28.11.2023

Talks on extraordinary JHA Council meeting on Schengen file at December-end (sources)

Talks on extraordinary JHA Council meeting on Schengen file at December-end (sources)At the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council meeting, scheduled to take place in Brussels on December 4 and 5, having on its…