Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:58, 28.03.2020

Foreign Ministry: 365 Romanian citizens temporarily residing in Italy have returned home

A number of 365 Romanian citizens that were temporarily residing in Italy returned home on Friday evening, coming from Venice, with two charter-type aircraft operated by a private company, the Ministry of Foreign…

21:04, 25.03.2020

190 Romanians flown to country from Italy on Wednesday evening

A group of 190 Romanian citizens was repatriated, on Wednesday evening, from Rome, by a charter plane operated by TAROM, informs a release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) issued for AGERPRES. The action…

17:48, 24.03.2020

President Iohannis to HealthMin: Provide facilities for doctors to consult remotely

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday asked the Minister of Health to facilitate for doctors the possibility of giving patients who do not necessarily need to go to the doctor remote consultations, by telephone or…

17:37, 17.03.2020

ANCOM to implement all measures to remove, limit access to fake news

The National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) will implement the measures in the presidential decree regarding the establishment of a state of emergency on Romania's territory,…

15:24, 11.02.2020

Fines worth over 2.5 million lei in 2019 on market of postal services and electronic communications

The National Authority for Administration and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) conducted last year approximately 4,000 controls in the market of postal services and electronic communications, the irregularities…

13:19, 30.01.2020

Bode: 5G means flurry of development opportunities for companies and notable benefits for each Romanian

The future 5G infrastructure is a major opportunity for economic and industrial development and Romania's competitiveness and represents a flurry of opportunities for companies, but also notable benefits for each…

10:44, 30.01.2020

RCS&RDS a atras 850 de milioane de euro de pe piața internațională de capital pentru refinanțarea și achitarea unor datorii

RCS&RDS, cel mai mare furnizor local de servicii TV și internet fix, a reușit să atragă 850 de milioane de euro de pe piața internațională de capital, în urma emisiunii de obligațiuni din data de 27 ianuarie…

12:38, 27.01.2020

RCS&RDS a lansat o ofertă de obligațiuni în valoare de 800 milioane de euro pentru refinanțarea sau rambursarea unor datorii

​RCS&RDS, cel mai mare furnizor local de servicii TV și internet fix, a lansat luni o ofertă de obligațiuni în valoare de 800 milioane de euro în vederea refinanțării/plății anticipate sau rambursării…

13:54, 17.01.2020

Approximately one million phone numbers, ported in 2019, of which 93pct in mobile telephony

Approximately one million phone numbers switched networks during 2019 on the Romanian telecom market, most (93pct) being on the mobile telephony segment, where the first place is held by RCS&RDS, with over…

21:33, 14.01.2020

Transport Minister Bode: From now on, company managers will be appointed based on competence criteria

Managers of companies subordinated to the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications (MTIC) will be appointed based on competence criteria and on the true principles of corporate governance, the Minister…

13:23, 10.01.2020

Free Now application receives permanent technical approval as operator of digital alternative transport platform

Free Now, part of the largest European mobility platform owned by Daimler and BMW, has received permanent technical approval as an operator of the digital alternative transport platform from the Ministry of Transport,…

11:18, 10.01.2020

Turnul Eiffel – 20 de lucruri pe care nu le știai despre simbolul Parisului

Construcția faimoasă ce a devenit una dintre principalele atracții turistice ale Parisului este, cu siguranță, turnul Eiffel. Devenit simbolul Franței, turnul este vizitat anual de peste 5,5 milioane de turiști.…

20:24, 27.12.2019

TAROM signs acquisition agreement for nine new ATR 72-600 aircraft

The national airline TAROM signed the leasing agreement for nine new ATR 72-600 aircraft, with 72 seats, to be used in the regional, domestic and international flights, and to replace the existing ATRs the company…

09:18, 13.12.2019

Minister Bode: Ministry of Transport will have 11.1 billion lei earmarked from budget in 2020

The Ministry of Transport will receive more than 11.1 billion lei from the budget in 2020, with more than 6 billion to be granted under the Title "Non-reimbursable European Funds," the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure…

12:43, 10.12.2019

ANCOM Report: Over half of Romania's mobile internet connections are 4G

More than a half (55 percent) of mobile Internet connections in Romania are 4G, in mid-2019, and two thirds of the users do not limit their browsing on mobile Internet, the statistical data published by the National…

19:08, 09.12.2019

5.1 mln fixed Internet connections and 19.6 mln mobile connections in Q1

The number of fixed Internet connections reached 5.1 million in the first half of the year, an increase of 0.9 pct over the same period of 2018, while, in the case of mobile Internet, a drop of 1.4 pct was recorded,…

20:36, 06.12.2019

IntMin Vela: By this evening, I expect the Gendarmerie to send me declassification of August 10 communications

Minister of Interior Marcel Vela said he expects the Gendarmerie to submit the recordings of the conversations that the gendarmes had through the walkie talkie stations in the evening of August 10 2018.  "By this…

18:13, 29.11.2019

Klaus Iohannis a decorat un consilier controversat de la Ministerul Educaţiei, care a avut afaceri în privat cu ministerul

Președintele Klaus Iohannis a decorat vineri mai multe personalități din domeniile educație și medicină, cu prilejul zilei de 1 Decembrie, printre care consilierul Daniela Vişoianu, rectorii Sorin Cîmpeanu, Remus…

15:25, 28.11.2019

„Document Automation" de la Zipper a fost implementată cu succes la FNGCIMM

&"Zipper România a venit în întâmpinarea nevoilor de automatizare a proceselor recurente de validare a datelor provenite de la bănci, a unora dintre programele garantate de FNGCIMM. Soluția…

17:23, 23.11.2019

Transport Minister discusses with Dacia management on phase of infrastructure projects

Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications, Lucian Bode, discussed, on Friday, with representatives of Dacia company about the phase of the infrastructure projects needed to develop both the export…

12:33, 15.11.2019

Asociația C4C propune decidenților 4 politici publice alternative de îmbunătățire a calității educației incluzive pentru copiii cu deficiențe auditive…

În cadrul proiectului „Acces la educație incluzivă de calitate pentru copiii CES cu deficiențe auditive și vizuale (EDU-CES)”, Asociația C4C Communication for Community a organizat, pe 24 octombrie, un eveniment…

09:36, 15.11.2019

Asociația C4C propune 4 politici publice alternative de îmbunătățire a calității educației incluzive

pentru copiii cu deficiențe auditive și vizuale În cadrul proiectului „Acces la educație incluzivă de calitate pentru copiii CES cu deficiențe auditive și vizuale (EDU-CES)”, Asociația C4C Communication for Community…

09:35, 05.11.2019

Number of IT programmers benefiting from income tax exemption reaches 100,000 in 2019

The number of IT programmers who benefit from the tax exemption related to the salary income increased, in 2019, to 100,000, from 75,000 a year ago, and this was due to the maintaining this facility and the extension…

17:23, 03.11.2019

Memorandum on 5G between the US and Romania disclosed: 5G vendors should be subjected to rigorous evaluation

Vendors of 5G networks must undergo a rigorous evaluation and the protection of the next generation communications networks from disruption or manipulation, and ensuring the privacy and the individual liberties…

16:34, 29.10.2019

Alternative transport app Clever announces having received final technical okay from Ministry of Communications

Clever has obtained a final technical okay as operator of the digital alternative transport platform from the Ministry of Communications and Information Society, based on the Emergency Ordinance no. 49/2019 regarding…

12:58, 28.10.2019


Departamentul de Științe ale Comunicării și Relații Publice din cadrul Facultății de Filosofie și Științe Social-Politice, Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, anunță a doua ediție a conferinței internaționale…

15:08, 24.10.2019

Raluca Turcan picked for deputy prime minister (bio)

On October 24, 2019, Prime Minister-designate Ludovic Orban unveiled the composition of his cabinet that he will submit to the Parliament for a vote. MP Raluca Turcan was picked for the position of deputy prime…

10:24, 17.10.2019

PM-designate Orban presents several ministries not to be included in new Gov't

Prime Minister-designate Ludovic Orban on Wednesday evening presented several ministries that would not exist in the new Executive, including the Energy Ministry and the Ministry for Romanians Abroad.  "Energy…

08:46, 15.10.2019

Asociaţia Timişoara Capitală Culturală Europeană 2021 caută companii partenere şi semnează cu o societate pentru Fund Raising

Societatea specializată în domeniul comunicării, înfiinţată în urmă cu mi mulţi ani pentru a se ocupa de activitatea de PR a Patronatului Industriei Italiene din România – Unimpresa, a primit încrederea Asociaţiei…

21:07, 14.10.2019

Asociația Timișoara 2021, parteneriat cu o companie din București pentru strângerea de fonduri

Asociația Timișoara 2021 – Capitala Europeană a Culturii, a încredințat în mod oficial activitățile de fundraising societății ADV Communication din București. Contractul a fost semnat de Președintele Consiliului…