Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:15, 11.01.2022

PM Ciuca: Government, committed to actively implement projects that contribute to cleaner environment

The Government is committed to be actively involved in implementing projects that will contribute to a cleaner environment and a healthier life for the citizens, PM Nicolae Ciuca declared on Tuesday, during the…

08:40, 22.12.2021

2022Budget: Parliament budget for 2022 gets favourable opinion from budget-finance committees

The parliamentary budget-finance commissions gave a favourable opinion, on Tuesday, with 23 votes "in favour" and 7 "against", on the budget of the AGERPRES Romanian National News Agency for 2022. "The budget allocated…

10:20, 21.12.2021

PM Ciuca at meeting with President of the European Council presents commitment to strengthening cohesion at EU level

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca presented, during his meeting in Brussels on Monday, with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, the main priorities of the Government and offered assurances regarding…

15:41, 10.12.2021

Aurescu: Romania is firmly committed to strengthen Eastern partners’ resilience

Romania‘s Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu announced at the Bucharest Forum on Friday, that Romania is committed to supporting joint efforts that are aimed to strengthen the resilience of Eastern partners,…

14:15, 10.12.2021

ForMin Aurescu: Romania is firmly committed to joint efforts to strengthen Eastern partners' resilience

Romania is firmly committed to supporting joint efforts meant to strengthen the resilience of Eastern partners, with the common strategic interest being to facilitate a climate of security and democratic stability…

18:30, 09.12.2021

President Iohannis reaffirms Romania's commitment to support Moldova in processes of transformation, modernization and implementation of reforms

President Klaus Iohannis reconfirmed Romania's commitment to support the Republic of Moldova in the processes of transformation, modernization and implementation of reforms, on the occasion of the reception on…

09:15, 09.12.2021

Numărul jurnaliștilor încarcerați în toată lumea a atins un nivel record anul acesta / Cel puțin 24 au fost uciși pentru că și-au făcut meseria - raport

Numărul jurnaliștilor din întreaga lume care se află în spatele gratiilor a atins un nivel record la nivel mondial în 2021, potrivit unui nou raport al organizației &"Committee to Protect Journalists&"…

22:06, 08.12.2021

HealthMin Rafila, Hungary's Deputy Health Minister discuss use of Favipiravir for Covid outpatients

Health Minister Alexandru Rafila said that he discussed with Hungary's Deputy Health Minister the use in the neighboring country of Favipiravir for the treatment of Covid outpatients, but cautioned that antivirals…

13:50, 06.12.2021

PNL's Citu: Today, first discussion on budget; we must keep our commitments to Romanians

National chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Florin Citu said on Monday that the finance minister will attend a meeting of the governing coalition to unveil a version of the state budget for next year,…

19:20, 24.11.2021

Vasile Dincu clears Parliament joint select committees for minister of National Defense

Nominee for Minister of National Defense Vasile Dincu received Wednesday the favourable opinion of the Parliament joint select committees. There were 34 votes "in favour" and six "against". The committees' opinion…

18:31, 24.11.2021

Daniel Cadariu clears committees hearings for minister of Entrepreneurship and Tourism

Daniel Cadariu cleared hearings at a joint meeting of Parliament's select committees on Wednesday for minister of Entrepreneurship and Tourism, with 32 votes "in favour" and 12 votes "against". The vote in the…

18:31, 24.11.2021

Marius Budai clears select committees hearings for Minister of Labor and Social Protection

Marius Budai, the proposed Minister of Labor and Social Protection cleared hearings at a joint meeting of Parliament's select committees on Wednesday. Among the members of the four select committees of the Chamber…

18:31, 24.11.2021

Ciuca Gov't hearings/ Lucian Bode cleared for Interior Minister

Nominee for Minister of the Interior Lucian Bode received today the nod of approval of the Parliament joint expert committees. The committees' opinion is advisory.

18:01, 24.11.2021

Florin Spataru clears committees hearings for minister of Economy

The proposed Minister of Economy, Florin Spataru cleared hearings at a joint meeting of Parliament's select committees on Wednesday, with 30 votes "in favour" and 19 votes "against". On November 23, 2021, Prime…

14:25, 24.11.2021

Bogdan Aurescu clears committee hearings for minister of Foreign Affairs

Bogdna Aurescu, the pick for minister of Foreign Affairs, on Wednesday cleared hearings at a joint meeting of Parliament's select committees. Aurescu received 31 votes "in favour", and eleven "against" from the…

13:20, 24.11.2021

Ministerial hearings/Sorin Grindeanu - favourable opinion for the position of Minister of Transport and Infrastructure

Sorin Grindeanu on Wednesday received a favorable opinion for the portfolio of Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, from the joint specialized committees of the Parliament, agerpres reports. There were 24…

13:11, 24.11.2021

Alexandru Rafila green lighted by specialist committees of Parliament for minister of health

PSD (Social Democratic Party) Deputy Alexandru Rafila cleared by the specialist committees of Parliament, on Wednesday, for the office of Minister of Health. There were 26 votes cast in his favour and 10 against…

12:40, 24.11.2021

Sorin Cimpeanu cleared by specialist committees for minister of education office

Sorin Cimpeanu on Wednesday received the approval of the specialist committees of Parliament for the office of minister of education. Heţs got 29 votes "in favour" and three "against" from the members of the committees…

12:30, 24.11.2021

Adrian Caciu green lighted by specialist committees for Minister of Finance office

Adrian Caciu was cleared by specialist committees of Parliament, on Wednesday, for the office of Minister of Finance. There were 34 votes cast "in favour", 7 "against" and one abstention from the total votes cast…

12:25, 24.11.2021

Cseke Attila clears committee hearings for development minister

On Wednesday, Cseke Attila cleared hearings by Parliament's specialist committees for a new term of office as minister of development, public works and administration. Cseke received 34 votes for and 6 against…

11:25, 24.11.2021

Lucian Romascanu - positive opinion for position of Minister of Culture

Senator Lucian Romascanu received a positive opinion on Wednesday from Parliament's specialist committees, for the position of Minister of Culture, agerpres reports. There were 15 votes in favor of his appointment…

09:25, 24.11.2021

Ministers proposed in Ciuca Cabinet - heard in joint committees

The ministers proposed to be part of the Nicolae Ciuca Cabinet will be heard on Wednesday in the specialized parliamentary commissions, agerpres reports. On Tuesday, the Prime Minister-Designate Nicolae Ciuca submitted…

10:25, 23.11.2021

Covid-19. EMA, evaluare accelerată a vaccinului de la Janssen pentru doza de rapel

Agenția Europeană a Medicamentului (EMA) a demarat evaluarea unei cereri pentru utilizarea unei doze de rapel din vaccinul COVID-19 dezvoltat de compania Janssen, care ar trebui administrată la cel puțin două luni…

15:05, 16.11.2021

Chamber/Health committee debates on green certificate; PNL agrees with free testing for 30 days

The National Liberal Party (PNL) maintains, in respect to the draft law on the green certificate, that testing for COVID-19 could become free for 30 days for unvaccinated state and private employees, the head of…

16:11, 02.11.2021

Iohannis: Romania is committed to enhance the system of forest protection and plant forests in new areas

Romania is committed to enhance the system of forest protection and plant forests in new areas, President Klaus Iohannis says. "Protecting forests and sustainable land use are crucial to fight #climatechange. We…

13:21, 02.11.2021

Iohannis: Romania commits to increase percentage of electrical energy coming from renewables

Romania has one of the "lowest" rates of greenhouse gas emissions per capita in the European Union, stated, on Tuesday, in Glasgow, President Klaus Iohannis, who added that Romania is committing to increasing,…

17:40, 29.10.2021

MAE hails adoption of Space 2030 Agenda resolution, initiated by Romania, in plenum of UN General Assembly

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hailed on Friday the adoption of the Space 2030 Agenda - space as a driver of sustainable development, by the plenum of the UN General Assembly, a document initiated by Romania as…

09:41, 20.10.2021

EMA a început evaluarea continuă pentru medicamentul Evusheld, dezvoltat de AstraZeneca pentru prevenirea COVID-19

EMA a început evaluarea continuă pentru medicamentul Evusheld, dezvoltat de AstraZeneca pentru prevenirea COVID-19. Agenţia Europeană a Medicamentului, prin Comitetul pentru Medicamente de Uz Uman (Committee for…

08:25, 20.10.2021

Agenţia Europeană a Medicamentului a demarat evaluarea continuă pentru medicamentul Evusheld, dezvoltat de AstraZeneca pentru prevenirea COVID-19

Agenţia Europeană a Medicamentului (EMA) a demarat evaluarea continuă a medicamentului EvuSheld, o combinaţie de doi anticorpi monoclonali, dezvoltat de AstraZeneca AB pentru prevenirea infecţiei cu COVID-19 la…

14:10, 18.10.2021

Agenția Europeană a Medicamentului evaluează o combinație de anticorpi monoclonali pentru prevenirea infecției cu COVID-19 la adulți

Comitetul EMA pentru medicamente de uz uman (Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use – CHMP) a demarat procesul de evaluare continuă a datelor referitoare la medicamentul Evusheld (cunoscut și cu numele…