Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:51, 11.03.2024

Aurel Vlaicu, commemorated on June 17 as Hero of the Romanian Nation

On Monday, the deputies adopted, with a majority of votes, the draft law by which Aurel Vlaicu is declared Hero of the Romanian Nation and will be commemorated on June 17. "To honor the memory of Aurel Vlaicu (1882…

20:35, 27.11.2023

President Iohannis to attend event remembering outlawing of Romanian Greek-Catholic Church

President Iohannis to attend event remembering outlawing of Romanian Greek-Catholic ChurchPresident Klaus Iohannis will meet on Wednesday in Blaj a synod of bishops of the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church and attend…

08:40, 20.03.2023

Romanian state must support Romanian communities in Ukraine more than ever (PSD)

The Romanian state must support, more than ever in the current context, the Romanian communities in Ukraine, said on Sunday the secretary general of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Paul Stanescu, who participated…

18:45, 08.03.2023

Anti-communist political prisoners to be commemorated by running acclaimed documentary

Romania's anti-communist political prisoners from 1944 to1989 will be commemorated on Friday, March 10, in Brasov, in two events - a military and religious ceremony and the Brasov premiere screening of the episode…

22:46, 26.02.2023

Astăzi în Moldova au fost commemorate victimele de la Khojaly

La 26 februarie, azerii care locuiesc în diferite părți ale Moldovei, inclusiv în Transnistria, au depus flori la basorelieful “Khojaly”, în scuarul din preajma Ambasadei Republicii Azerbaidjan în Republica Moldova.…

12:51, 08.01.2023

Nearly 350 persons have commemorated Szeklers killed at Siculeni, in 1764, by then Austrian rule

Nearly 350 people participated on Saturday, in the town of Siculeni in central County of Harghita, in the commemoration of the Szeklers killed in 1764 because they refused to enlist in the Austrian imperial troops.…

13:40, 28.12.2022

Local Council rejects project to dismantle Mircea Vulcanescu commemorative bust

The Bucharest Sector 2 Local Council rejected on Wednesday the draft decision regarding the initiation of procedures to remove the bust of philosopher, writer and politician Mircea Vulcanescu from the sector's…

13:25, 27.12.2022

National Bank issues gold coin commemorating writer Marin Preda's birth centennial

The National Bank of Romania (BNR) will release on December 28 a gold coin commemorating the birth centennial of writer Marin Preda, as well as a silver coin dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Romania's joining…

18:45, 23.11.2022

Declaration of Parliament on commemoration of Holodomor of 1932 - 1933 in Ukraine

Senators and deputies voted, on Wednesday, with 248 votes "for" and one abstention, the Declaration of Romania's Parliament on the commemoration of the deliberate famine of 1932 - 1933 in Ukraine, the Holodomor.…

10:20, 13.11.2022

VIDEO Două avioane s-au ciocnit în timpul unui spectacol aerian la Dallas

Doua avioane militare s-au ciocnit si s-au prabusit, sâmbata, în timpul unui spectacol aerian din Dallas, scrie AP, care mentioneaza ca nu se stie clar câti oameni erau la bord. A private historical Boeing B-17…

08:30, 13.11.2022

Momentul în care două avioane militare s-au ciocnit în zbor, la un spectacol aerian în Dallas. „Nu ştim câte persoane se aflau la bord”

Două avioane militare s-au ciocnit şi s-au prăbuşit, sâmbătă, 12 noiembrie, în timpul unui spectacol aerian din Dallas, scrie AP, care menţionează că nu se ştie clar câţi oameni erau la bord. Echipajele de urgenţă…

07:30, 13.11.2022

Accident aviatic grav - Două aeronave s-au ciocnit în zbor - Nu se știe clar câte persoane se aflau la bord

Echipajele de urgenţă s-au deplasat la locul accidentului de pe Aeroportul Executive din Dallas, la aproximativ 16 kilometri de centrul oraşului. Imaginile de la faţa locului au arătat epavele avioanelor într-o…

18:00, 11.11.2022

French, German and Bulgarian ambassadors to commemorate Armistice Day in Bucharest on Saturday

The French, German and Bulgarian ambassadors to Romania will commemorate on Saturday Armistice Day in Bucharest's Pro Patria cemetery, the French diplomatic mission informs. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

16:30, 04.11.2022

DefMin Tilvar attends commemoration ceremony organised in honor of Italian Armed Forces

National Defence Minister Angel Tilvar participated in the ceremony celebrating Italy's National Unity and Armed Forces Day, Italy's Embassy in Bucharest informed, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

13:40, 04.11.2022

Cartoons exhibition dedicated to commemoration of events of November 15, 1987, at Museum of Memories of Communism

A temporary exhibition of cartoons dedicated to the commemoration of 35 years since the events of November 15, 1987 is hosted, this month, by the Museum of Memories of Communism in Brasov, the event being organized…

10:55, 31.10.2022

Victims of tragedy at Colectiv, commemorated in front of the club

The victims of the October 30, 2015 fire at Colectiv Club in Bucharest were commemorated, on Sunday, in front of the club, by more than 120 people who lit candles and laid flowers next to pictures with the story…

12:05, 26.10.2022

Joint plenary meeting of Parliament on 14 Nov to commemorate 1987 Anti-communist Rebellion in Brasov

The plenary meeting of Parliament is set to gather on 14 November in order to commemorate the victims of the Anti-Communist Rebellion in Brasov of 15 November 1987, the Joint Standing Bureaus of the Senate and…

13:21, 09.10.2022

Foreign Affairs Ministry brings tribute to memory of Holocaust victims from WW II

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs pays tribute on Sunday to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust during the World War II and expresses its solidarity with its survivors, a message sent on the occasion of the…

13:05, 07.10.2022

PM Ciuca: The Holocaust, a premeditated crime that happened in the middle of society

The Holocaust was a premeditated crime that happened in the middle of society, a collapse of institutions, of all norms and humanity. It was generated by historical anti-Semitism, by the moral perversion of the…

20:15, 25.08.2022

Aurel Vainer, Carol Konig commemorated at ProEtnica Intercultural Festival in Sighisoara

Carol Konig, organiser and founder of ProEtnica from the Ministry of Culture, and Aurel Vainer, the late president of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania (FCER), both of whom died in the autumn of 2021,…

13:35, 23.08.2022

Klaus Iohannis: August 23, 1939, Day of condemnation to a cruel future for millions of people

The Day of Commemoration of the Victims of Fascism and Communism, August 23, is the most suitable occasion to pay a pious tribute to the memory of all those who experienced the horrors of totalitarian regimes and…

20:30, 26.04.2022

EnviMin: We must avoid taking measures that provoke tragedies similar to Chernobyl

Commemorating Chernobyl tragedy forces us to be responsible and reminds us of the way in which a few wrong decisions affected day-to-day life of people on an entire continent, said the Minister of Environment,…

20:21, 02.03.2022

Commemoration ceremony of Liviu Cornel Babes, 33 years after his martyrdom

The martyr hero Liviu Cornel Babes, who set himself on fire, 33 years ago, on the Bradul slope in central Poiana Brasov in protest against the communist regime, was commemorated on Wednesday by his family, representatives…

15:55, 22.02.2022

Roma who died in camps, deportations, and slavery commemorated at Pasărea Monastery

The Romani people who died in camps, deportations, and slavery were commemorated during a memorial service at Pasărea Monastery near Bucharest on Sunday. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

15:50, 22.02.2022

Martyr Valeriu Gafencu commemorated at Târgu Ocna on 70th anniversary

Valeriu Gafencu, one of the most beloved 20th-century Romanian martyrs, was prayerfully commemorated on Friday, February 18, on the 70th anniversary of his martyric repose in the Lord. Fii la curent cu cele mai…

09:00, 08.02.2022

Transylvania Metropolitan commemorates greatest Romanian philanthropist Emanuil Gojdu

The Metropolitan of Transylvania commemorated Romania’s most outstanding philanthropist Emanuil Gojdu on the 152nd anniversary of his repose during a memorial service in Sibiu last week. The memorial service was…

12:26, 12.01.2022

They protect us in 2022: The Saints who prayed unceasingly to God

The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church has decided that 2022 will be the Commemorative Year of the Holy Hesychasts Symeon the New Theologian, Gregory Palamas and Paisius Velichkovsky of Neamț in the Romanian…

20:20, 26.12.2021

Anti-communist martyrs from December 1989 commemorated in Bucharest’s Revolution Square

A commemoration service was officiated on Wednesday in Bucharest’s Romanian Revolution Square. Prayers were offered for the martyrs who fought for freedom during the last days of the Nicolae Ceauşescu’s communist…

19:00, 15.11.2021

Anticommunist uprising in Brasov - commemorated by Deputies' Chamber plenum

The Deputies commemorated, on Monday, in plenary sitting, the day of November 15, which is the Day of the 1987 Anticommunist Rebellion which took place in Brasov. The leader of the PNL (National Liberal Party)…

17:20, 22.10.2021

Anti-communist revolution in Hungary, commemorated in Sfantu Gheorghe and Targu Secuiesc

The anti-communist revolution in Hungary, with 65 years since its outbreak being marked this month and which had reverberations in Romania as well, will be commemorated in Sfantu Gheorghe on Saturday by the Association…